I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 196 The dog-licking paradox

Give me that AI. Paradox has forgotten who Becas is.

Now he just wants to take away You Miao's duel disk and Tom AI.

If given a choice, who would stare at a fake ghost guy and make a fuss?

No~ Tom AI looked shy. It hugged You Miao's duel plate hard and kept shouting: You Miao, this future person wants to get rid of me.

As he said that, Tom Ai was still twisting his body in an awkward manner.

You Miao looked at Tom AI, and in his eyes, An AI's original figure slowly overlapped with the AI.

For the future, You Miao grabbed Tom AI with one hand and warned: I know your potential is exaggerated and you have the ability to change the world, but as long as I am still here, you should put away those little thoughts in your heart.

Tom Ai nodded obediently and raised three cat paws to swear!

First, be absolutely obedient.

Second, never act out of emotion.

Third, be absolutely friendly and fair to humans!

You Miao put Tom AI back on the duel plate. He felt that he needed to teach the other party something.

The main reason for the break between Yusaku and Anai is that the former's life is limited.

Once dark AI loses its supervisor, it will immediately evolve and degenerate over a long period of time.

It sounds a bit like the plot of a book, but that's the truth.

But You Miao is different, his life can be longer and longer, even...

As long as he is around, Tom AI will not be able to make trouble.

Don't yell at it. Paradox's face turned green. He regarded this tom as a treasure, but You Miao tortured him wantonly.

You need to use love to influence this living AI, bastard! !

Next, Paradox's operation shocked everyone, and he began to say all kinds of complimentary lines and disgusting love words towards Tom AI.

The purpose is to highlight You Miao's evil and shortcomings and make Tom Ai abandon him quickly.

The duel plate of paradox is always open, AI with unlimited potential, please jump in quickly.

However, a licking dog will not die well.

The same applies to paradoxes.

Tom AI looked at the paradox with an arrogant look and shouted:

You don't deserve it!

I'm having a great time following Mr. You Miao!

You are not qualified to control my awesome Ignis.

Even if he was rejected, Paradox still looked indifferent and he would continue to lick! !


No, the value of this AI is immeasurable.

At this time, Paradox focused its hatred on You Miao.

As long as he defeats the opponent, he can still grab this AI.

In this way, Paradox has forgotten his original intention. Now he just wants to get the AI ​​in front of him.

Kyoko and Yugi were messy in the wind.

I always felt that the style of this duel suddenly became weird.

That's enough, let me finish you off in this round. You Miao came to play cards, not to see how Paradox could pursue Tom AI's favor.

Invoking God through darkness, I retrieve this magic card and add it to my hand. You Miao showed the card in his hand. It is a sustainable magic card, the solution to the seven spirits! !

Activate, the seven spirits unlock the door.

As an effect when this card is activated, add 1 of the three phantoms improved or 1 monster with any of the card name descriptions from the deck to your hand. You Miao retrieved a card again. card, this time he added one of the three phantoms to his hand.

Darkness summoning God has a second effect.

That is, as long as this card exists in the monster area, you can continue to summon a Demon-type monster with 0 attack and defense power, plus one normal summon.

This reminded You Miao of a deck he once had.

Phantom Demonic Thunder Spirit!

First of all, Dark Summon God is Noble 2 stars.

What is the concept of 2 stars?


The second is the order of retrieval. The Dark Summoning God goes to find the seven essences to unlock the door, and then continues to search for the Dark Summoning God, and continues to summon the second Dark Summoning God through the effect of the monster.

Very good, there are two 2-star monsters.

What happens next is exciting to hear.

I normally summon this monster for the second time. You Miao placed the card on his hand.

A black mist emerged~

[Summon God of Chaos, 0 attack power, demon clan]

Liberate this monster card and special summon a three-phantom demon from your hand regardless of the summoning conditions. You Miao held up the master card.

Boom boom boom.

Lightning, thunder, and roaring rage.

A huge black crack appeared in the sky.

In the crack, a huge creature with lightning wrapped around its body descended.

[Thunder Emperor, 4000 attack power, Thunder Tribe]

With 4000 attack power, are you the same duelist as me? Paradox said in a complicated tone. He was the kind of duelist who loved summoning monsters, but he didn't expect that the other party would do the same.

Don't put gold on your face. Chaos Summoning God has another effect, which is to exclude the card from the graveyard. You Miao used this effect to add the field card Paradise Lost from the deck to his hand.

As we all know, the Sin series of decks must revolve around one card.

That is the field card Sin-World.

Once there are no field cards, the Sin series is simply uglier than the classic Axe deck.

The rule of this era is that both sides share the same venue. To put it simply, you can use venue cards to crowd out the opposite venue.

