I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 194 The Fate of Paradox

Uncle Paradox wants to use a duel to clear the way.

You Miao had no objection, but this played into his own hands.

Unfortunately, everything cannot go as one wishes.

Because the game is here.


The thousand-year building blocks were shaking, and the golden light made him become another person.

You Miao, let us fight side by side. An Yuxi appeared next to You Miao. He looked at the man driving the D wheel in front of him with a solemn expression. He would not allow anyone to harm the city.

I You Miao was about to say something.

You Miao, our joint efforts will definitely solve this crisis soon. Yu Qi said very enthusiastically.

No, I want to say. You Miao was interrupted by another person.

It’s Kyoko! !

She also ran over, and even opened the duel disk to express that she wanted to join the duel.

This city does not belong to just two people, You Miao and Yu Yu. She is also a duelist now.

You Miao is silent now. He just wants to say: I don't need teammates.

However, one versus three seems to have become a paradoxical fate. No matter how he escapes, he will always end up in a one versus three situation.

This time, Paradox wants to fight three people one against three, directly becoming You Miao + Xingzi + Yu Yu

It doesn't matter, the three of you will go together. The paradox is not false at all. This You Miao and An Yuxi believe that his own strength can crush everything.

As for apricots?

who is this?

One look at her hairstyle showed that she had no strength, so she was ignored by Paradox.

The duel was decided in this way, and just in time, in the shadow next door, the Rabbit Devil was peeping.

No one knew what he was thinking.

He was even the only one present.

Brother, is this really okay? Keppei looked at Seto Kaiba next to him and asked cautiously.

How could Kaiba not know what happened in Tongshiye City just now?

Kaiba came here just to play cards. With the combination of Yu Yu and You Miao, there should be another position for him!

Masaki↓King↑ko↓. Kaiba's tone was very complicated. His duel position was actually replaced by this woman.

A feeling of aggrieved suffering made Kaiba look at the woman Kyoko again.

After Kaiba's duel position was taken away by the cow.

The duel begins!

Duel*4! !

Paradox: 12000LP

You Miao/Xingzi/Game: 4000LP

This time it is a multi-player melee. You Miao and others will immediately enter the opponent's turn after finishing their round.

Moreover, the three of you and Miao share a total of 4,000 health points.

My turn, draw cards. Yami Yugi took the lead and took the initiative. He covered three cards from the deck and ended the turn directly.

After seeing Paradox, ridicule appeared on his face and he shouted:

It seems that you are nothing special. Let me kill you instantly.

Draw a card!

Sin-realm! ! !

Paradox activates this Continuous Magic Card from his hand.

This continuous magic card allows you to retrieve a Sin-World from the deck and activate it.

While this continuous magic exists, both parties cannot use cards in the field area as the target of the effect.

A field card pops up from the deck, and Paradox places this field card in the field area.


In an instant, the whole world was dyed in various bright colors.

This is a world full of sin.

This card cannot be Normal Summoned.

You can only special summon Electronic Terminator Dragon from your extra deck by sending it to the graveyard.

After saying Paradox, send a Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck to the Graveyard.


A huge creature appeared on the field.

[Sin-Electronic Terminator Dragon, 4000 attack power, mechanical type]

A monster with 4000 attack power was summoned so easily? Kyoko felt the opponent's terrifying strength.

This is the characteristic of the Sin Series. By sending in different original monsters, the corresponding Sin monsters are specially summoned.

My power is not limited to this. I continue to send the Stardust Dragon from the extra deck to the graveyard. I special summon the Sin-Stardust Dragon in my hand! Paradox raised the monster card in his hand.


The filthy power of the stars is flowing, and Yusei's ace monster is summoned.

[Sin-Stardust Dragon, 2500 attack power, dragon clan]

Another monster is here? The strength of the paradox far exceeded Kyoko's imagination.

The appearance of two sin monsters brought the arrogance of the paradox to its peak.

Disappear, you annoying duelist.

Sin-Stardust Dragon, attack.

Just then, Yami Yugi opened the trap card.

The noble power of Hanno, the sacred protective shield! !

Your monsters are indeed very strong, but please destroy them all for me. An Yugi said calmly.

However, Paradox is completely unfazed as he activates Sin-Stardust Dragon's effect at this moment.

The original Sin-Stardust Dragon has the effects of the original Stardust Dragon.

As long as you release this card, you can negate and destroy the cards on the field when the effects of destructive magic, traps, and effect monsters are activated.

With a dragon cry, the Sin-Stardust Dragon was liberated, and the sacred shield was neutralized and destroyed.

It actually has this kind of effect. Yami Yugi looked shocked.

You have no other means, just eat these 4000 attacks. Paradox ordered Sin-Terminator Dragon to defeat the opponent.

The super evolved flame of sin! !


Terrifying energy spurted out.

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, the law of smoke without harm is also followed.

When the smoke clears, Paradox is surprised to see that Yugi was not defeated by the Cyber ​​Terminator.

