I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 192 Shocked and uncomfortable Becas


With flashing flashlights, he frantically took photos of the epic scene in front of him.

The father of monsters - Becas!

Duel Kingdom Winner-Muto Game!

Duel King-You Miao!

The three of them gathered together and were captured in the photo in their most perfect posture.

At this time, You Miao unexpectedly discovered that there was a female reporter in the audience, who turned out to be Jonouchi's sister, Shizuka!

Jingxiang seemed to realize that You Miao had discovered her. She smiled, held up the camera, and gestured.

Oh, Youmiao boy, this is our first meeting. Bekas put a friendly hand on Youmiao's shoulder.

You Miao knew Becas's past and his crazy plan for the memoirs of his late wife. Otherwise, he would definitely think that this guy was a gay.

Very strong!

Although Bekas no longer has the Millennium Artifact, as a duelist, he can feel the terrifying oppression coming from You Miao.

This feeling of oppression is too terrifying.

I believe that when ordinary duelists feel this sense of oppression, they may no longer be interested in dueling, but will be frightened into admitting defeat on the spot.

At first, it was hard for Bekas to believe that a genius like Game Boy could lose the finals.

But when he came into close contact with You Miao, Becas understood all of this instantly.

It's amazing that there are such duelists in this world! !

You Miao's aura is extremely invasive.

Bekas couldn't help but recall the past. If You Miao was in the Duel Kingdom back then, his end might have been very miserable.

Not only Bekas, but also Tapiria, who was hiding somewhere below, also felt the increasingly terrifying energy in You Miao.

How could You Miao's dark energy increase so quickly in such a short period of time?

This growth rate surprised An Tapirang.

Anyway, in his eyes, You Miao is no longer a person.

This is a monster walking in the world! !

With the Three Illusion Gods, Exodia, and the huge dark power, An Xialiang discovered that You Miao's threat had reached a peak.

And he actually has no way to deal with the other party.

Damn it, An Tapirang cursed secretly.

At the scene of The Voice of Sakura, from the first time An Tairang saw You Miao, he knew that this person would become a very troublesome and uncertain factor.

It's just that An Baixiang didn't expect this process to be so fast.

at this time.

You Miao looked at Becas and said, You didn't even tell me in advance, so what on earth do you want to do by inviting me here?

Today, You Miao has a mission. He must always be alert to unknown dangers and invasions.

Becas opened his hands and laughed:

Oh, Youmiao boy, I am not the protagonist today.

And you are the real protagonist.

Next, Bekas announced the third series, which is a brand new series of monster decks.

The theme is.Fallen Angel! !

Fallen angel?

Or maybe a fallen angel?

At this time, You Miao had already guessed what series Becas launched.

That is the angel series monsters headed by the Fallen Angel field.

Angels are sacred and beautiful beings, and the International Illusion Society usually uses this object to develop cards about the angel family.


What if angels fall?

An idea is a bold blasphemy and a bold endeavor.

Inspired by this inspiration, Bekas personally designed this series, and the research and development process was also very successful.

This further confirms that fallen angels indeed exist in the elven world!

Youmiao boy, today's three deck series, you will be randomly determined to be given to three lucky people on the scene! Beka covered her eyes and imitated Nika Luffy, and explained loudly.

You Miao looked at the various cards held in Xiao Biao's hand and asked, Select randomly, what should I do?

Becas had someone transport a transparent machine. If Seto Kaiba's was a blue-eyed gogo lottery machine, then this one was a cartoon gogo lottery machine.

Among the card benefits just distributed, some of the cards had numbers stamped on the back.

These numbers correspond to the numbers on the sphere inside the cartoon lottery machine.

You Miao needs to randomly select three spheres from inside the cartoon lottery machine within a specific time.

Three lucky people were born.

After listening to Bekas' explanation, Jonouchi turned over the Lightning Strike he picked up, and sure enough he found a small sticker on the upper left corner.

The number on the sticker is 555!

Great, with digital stickers, I have a chance to be the lucky one. Jonouchi was ecstatic.

Not only within the castle, the duelists who had just picked up cards began to check whether there were numerical stickers on the backs of the cards.

Unfortunately, most people’s cards don’t have stickers.

Some people even started to rob!

Professional kc black-clad bodyguards will invite all duelists who commit robbery out for tea.

Kyoko and Judai's cards also have sticker symbols.

One person is 999 and the other is 886

I'm so excited. I wonder if I will be the lucky one. Kyoko looked at the stage. She was actually very interested in this fallen angel series.

After all, this is the angel clan.

At this time, Kyoko found a black magic girl hovering next to her.

Since being rescued by You Miao last time, Xingzi found that she could occasionally see strange elves, but this ability was intermittent.

The hot girl memorized the numbers of Kyoko and Judai's cards, and ran over to Jonouchi's side.

Kyoko subconsciously felt strange that this black magic girl should belong to You Miao.

On stage!

The countdown of the turntable began, and at the last second, three spheres rolled out of the lottery machine. Because the spheres were still spinning, no one could see the numbers on them.

Just this moment!

You Miao used Exodia's Time Stop!

Smash Varudo.

The moment time stopped, the hot girl told You Miao and Xingzi the numbers of the three of them.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Ai's arms did not destroy the lottery machine body, but penetrated into the interior as if it penetrated into the water.

Under You Miao's deliberate control, he asked Lao Ai to directly draw the balls with the numbers 999, 886, and 555.

As for the other three numbers, Lao Ai directly put them back.

Time reflow begins.

You Miao showed the three spheres in his hand.

The lucky ones are Jonouchi, Kyoko Masaki and Judai Ko.

Bekas's expression was a little strange. He didn't recognize Yujo Judai, but Masaki Kyoko and Jonouchi were very familiar with him.

Is there really such a coincidence in this world?

Xiao Biao looked at You Miao without saying anything. There was something abnormal with his Millennium Brick just now, and the other person seemed to have noticed that You Miao had done something at the last moment.

It's just that there is no evidence for this kind of thing, and of course Xiao Biao will not take the initiative to say it.

Becas was extremely speechless and gave away these three series of reinforcement packs.

When Jonouchi accepted the award on the stage, he smiled like a dog from beginning to end, and kept holding Becas's hand and shouting: Good man, thank you very much.

The happier Jonouchi smiled, the more Becas's face turned the color of pig liver.

In the end, Xiao Judai chose the hero reinforcement pack.

In the city, he happily accepted the six warriors. Anyway, he also got along with General Zhang in Duel City.

Kyoko found that no one competed with her for fallen angels, which was just right. She also liked the angel clan very much.

Everyone has a bright future, and You Miao hides her merit and fame. This is a small lesson for Becas to force herself up.

Lucky guy, right?

Then You Miao gave these reinforcement packs to people he knew.

Becas always feels a little uncomfortable, but he can't explain why

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