The Paradox Field is Guilty - the protected field of the field, but it is not immune to this crushing from the rules.

I see, that's your plan, You Miao. Yugi said with a smile. It seems that he also discovered that these Sin series monsters are very dependent on the Sin-World field card.


Before You Miao could use Lost Paradise, Paradox roared ahead and activated a card:

Do you think I didn't take into account the weird rules of this backward era?

Counter Trap Card, Declaration of Sin!

The activation of this card cannot be negated. After the card is activated, both sides cannot place new field cards within three rounds.

You Miao stared at this Declaration of Sin that she had never seen before and fell into deep thought.


Did you print this card on the spot?

Just when You Miao retrieved Lost Paradise, Paradox activated this card on the spot?

Okay, okay, if you insist on playing like this, it doesn't matter to You Miao!

Activate the unlocking effect of the Seven Spirits.

Activate by discarding 1 card from your hand. Select 1 Demon monster with 0 attack and defense from your graveyard and Special Summon it.

You Miao sent a card to the graveyard to resurrect an ugly monster.

Boom boom boom.

An ugly demon monster appears.

[Summon God of Phantom Demon, 0 attack power, demon clan]

A monster with 7 stars but 0 attack power? Paradox thought of the Angel Charity that You Miao launched at the beginning of the round.

This card was probably sent to the graveyard at that time, but I didn't expect it to be resurrected at this time.

The Summoning God of Phantom Demon has a powerful effect. It can only be activated by releasing this card.

I add any one of the Three Phantom Demons from my deck and graveyard to my hand.

After that, you can special summon a 10-level Fire, Thunder, or Demon monster from your hand with the same attack and defense values, ignoring the summoning conditions!

Of course, through the effect of Phantom Summon God, the specially summoned monster cannot attack directly!

Come out, the ultimate evil phantom. You Miao specially summoned the leader of the three phantoms, the Phantom Emperor-Rabiel, from the deck.


[Fantasy Demon King, 4000 attack power, demon clan]

Another monster with 4000 attack power!? Paradox exclaimed.

This monster looks like a giant divine weapon. Kyoko Phantom Demon Emperor subconsciously said.

However, the Phantom Emperor seemed to hear Kyoko's words, and looked at her with a strange look.

Don't mention the Giant God Soldier, one of the three illusory gods, in front of Him!

The Phantom Emperor's stomach was still aching.

He was almost killed by the giant divine weapon's divine fist, which was too tragic.

In order to vent his anger, the Phantom Emperor grabbed the Thunder Emperor and absorbed his partner's power.


The Thunder Emperor was liberated on the spot! !

The Phantom Emperor can liberate the monsters on the field and then increase the attack power value. You Miao explained easily.

At this moment, the Phantom Emperor, who had absorbed the power of the Thunder Emperor, was dyed golden with lightning visible to the naked eye surrounding his body! !

[Fantasy Demon Emperor: 4000→8000 attack power]

8000 points! Paradox was shocked.

Why is Biao attacking Biao even more powerful than himself! ?


You Miao launched an attack. When entering the combat stage, a card in his hand released a terrifying aura.

Noble hand trap, Phantom Demon Emperor - Heavenly Ravaging Fist! !

Discard this card from your hand and activate it by targeting Phantom Demon King on your side of the field. This turn, the Phantom King's attack power is doubled, and it can attack all the opponent's monsters once. This effect can also be activated during the opponent's turn.


At this moment, with the blessing of the Heavenly Trampling Fist, the aura of the Phantom Emperor shocked the entire Tongshiye City, and at the same time, the muscles all over his body began to swell!

The muscle lines of the Crying Demon even appeared on the back of the Phantom Demon Emperor!

Hey, it’s a ghost!

[Fantasy Demon Emperor: 8000 → 16000 attack power]

The Paradox Dragon has 4000 attack power, and the Phantom Emperor's punch has 16000 attack power. The difference of 12000 combat damage can instantly destroy Paradox's 11250 health points.

Paradox opens the second cover card.

Sin - avoidance!

It can be activated by paying half of the life points. It destroys a Sin monster on the field to force the end of the opponent's combat phase, and then removes all monsters on the opponent's field.

Uh-huh, Paradox yelled.

[Paradox: 11250LP→5625LP]

It's such a pity that the three phantom demons are not affected by the effects of trap cards. You ended my battle phase but were unable to eliminate the phantom demon emperor. You Miao explained.

So what, I have achieved the result I wanted. I will never lose to you in this duel.

I will save the future from destruction!

At this time, Paradox exudes a powerful aura like the protagonist in a hot-blooded comic.

He is so excited!

Paradox directly opens the third cover card.

Sin - a paradigm shift! !

