
When the road eventually ends, no one can escape forever.

Paradox sneaked up to the tower.

After observing this terrifying giant tower up close, Paradox realized that the giant tower in front of him was completely a castle!

Four demon monsters from the dark world, loyally guarding the gate as guardians.

Within Paradox's field of vision, Hell Caesar Ryo in a wheelchair was looking up at something, and saw the other party shouting loudly: I'm here, don't you even have the courage to come out?

come out?

Paradox looked confused, did Hell Caesar come to this place to find someone?


Bang bang bang.

I saw the four dark demons exuding a powerful aura starting to kneel down.

All the demons in this strange world also knelt down in unison!

It seems like someone is coming out.

black sun.

The dark sun began to fall from the top of the giant tower.

The demons kneeling on the ground, with their hands clasped together and pious expressions on their faces, worshiped from the bottom of their hearts the king in front of them who ruled the twelve worlds.


I don't know when the black sun appeared in front of Hell Caesar. The moment the energy dissipated, a man wearing black armor walked out, a pair of golden eyes filled with ruthlessness and cruelty.

This man who exuded overwhelming power looked at Hell Caesar and said, I am the overlord, the king who controls this world.


Lord Overlord!

Welcome to the Overlord!!

At this moment, all the demons in this strange space cheered the name of the Overlord.

Overlord? Paradox looked ugly. He had no idea what Overlord was.

In the future, there was a popular shampoo called Bawang. I heard that it turned people from hairy to bald and it went out of business very quickly.

Caesar's bright eyes were very complicated. He looked at the familiar stranger in front of him and said:

The strong dominate the weak, as it is natural.

Then Judai, I'm going to challenge you here!

Facing Kaiser Liang's questioning, Overlord remained calm. He stared at the opponent with his golden eyes and spoke slowly:

Isn't it good for a guy who is looking for death to hide in a certain place and live an ignoble existence?

Those who slaughter will eventually become dragons.

Today's Judai are no longer able to communicate, and the only person who can fight each other is Kaiser Ryo.

Kaiserliang couldn't help but think of what happened six years ago.

If there was that crucial duel, the power of O'Brien and Jim could really awaken Judai.

Is it true that there would be no overlord like today?

No, if you have to think this way, if Xiang and others could be more determined back then.

There will be no overlord at all!

Let's duel, Overlord!

Caesar opened the duel disk in his hand. The matter was over. Even if there was hell ahead, he was already prepared to face everything.

The Overlord's golden eyes exuded strange fluctuations. He slowly raised his left arm, and the dark steel duel disk opened instantly!

The duel begins.

Hell Caesar Ryo VS Overlord! !

Paradox hid behind and peeped, his expression full of horror.

Yucheng Judai?

This second generation Duel King is actually the Overlord?

What is going on in this world, are you crazy?

Uncle Paradox is no longer as unruly as he was when he traveled through time and space. He just wants to continue observing quietly.


My turn, draw a card! Hell Kaiser drew a card from the deck. He looked at the card in his hand with a ferocious expression.

Magic card, electronic emergency call for help.

This magical magic card allows Caesar to add a light-attributed mechanical monster from the deck to his hand. No, it should be a Cyber ​​Dragon field monster.

Normal summon, Electronic Dragon Core! !


A monster made of various oval electronic parts was born.

[Electronic dragon core, 400 attack power, mechanical type]

Activate when this card is successfully summoned.

I add 1 Electronic magic/trap card or Electronic Technology magic/trap from my deck to my hand.

Hell Caesar Ryo retrieves a card from the deck and adds it to his hand.

Electronic dragon core? Is it a tactic to strengthen defense by searching for magic traps? Uncle Paradox began to analyze the battle situation.

According to historical records, Yujo Judai seems to have never defeated Kaiser Ryo.

Of course, history can only be used as a reference.

Paradox Schopen could not substitute history into this crazy world.

I activate the magic card, Gate of Fusion. Hell Caesar showed his hand and hasn't stopped yet.

[Fusion Gate: As long as this card exists on the field, the player can remove the fusion material monster determined by the fusion monster card from the hand or on the field from the game, treat that fusion monster as a fusion summon, and summon it from the extra card Group special summons. 】

Cyber ​​Dragon Core is treated as a Cyber ​​Dragon Monster on the field.

Activate the Fusion Gate effect to fuse the electronic dragon core on the field with the electronic dragon in hand.

Come out, Chimeric Tyrannosaurus!!

Boom boom boom.

A bombing sound suddenly appeared.

[Chimeric Tyrannosaurus, 2100 attack power, mechanical type/fusion]

When the Fusion Summon of Chimeric Raging Dragon is successful, activate it by targeting up to the number of Spell and Trap Cards on the field that are the monsters used as the fusion material for this card. Those cards are destroyed.

The card that Hell Caesar destroys is Fusion Gate.


This fusion-exclusive field card is destroyed.

Both parties can benefit from the fusion gate. Will it be blown up after use? Uncle Paradox said to himself.


Chimera Furious Dragon activates its effect, and Hellkaiser Ryo sends the two monsters Original Cyber ​​Dragon and Cyber ​​Dragon from the deck to the graveyard.

Every time you send one, the Chimeric Tyrannosaurus will get an attack opportunity.

However, you cannot attack during the first attack round.

Cover 2 cards, I end the turn. Caesar said.

Overlord's face was expressionless as he drew cards from the deck.

Pot of Desire, Overlord draws two more cards from the deck.