What? Paradox sounded confused.

Oh, before you attacked, I activated this quick-attack magic card. Yami Yugi pointed to the Chestnut Ball Calling Flute next to him.

This Kuriball Calling Flute allows Yami Yugi to add a Kuribori Ball or Winged Kuribori Ball from the deck to his hand or summon it onto the field.

No matter how terrible your attack is, as long as I throw away the chestnut ball in my hand, you will never succeed. Yami Yugi said proudly.

Realizing that he had been swayed by the chestnut ball, Paradox's expression was extremely angry, and he ended the round extremely unwillingly.

At this time, the Sin-Stardust Dragon in the Paradox Cemetery was directly resurrected.

The Sin-Stardust Dragon released through the effect can be resurrected at the end of the round through this method.

It's my turn, draw the card. Kyoko was nervous, and she drew the card from the deck.

As a new duelist, it was a test for her to participate in a duel of this level right from the start.

Great, I got it. Kyoko showed a Fallen Angel - Mostema from her hand. She explained loudly: You can activate this by discarding 2 Fallen Angel cards other than this card from your hand. This card is Special Summoned from your hand.

Kyoko sent the remaining two monsters to the graveyard and Special Summoned this Fallen Angel-Mastima.


[Fallen Angel-Mastima, 2600 attack power, angel clan]

It's not over yet. I haven't normal summoned it yet. I'll use this Mostima as a sacrifice to advance summon. Kyoko raised a 10-star angel monster card in her hand.

Ten stars but only one sacrifice? Paradox looked strange.

This 10-star monster can release 1 Angel-type monster for advanced summoning. Kyoko placed the ace monster in her hand in the monster area.


[Fallen Angel-Diesel, 3000 attack power, angel clan]

So it's this card. You Miao counted the cards in Xingzi's hand. A total of 3 for 1 had been spent on 4 cards.

It seems that the Fallen Angel series developed by Bekas still lacks a lot of big cards.

A monster with a mere 3,000 attack power can do nothing except defeat my sin, the Stardust Dragon. Paradox's expression was still very confident.

This is the confidence that the Sin-End Dragon 4000 panel brings.

That's it, Wah Dokana. Kyoko shouted out the lines often used by Yu Miao and Yu Yu, and she continued: Activate the Fallen Angel-Diesel effect, reduce the attack power by 1000, and send your Sin-Terminator Dragon to the graveyard. .

Heaven's Gate! ! !

[Fallen Angel-Diesel: 3000 → 2000 attack power]

Diesel waved the weapon in his hand and opened a round door in front of him. This door turned into reality, and huge absorption power emerged from it.

The Sin-End Dragon was sucked directly into the Gate of Heaven and could not rise again.

Damn it, it's this kind of tomb-sending effect. Paradox gritted his teeth. If it was a damaging effect, he could continue to use Stardust Dragon to resist it.

Unfortunately, Stardust Dragon cannot prevent this grave-sending effect.

Destruction ≠ sending to the grave.

The attack power has dropped by 1,000, and your fallen angel monster is no match for the Stardust Dragon. This is considered a self-inflicted trap. Paradox said calmly.

No, you forgot that I have a cover card on the field. Kyoko said playfully.

At this time, Paradox noticed the cover card on Kyoko's field, which was the card left by Muto Yugi from the previous round.

Kyoko opened this trap card.

Burgess' strange beast, the grotesque bug! !

This trap card can reduce the attack power of face-up monsters on the field to half. Kyoko chose Stardust Dragon's attack power to reduce it.

[Sin-Stardust Dragon: 2500 → 1250 attack power]

In this case, even a fallen angel with 2000 attack power can be defeated. Kyoko entered the battle stage.

Diesel defeated Sin-Stardust Dragon.

Through this method of defeating the enemy, the Stardust Dragon cannot continue to jump out of the graveyard.

Uh-huh. Paradox began to take damage.

[Paradox: 12000LP→11250LP]

I actually broke the situation with this guy? Paradox couldn't believe it. He originally thought that this woman was a breakthrough point, a weakness that was given away for nothing.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was able to defeat both Sin-Terminator Dragon and Sin-Stardust Dragon in one round.

It even caused damage to his health.

Well done, Kyoko. Yami Yugi praised.

Compared to the original beginner Jonouchi, Kyoko is undoubtedly much stronger.

Xingzi smiled and nodded, then looked at You Miao, as if saying with her eyes: Hurry up and praise me!!

You Miao reluctantly gave Xingzi a thumbs up: You are great.

Kyoko smiled even happier now.

However, this was clearly seen by Seto Kaiba from behind, and his fists clenched loudly.


Kaiba's tone was complicated. He should have been playing cards in that position.

And he should have been the one to enjoy the surprised and admiring looks from You Miao and Yu Yu.

But Kaiba also had to admit one thing.

Kyoko Masaki, this woman did a pretty good job.

Sin series, the animation and real card effects are different 0 0

0 0 There should be more tonight

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