If the Sin-Contradictory Dragon on the field is destroyed, half of the base points can be paid to activate it. Paradox can special summon 1 Sin-True Dragon from the hand, deck, or graveyard.

The reality coming from nothingness makes all small humans feel absurd and powerless.

The ruined future sounds like the plot of a science fiction novel, which makes people happy.

But unfortunately, this is the real future.

Paradox: This group of people has gone too far, and there is nothing they can do to face the cruel future.

Now, when he sees the AI ​​held by You Miao, Paradox wants to get it even if he burns his own life!

[Paradox: 5625LP→2813LP]

As we all know, within the rules of Yu-Gi-Oh!, any value less than 1 point will be calculated based on the actual calculation by adding 1 point.

Come out and stay with me one last time, Sin-True Dragon!! A terrifying light burst out from behind Paradox.

[Sin-Real Dragon, 5000 attack power, dragon clan]

This person An Yugi couldn't say anything. He could feel the sad emotion in Paradox. Although he didn't know where it came from, he felt that this duelist was not a bad person in the true sense.

Not only Yami Yugi felt this way, but also Kyoko and Kaiba who was peeping from behind.

Paradox is not so much a bad guy as a desperate pioneer.

As for An Tapirang, he had an indifferent expression on his face, saying he loved whatever he wanted.

As long as nothing happens to Muto Yugi! !

Although the Phantom Emperor can attack all monsters once, your combat phase is over. Paradox looked at You Miao with red eyes and roared: I, Paradox, survived, I will definitely do it next I will use all my strength to defeat you, and I must get that AI.

Next round!

No matter what he does, Paradox will definitely defeat You Miao in the next round!

It's wonderful. I admit that you are a real duelist. You Miao was infected by the paradox of willpower, and his face showed the madness and perversion that he had not seen for a long time. He shouted: But... I just want to win, No matter what you are carrying, send it all to hell!

Now, Paradox is really a decent guy, and You Miao has become a villain.


You Miao's graveyard is glowing.

Except the 7-star Summoning God of Phantom Demon in the graveyard!

Add a Fusion Dimension Kill from the deck to my hand.

Tom AI continued to thoughtfully hand this magic card from the deck to You Miao.

At this moment, Paradox's expression turned pale!

Remember, I'm a duelist who won't let you down just because you have any reason.

Only by winning the duel can you prove everything.

Activate the magic card and fuse the dimensions to kill!

Except three fantasy monsters from your hand, deck, and graveyard, and summon a fusion monster from the extra deck regardless of conditions!

On the field: Phantom Emperor

Cemetery: Emperor Jiang Lei

However, there is another card that also exists in the graveyard, and that is the Divine Flame Emperor!

When did it happen? Paradox muttered to himself, when did this Divine Flame Emperor enter the cemetery?


Everyone present remembered something.

The solution to the seven spirits!

At that time, You Miao sent a card from his hand to the grave to resurrect the Summoning God of Phantom Demon in the graveyard, and the card he sent to the grave was the Divine Flame Emperor!


The ultimate fusion power tore it apart.

This fusion dimension kill, Paradox can't even use cards to negate it.

When the ultimate evil came, Yugi and others were shocked by this terrifying evil.

[Chaos Phantom-Amitel, 0 attack power, demon/fusion]

But your combat phase is over. Paradox looked at the Chaos Phantom and said.

0 attack power, but the sense of oppression on the body is too strong, many times more powerful than the Sin-Real Dragon!

What about Wadokana? You Miao looked at the paradox and said in an indifferent tone: This effect can be used in the main phase, once per round, giving your monster 10,000 combat damage!

In the anime version of the Chaos Phantom, this special ability does not count as combat, but its effect is judged as combat damage.

Even without entering the battle level, the Chaos Phantom can still inflict 10,000 combat damage to the opponent's monster.

The March of Chaos! !

Armitaire roared to the sky, and the three important parts of the phantom demon on his body blasted out dark chaotic energy.

The Sin-True Dragon was instantly annihilated.

This difference of 5,000 points of combat damage began to bite back.

Paradox looked up at the dark cloudy sky and said unwillingly: Why!

Why let him see hope and then ruthlessly destroy it! ?


The terrifying chaotic impact blasted Paradox away, and he rolled on the ground several times before he stopped moving.

The Paradox D wheel began to smoke, fell to the ground, and exploded.

【Paradox: 0LP】

Kyoko covered her mouth, she couldn't bear to see this scene happen.

Between the thick smoke and the blazing firelight, a figure stood.

His image, illuminated by the firelight, looked a little distorted but more distinct.

Under the dancing flames and billowing smoke, Kyoko and Yugi looked at You Miao's side face and once again felt the cruelty of the other party.

However, You Miao's eyes are very firm!

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