Activate the field magic card, Overlord City! The Overlord raised this exclusive field magic card in his hand to activate.

Dong-dong-dong, the towering tower was shaking. It turned out that the place they were in was Overlord City!

As long as this card exists in the field area, Fusion Monsters that can be specially summoned by you in response to the effect of Dark Fusion can also be Fusion Summoned by using effects other than Dark Fusion.

Magic card, fusion.

Overlord displays two monsters in his hand, which are Elemental Hero-Wildman and Elemental Hero-Wingman!


The twisted power of fusion emerged, and the normal fusion became extremely evil and profound under the interference of Overlord City.

Boom boom boom.

A heroic monster exuding evil aura enters the scene.

[Evil Hero-Wild Wind Demon, 1900 attack power, demon/fusion]

When Wild Wind Demon attacks, the opponent cannot activate magic or trap cards until the end of the damage step.

At the same time, this card activates when it inflicts battle damage to the opponent, and all magic and trap cards set on the opponent's field are destroyed.

If you want to use the magic trap card, do it now.

Overlord didn't care at all about the effect of telling his monster, while Hellkaiser Ryo looked at the Overlord City field card thoughtfully.

Hell Caesar judged from Overlord's tone that this Overlord's city should have an effect similar to a violent attack.

Therefore, .1900 attack power is not the final point of Wild Wind Demon.

Hmph, Overlord, you are such an arrogant guy. Kaiser Liang did not activate Gaika.

The Overlord suddenly smiled contemptuously and said:

I see, then I will activate this magic card.

Alms from angels.

Draw three cards from the deck, then discard two cards.

Hell Caesar's eyes were bright and unkind. He looked at the Overlord and said, I'm just using this magic card now. Have you been cheating on me from the beginning?

The Overlord told one thing ruthlessly: Weak people are not qualified to ask for answers.

Immediately afterwards, two cards were sent to the graveyard, and Overlord activated another magic card.

Dark Call! !

Remove the Fusion Material Monster determined by the Fusion Monster Card from your hand and Graveyard.

Only one fusion monster can be specially summoned by the effect of Dark Fusion, and Dark Summon can also be used as the effect of Dark Fusion.

Evil Hero-Evil Blade Demon and Evil Hero-Hell Demon are both excluded from the graveyard.

The ultimate darkness, wild evil, and the power to conquer everything, seem to be describing the overlord's reign of terror!

What is this power? Uncle Paradox's expression turned pale. He eagerly opened his eyes to see clearly what was happening in front of him.

For a true duellist, inner darkness is a necessity. The Overlord waved his arms and shouted: Come out, evil hero - Evil Blade Death Demon!!


The ground was crushed by powerful force, and a monster exuding a dark aura appeared.

[Evil Hero-Evil Blade Death Demon, 3000 attack power, demon/fusion]

3000 attack power? Kaiser Liang's expression was unkind. He realized that the Overlord was about to attack, and he had to activate Gaika at this time.


When the Wild Wind Demon attacks, Caesar Liang cannot use Gaika.

Before you declare an attack, I open the covered trap card and electronics overflow!!

Select and banish any number of Cyber ​​Dragons from the face-up monsters in your hand, graveyard, and field (maximum 1 of the same level).

After that, select the number of banished cards on the opponent's field and destroy them.

This destruction does not take the target. Caesar Liang banishes the two cards of the original electronic dragon and the electronic dragon in the graveyard.

Disappear, evil heroes - Evil Blade Death Demon and Wilderness Wind Demon! Hell Caesar roared angrily.

I see, that's why I deliberately sent the Cyber ​​Dragon monster to the graveyard in the first round just to cooperate with this trap card. Uncle Paradox discovered Kaiser Liang's intention.

The horrific brain hemorrhage storm began to spread.

Two evil-minded hero monsters on the Overlord field were involved.


The Wild Wind Demon was destroyed, but the Evil Blade Death Demon with the highest attack power remained unscathed.

How is that possible? Caesar looked surprised.

Oh, the darkness in your heart is nothing more than this. Overlord looked at the opponent with his golden and cold eyes and explained: The card of Evil Blade Death Demon will not be destroyed by battle or effects.

No matter how strong the power of the brain overflow is, as long as it is destructive, there is no way to deal with this evil blade of death.

Stupid tactics, everything you have is nothing more than this in the face of absolute darkness.


The Overlord spat out these two words.

The Evil Blade Death Demon began to show off its sharp blade and attacked the Chimeric Tyrannosaurus on Caesar's field.

At this time, just as Hell Caesar Liang had guessed, Overlord City indeed had a boost to the evil hero's attack.

Once per turn, with the blessing of Overlord City, when calculating the damage of a battle between your Demon monster and the opponent's monster, you can activate it by sending 1 Evil Hero monster from your Deck or Extra Deck to the Graveyard.

The attack power of Evil Blade Death Demona will increase by the level of the monster sent to the graveyard x 200 until the end of the round.

After saying that, Overlord sent a fusion monster from the extra deck to the graveyard.

It is a 6-star fusion monster card, the evil-hearted hero-Ye Fire Winged Demon! !


[Evil Blade Death Demon: 3000 → 4200 attack power]


The Chimeric Tyrannosaurus with 2100 attack power was ruthlessly crushed.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, Hell Kaiser Ryo endured the huge battle damage. He even covered his heart, praying not to fall down at this time.

[Hell Caesar Liang: 4000LP → 1900LP]

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