I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 207 5 for 1 is outdated

New Yu Xia Elf? Jonouchi took a breath of cold air. He didn't expect that the other party also had this thing in his hand.

These days, is it actually a fashion for a certain monster to have the field elf behind it?

The Xinyuxia elves will not be destroyed by battle. The tenth generation of Overlord relied on Ultraman's power to completely put down the attacks of You Miao's Dark Xinyuxia and Whiteboard Xinyuxia.

At the same time, when the Xinyuxia Elf is specially summoned, Overlord Tenth Generation retrieves a card from the deck and adds it to his hand.

How is Ultraman's power? You Miao looked at the other person and asked.

That's great. Overlord Judai followed his heart and spoke the truth in his heart.

Then I'm going to get serious. You Miao has already dealt with the most difficult part, and he will go all out next.

You haven't really done anything yet. It's awesome. Let me see who will win in this duel. Overlord Judai was not intimidated by You Miao's words at all, because he would be the winner.

Entering the main stage two, I activate the magic card in my hand, the Seven-Star Sword. You Miao inserted the card into the duel plate, and the card with the power of liberation released its power.

You Miao liberated the 7-star white board Ultraman, and then continued to add two cards to his hand from the deck.

At this time, You Miao looked at Judai and smiled maliciously:

The card that your Xinyuxia elf accurately retrieves is very troublesome when you think about it.

So let everything go to my grave.

Hand obliteration!

Both players discard all cards, and then draw the discarded number of cards from the deck.

Overlord Judai had a look of pain on his face. He reluctantly sent the cards in his hand to the graveyard, and then drew new cards from the deck.

What an insidious tactic. An Yuxi subconsciously felt terrible. The accurately retrieved card must be a very important core card, but in the blink of an eye, he was sent to the graveyard by You Miao.

End the turn. You Miao doesn't even need to cover the card, because at the end of the turn, Nebula Xinyuxia will return to the extra deck, and at the same time bring a full-field AOE inside-out effect.

So say goodbye to your past self, Judai! You Miao said, while the blue gem of Nebula Xinyuxia was flashing red.

The power of removing the saint!

Ding dong ding dong ding dong~


With a roar in the sky, Nebula Xinyuxia returned to the extra deck, and at the same time, a dark matter storm began to rage wildly on the field.

All cards in the field are face-down? Jonouchi and Yugi and the others were exposed to the concept of face-down for the first time.

Inside = covered.

If this is the case, it means that the card is in the covered state, which means that the card that is covered cannot confirm any information.

So that's it. After being blocked, it means you can't confirm the information. There are some cards that can be recovered from the excluded area, so there is no way to get these cards back.

For example, Kaiba took out the powerful card Dimension Fusion in the deck.

This card can special summon all the monsters in the excluded area back to the field, but the excluded card on the inside is a card with no information, which means it cannot be confirmed.

Even Dimensional Fusion cannot resurrect cards that are excluded from the inside.

Both Kaiba and Yugi felt that the departure effect of Yu Miao, the Nebula Xin Yu Xia, was too outrageous.

Fortunately, there is no difference except for the inside. If it were only aimed at the enemy, it would be really terrible.

Xingyun Xinyuxia is already a graduate of the Kshatriya training class!

The ultimate dark matter nebula! ! !


Terrifying energy erupted in the venue.

The Mature Chronicles, Xinyu Elves and Painful Nightmares in the Overlord Tenth Generation were all excluded from the inside.

The power of removing the saints is so terrifying!

In the tenth generation of Overlord, everything that belongs to Yubel has been excluded from the inside.

Sister You could only squat on the ground beside her with her eyes closed in tears, watching all this happen helplessly.

The most powerful suffering master after evolution, Yubel!

What she can feel is that the power of the evil heart in the Tenth Generation deck is declining crazily, and is being refilled by the essence of the new space.

Judai's field was washed again, and his eyes were clear but also had a hint of relief.

Mr. You Miao, I'm going to fuck you!

My turn, draw a card.

Nebula Xinyuxia's attack eliminated the Holy Dark Matter Storm, completely dispelling the last ferocity of the Tenth Generation of Overlords!

Now standing in front of You Miao is no longer the Judai dominated by the Overlord, but the Judai reborn from the ashes!

