I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 189 Overlord invades Tongshiye City?


This duel has come to an end.

On the Overlord's field, there is a fusion monster.

[Yubel-Eternal Love, 0 attack power, demon/fusion]

Kaiser Liang, who was kneeling on the ground, had lost his vital signs. He launched an attack at the last moment, but at the same time, he also lost the duel.

The Chimeric Overload Dragon with 24,000 attack points has also disappeared.

Looking at the deserted battlefield, Overlord's expression remained paralyzed.

Hell Caesar Ryo, who could no longer speak, ended the duel.

Paradox subconsciously felt something was wrong, and he wanted to quickly leave this parallel world caused by the wrong timeline.

However, the Overlord was not satisfied yet.

A pair of golden eyes, as if mentally carved into Paradox's vision.

The Overlord passed through the obstacle. He looked at the paradox and said, Unknown mouse, you have been watching for so long, so you can continue to be the opponent in this duel.

When Paradox came to his senses, he had appeared opposite the Overlord.

Overlord looked at the paradox and explained ruthlessly: At the moment when the Chimeric Overload Dragon attacked just now, I activated the quick attack magic card, Super Fusion.

Discard a card from your hand and select monsters on your field and on your opponent's field to fuse.

The opponent cannot activate the card effect corresponding to the super fusion effect.

That's right, before Chimera Overload Dragon successfully attacked, Overlord used super fusion to fuse Yubel with the opponent's monster.

This is how the fusion monster Yubel-Eternal Love was born.

When Yubel-Eternal Love is Fusion Summoned, it will inflict effect damage to the opponent equal to the number of fused monsters * 500.

In any case, Hell Caesar Ryo's failure was doomed from the moment super fusion was launched.

Mouse, it's your turn.

I'll just keep the situation like this, and you will regain the corresponding health points and cards in your hand.

Come on, let me see how much darkness there is in your heart.

The departure of Hell's Caesar left the Overlord's desire unsatisfied, and Paradox was the first victim.

Paradox also discovered his situation. If he did not defeat the overlord in front of him, he would not be able to leave this wrong timeline and wrong world.

Paradox only wanted to come to the GX era to take away the Ultimate Jade God and the Electronic Terminator Dragon, but it was impossible for him to come to this absurd wrong world and be caught by the Overlord playing cards at the same time.

Hmph, I am not a duelist who can control my paradox.

The future will be more cruel than you imagine.

My turn, draw a card!!!

Paradox draws a card from the deck, and he activates, Sin-World.

Due to the duel rules at this time, Overlord City was instantly crowded by this new venue card.

The fierce battle of paradox begins.


Ahhhhhh. Paradox was swallowed up by the terrifying flames in front of him.

At the same time, his health drops to zero.


Paradoxically, this most decent man was crushed to pieces by the overlord at ruthless speed.

Overlord looked at the paradox and said with disgust:

It seems that the darkness in your heart is nothing more than this.

Besides, you are not from this era.

Yubel personally caught Paradox and threw him at Overlord's feet, while Overlord invaded Paradox's mind with dark power.

Until a moment later.

The Overlord showed a surprised expression.

Parallel world, does it really exist?

According to this man's route, he should have captured the Electronic Terminator Dragon and the Ultimate Jade God in this era.

Then continue to go back in time and go back to the former Tongshiye City to assassinate Bekas.

Overlord manipulated Paradox, allowing him to locate and summon the D-wheel that could accomplish such incredible things.

Yubel looked at Overlord with a yandere look on her face, and she asked: Lord Overlord, do you want to go to Tongshiye Market?

Overlord answered Yubel with practical actions. He used Paradox, the most talented man, as a disposable battery.

Tong Shi Ye Market.

All kinds of gorgeous fireworks hung high in the sky.

Various warships of the KC Group were patrolling above for the purpose of hanging banners.

This is a sign of deep pockets.

Jonouchi had a smile on his face, his eyes flashing with the symbol of money-obsessed.

What's wrong with you? Honda looked at Jonouchi and was speechless.

Since this morning, Jonouchi has been smiling like a stupid dog, which is so embarrassing.

Hey hey hey, don't you know?

Today's joint fantasy event, that guy Becas is bleeding a lot. Those who participate in the event will not only get card rewards.

That guy Becas will draw a lucky person from the scene, and let this lucky person choose a booster card from one of the latest monster series launched by the International Fantasy Society.

I heard in the city that the reinforcements this time included six warriors.

Presumably, this must be prepared for myself.

Hehehe, Becas is such a kind guy.

Honda had something he didn't know whether to say or not. He felt that Jounouchi wanted to take advantage of him.

Everyone. Kyoko's voice came from behind. Jonouchi and the others looked behind them, only to see Kyoko appearing with a little kid with a jellyfish head.

Who is this jellyfish head? Jonouchi asked, stroking the other person's fluffy hair.

The lost child, I met him outside just now. Kyoko's tone was a little weird.

That's it, a lost child, no wonder Kyoko brought this child here.

Honda and others understood instantly.

But Xingzi continued: This kid's name is Yu Cheng Judai. He said he is Yu Miao's disciple?

It was about You Miao, so Xingzi had to bring this lost child over.

As far as Xingzi knew, You Miao had no disciples at all and didn't know this child.

Jonouchi and others all expressed doubts. They wondered if this child had lost his mind.

Sensing the suspicion of Jonouchi and others, Judai took out a painting from his backpack. He held it up and said, Look, Yu Miao has also used monsters like this. Isn't it very similar?

The scrawled Ultraman painting style is indeed 80% similar to the New Universe picture used by You Miao.

So. For this reason, you said that you are a disciple of You Miao? Xingzi looked confused, as if she had heard a ridiculous thing about becoming a disciple in the void.

Of course. Judai nodded cutely.

This painting by Ultraman is also the work he entered into the competition today.

When he thought that Duel King You Miao also used this kind of monster, Judai looked excited.

It seems that you are a crazy fan of Yu Miao, so you must also know my uncle Jonouchi? Jonouchi pointed at himself with a smile on his face, and wildly hinted at Judai to answer.

Little Judai was very obedient and asked: This brother, who are you?

Damn it, I'm also a finalist in Duel City, and you don't know me? Jonouchi felt very uncomfortable. It turned out that he had always been unknown, and he thought he was already a household name.

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