I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 201 Who is true love? (refined)

Although the opponent's monster's effect is negated, the Flame Wing Man's attack power is only 2100, which is no match for the Evil Blade Death Demon with 3000 attack power. Shizuka walked forward holding the camera, and her protagonist approached You Miao and asked side by side.

That's hard to say. If my guess is correct, Judai's next card should be. You Miao motioned to Shizuka to watch and study hard.

Sure enough, Kojudai held up an equipment magic card that released huge power.

Beloved hero! !


A bright moon hung high in the sky, and the Flame Wing Man was seen jumping high into the sky, with a dazzling light shining on the bright red dragon head of its arm.

This card can only be equipped to Hero monsters with 5 stars or higher.

As long as there is a field card, with the blessing of your beloved hero, the equipped monster's attack power will increase by its original defense power, and it will not be the target of the opponent's effects.

The field card has an Overlord City.

After Xiao Judai finished speaking, the Flame Wing Man began to attack.

[Elemental Hero-Flame Wingman: 2100 → 3300 attack power]

So that's it. My monster effect was invalidated. It turns out that you want to use the effect of Flame Wing Man to cause a lot of damage to me. Overlord noticed Judai's plan.

Attack, Flame Wing Man. Judai shouted.

Stupid, have you forgotten the lesson just now? Overlord waved his arms and explained loudly: When the demon monster and your monster are doing damage calculation, I can use Overlord City's rush attack effect.

That's right, even if the Flame Wing Man's current attack power is higher, once Overlord City starts to attack.

What can the Flame Wing Man do?

However, Judai smiled and said, That's hard to say.

The second effect of Beloved Hero is activated.

It can be activated at the beginning of any combat phase between the two parties. Activate by selecting 1 field magic card from your hand or deck.

Of course a hero must have a stage to fight.

A place like Overlord City is not suitable for heroes!

Kojudai draws a field magic card from the deck and places it again.


According to the rules of the first generation, only one field is allowed in each field.

Boom boom boom.


The eerie and symbolic Overlord City began to crumble and collapse.


Under the dark night, a group of high-rise buildings stood majestically.

These high-rise buildings seem to intersect with the dark night sky. From a distance, they are like lighthouses, illuminating the surrounding darkness and bringing a mysterious and hopeful atmosphere.


At the top of the tall buildings in this city of heroes, although it looked a little blurry in the night, the figure with arms crossed was so outstanding against the moon.

Flame Winged Man!

Without Overlord City, the Evil Blade Death Demon could not attack.

This is the answer I give you. Judai waved his fist and let the Flame Winged Man attack.

Now, since he was the duelist who took over midway, Jonouchi had also caused damage to the Overlord before, and his health points were 3,000 points.

Once the attack is established, there will be no suspense in this duel.

With the blessing of the beloved hero, the Flame Winged Man will not be targeted by the effect at this moment.

Look at the familiar hero stage and the heroes dancing with fire in the sky!

The dead memories in Overlord's mind came back again.

Duel Academy.

The original entrance exam.

The Overlord also used Skyscraper against Professor Kunonos, and defeated him with the Flame Winged Man's killing blow.

A profound picture begins to emerge.

That was after Judai won the duel, he pointed his fingers at Professor Kunonos and shouted: Win!

Happy, really happy.

The duel at that time was really fun.

There is no need to think about so many things, no one will die if he loses, and no one will betray him.

As the memories of the Overlord's past became more and more profound, Yubel, full of dark power, appeared. She hugged him tightly with both arms and said:

Lord Overlord, you cried and told me that fairy tales are all lies.

Didn't we agree that we would pursue strength together? Wouldn't it be enough to have each other?

We are eternal lovers.

Under Yubel's interference, Overlord's golden eyes became firm again.

Yes, from that day on, the Overlord vowed never to allow himself to lose a duel.

To defeat evil, domineering power is enough!


Twisted evil spreads.

From now on, Overlord will use his true strength.

Boom! !

[Yubel Elf, 0 attack power, demon clan]

When this monster enters the field, Overlord retrieves a card from the deck and opens the covered card at the same time.

Super fusion! !

Cards retrieved by Yubel Spirit are sent to the graveyard as a price for activating super fusion.


Overlord's super fusion is not a simple super fusion. As a symbol of his power and throne, this card has the ultimate power to fuse different worlds!

This is also the biggest proof that the Overlord rules his world.

The movement caused by super fusion is terrifying, and the huge hole torn in the sky releases the ultimate power of fusion.

This terrifying force ruthlessly destroyed the surrounding buildings and everything.

Poor Tong Shiye was in trouble.

In an instant, everyone was shocked by the power of this quick-attack magic card.

The tyranny of super fusion is deeply ingrained in the hearts of Jonouchi and others.

Shizuka couldn't help but hold her brother with her left hand, and then suddenly held You Miao with her right hand. She was very nervous.

You Miao:?

Seeing Jingxiang's frightened look, You Miao thought she was just too scared, so she didn't think deeply.

In duel.

The moment super fusion is launched, everything is unstoppable.

Fusion conditions!

Yubel monster + 1 or more any effect monsters.

Super fusion is the ultimate power that does not take its target. Even the Flame Wingman equipped with his beloved hero cannot avoid it.

Using the opponent's monsters to fuse is the strongest point of super fusion.

The ultimate dark evil power is born again. This is the absolute power of the Overlord to conquer the world.

[Yubel-Eternal Love, 0 attack power, demon/fusion]

The evolved and strongest Yubel looked proud, as if she was laughing at the fact that the Flame Winged Man represented overestimation of one's capabilities.

Beloved hero?

Haha, hahahaha.

She is an eternal love. How can your beloved compare to her love for Judai?

The shameless elemental hero actually wanted to steal Judai right under her nose?

Unforgivable, unforgivable.

The strongest Yubel after evolution?

You Miao's expression changed, and he realized that he had underestimated Overlord's strength.

This is Yubel's latest reinforcement card. It seems that the overlord in front of him is not the newly fallen Judai.

This is probably the ultimate overlord!

When Yubel-Eternal Love is Fusion Summoned, the opponent will be dealt effect damage equal to the fusion material of this card*500.

Therefore, Judai-chan has lost.

It's okay, I'll be very gentle. The evolved strongest Yubel had a gentle look on her face, because she was also facing Judai, so her movements would be very gentle.

If it were anyone else, Yubel wouldn't have this attitude.

The power of counterattack spreads

Little Judai was blasted away, and his health value became zero.

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