The field for both sides was empty. Due to the effect of Nebula Xinyuxia, You Miao did not deploy any defense line.

At first glance, maybe You Miao is in danger now.

However, both Yugi and Kaiba believe that there must be some trick in the other's graveyard.

Magic card, EN-battle the new universe! Judai showed his trump card.

Jonouchi shouted directly: The same substitute?

That's right, the EN-War New Universe revealed by the Tenth Generation is the new power that New Yuxia brought to him from the new universe.

As for how to use this power, he had already seen it just now.

The Dark Black Panther and Shadow Mist Girl special summon the second Neo-Xia elf through the battle with the power of the New Universe.

[Xinyu Elf, 2000 defense, warrior type]

The magic card of the Battle Universe Retrieval Deck, Fusion!

A new search for the New Universe Elf, a magic or trap card recording a new universe field.

The Shadow Mist Girl who entered the cemetery asked Judai to search for Elemental Hero-Skyman!

A battle with the new universe allowed Judai to earn three cards in an instant, which was a huge profit.

This is the powerful power of the collaboration between Xinyu and Heroes.

Amazing, really amazing, this brand new power. Judai said with excitement.

This is much easier to use than Yubel.

Hearing Judai's words, Yubel cried even more sadly, like a poor wife who had been abandoned.

Ultraman, damn it, give me back my Judai!

It seems to be exactly the same tactics.

The game has a strong sense of déjà vu. In the Duel City finals, I and You Miao also used the same magician power to duel.

The duel continues.

At this moment, Judai placed the monster retrieved in his hand in the monster area: Normal summon, elemental hero-Skyman.


[Skyman, 1800 attack power, warrior clan]

As a noble elemental hero, Skyman not only has the effect of destroying magic trap cards, but also has the effect of retrieving any hero.

Of course, you can only choose one of Skyman's two effects to use, but this card is so great that it doesn't have a limit of once per turn.

Judai unfolded the deck and added a Hero of Destiny-Decision Boy from among the many cards into his hand.

this moment!

The golden fighting spirit energy in Judai's body was spreading, and he perfectly controlled the power of the Overlord.

Naturally, he can also use any heroic power. How can the power of a true hero be controlled by evil intentions!

Destiny hero?

You Miao looked surprised, this was Ed's power.

Although Judai is a hero user, it does not mean that he is not qualified to control the Hero of Destiny, but he should not be able to use the Hero of Destiny.

Suddenly, You Miao became a little more concerned about this strange thing.

Magic card, fusion! Judai fused Sky Man and Decision Boy.

Fusion conditions: Hero monsters with different attributes.

In the dazzling beyond, the heroes of the rising sun will not be absent. Under the control of Judai, a hero monster wearing red armor entered the scene.

[Elemental Hero-Sunrise Man, 2500 → 2700 attack power, warrior type/fusion]

Sunrise Man activated the effect, and I added a Miracle Fusion from the deck to my hand. Judai's operation was smooth and smooth. Even though he had given up on his old friend for so long, he didn't feel unfamiliar at all when he picked it up again.

Some people are naturally the best magician users, like Yugi.

Some people are born to be the most domineering dragon users, such as Kaiba.

Of course, the user who is born to be a hero must be Yujo Judai.

Having evil in your heart is not a wrong thing. What is wrong is that I have been running away from it. Judai raised the miracle fusion in his hand and shouted: Mr. You Miao, this is my answer to you!

——Thank you, Mr. You Miao, it’s thanks to guys like you that I can completely wake up.

Magic card, miracle fusion! !

Fusion conditions: Shadow Mist Girl, Sky Man, Xin Yu Xia Elf, Dark Cheetah, Sunrise Man.

5 fusion materials, start to fuse directly!

Judai regains the power of the hero and the new universe, and his unreasonable fusion creates greater glory!

5 for 1?

Haha, the layout is too small.

5 materials are considered a miraculous fusion, and the current tenth generation directly exchanges 6 for 1! !

The ultimate miraculous power emerged, and this warm, scorching white light full of new hope made everyone present feel hot inside.

Everyone seems to be able to see the existence of hope.

As long as your heart is full of hope, even if there is an evil side in your heart, you can still find your own path.

Judai closed his eyes and felt the light, and he said softly: I will never lose to myself again.

god! !

The god who belongs to the new universe has officially entered the scene.

[Elemental Hero-God Xinyuxia, 3000 attack power, warrior type/fusion]

When the light reached its peak, a huge ball of golden light fell, and something wearing a golden armor gradually emerged from it. Its whole body seemed to be surrounded by golden flames, shining with hot and powerful light, and its eyes were as deep as the sea, expressing Such infinite hope and power!

Mr. You Miao, this is my strongest monster now.

God Xin Yuxia can be summoned through two methods of fusion

Judai was like a child who was happy to get the perfect toy. He was explaining the power of this God Xinyu Xia to You Miao.

To put it simply, the tenth generation of God Xinyu Xia has two ways to appear.

The first is the ultimate 6-for-1 fusion of real cards.

The second type is the ultimate 6-for-1 contact fusion in anime.

But no matter which way he appears, it will not affect the power of God Xinyuxia. He will just choose how to summon it based on the existing resources of the tenth generation.

To be honest, You Miao really smelled the pungent smell of wet ink from this card of God Xin Yuxia.

The power of God Xinyuxia made Kaiba and Yugi agree. They felt from this monster a sense of oppression that was no less than that of the God Card.

Yubel looked at the arrogant god Xin Yuxia. She covered her heart and shouted: Judai, I can do this too!


God Xin Yuxia releases golden light.

① God New Universe can select 1 monster with New Universe in his deck to be removed from the game, and get the monster effect of the excluded card. For this effect, 1 card in each hand will be removed from the game. This card The attack power increases by 500.

② Once per turn, God·New Universe can remove 1 monster with the name New Universe, New Universe, and Hero in its graveyard from the game. This card's attack power increases by 500. And, until the end phase, you get the same effect as that monster.

You Miao called him a good guy. Judai didn't just print a picture of Ultraman God who didn't even have him in front of him.

Even this Ultraman God is still a real card + anime version of Tenhu form!

1 effect is not limited to once per turn.

First, exclude a few New Universe cards from the deck. Judai explained as he started to operate.


Ultraman God will remove Sky Hummingbird, Glowing Moss, Flame Beetle, Water Wave Dolphin, and Earth Mole from the deck, and gain the effects of these monsters.

[God Xinyuxia: 3000→5500 attack power]

Activate the effect of Water Wave Dolphin, discard 1 card in your hand, check the opponent's hand and select 1 monster card.

When a monster with the selected monster's attack power or higher exists on your field, destroy the selected monster card and inflict 500 damage to the opponent.

God Xinyu Xia has an attack power of 5000, so it is impossible for You Miao to have monsters exceeding this value in his hands.

Hehehe, Mr. You Miao, let me hold your cards in your hand. Judai said with a look of success.

Even if this method is despicable, Judai really wants to win this duel, and he must win!

Something happened, You Miao must have a monster on his hands. An Yuxi realized that You Miao was in a very dangerous situation, and with only 50 health points left, it was impossible to block the 500 damage.

It's okay. You Miao should have cards like those clean chestnut balls in his hand, right? Jonouchi remembered that these chestnut balls can prevent effect damage, and turned them all to 0!

Stop saying these stupid words. The most terrifying part of this effect is to first observe your hand and then select a monster to destroy. Kaiba said it clearly.

It's useless for You Miao to have the Miscellaneous Fish Coolie Wave in his hand, because the opponent can choose to destroy the Miscellaneous Fish Coolie Wave and not give you a chance to use it at all.

Jonouchi reacted and put on a Usopp expression on the spot. He shouted in surprise: Isn't that a defeat?

Yami Yugi fell silent, staring intently at the duel.

The result is coming! !

Oh, that's it, Wadokana.

Ultraman God is indeed very strong, but his weaknesses are too obvious.

Under Judai's incredulous gaze, Yu Miao activated a trap card from his hand.

When everyone was sweating for You Miao, two terrifying bubble impacts struck Ultraman God in a lightning posture!

Even Ultraman God has no way to withstand this terrifying impact.


Ultraman God was turned gray on the spot, his golden sacred armor was possessed by foam, and his whole body turned gray.

[God·Xinyuxia:5500→3000 attack power]

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