I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 179 The Roaring Female Imp

The duel ends here.

My turn, draw a card!

Magic card, angel's charity.

Draw three cards from the deck and discard two cards to the graveyard.

You Miao displayed a card that was faintly emitting golden flames and sent it to the cemetery in front of the Phantom Demon Man.

The Winged Dragon of the Sun God!?

The expression of the Phantom Demon suddenly became very exciting. It seemed to feel the temperature emanating from the Winged Divine Dragon, which was far higher than that of the Divine Flame Emperor! !

Magic card, resurrection of the dead!! You Miao activated the female imp's best partner, the resurrection of the dead, which can resurrect any monster.

Masaka, the dead are actually resurrected? The Phantom Man really cooperated and yelled the line There is a way to kill.


The bright cross appeared, and huge resurrection power emerged.

An endless stream of powerful divine flames emerged from the cemetery, and the female imp's voice began to get closer and closer.

Hey, hahahaha, I'm here~

As expected, I can't do it without you, you bastard.

Oh hehehe~

As soon as the female brat appeared, she gradually started to feel like she needed to be beaten. You Miao could still see the crescent moon eyes and the curved smile on the other person's face.

You Miao decided to give the female brat a hard lesson tonight to make her understand what cruelty is.

[The Winged Dragon of the Sun God,? Attack power, phantom beast clan]

When the Winged Dragon is specially summoned, it will have an unparalleled quick attack effect. I choose to fuse myself with the opponent!! You Miao activated the power of the female imp.

What, I am merging with the Phantom God? The Phantom Demon seemed to be frightened by You Miao's cunning move.

How can it be integrated like this?

You Miao exuded a golden warmth. He crossed his arms and kept opening and closing his lips to mutter some mysterious ancient language.

The female devil spread her wings, and a dazzling sun appeared on her chest! !

I saw You Miao's body slowly being sucked into the sun.

The two merge with each other, blending like water and milk, to produce energy far greater than 1+1\u003e2!

Female imp + You Miao = the ultimate slayer! !

Fusing with the Winged Dragon, my health drops to 1 point, and the rest of the values ​​turn into attack power. You Miao's divine response echoed throughout the space.

At this moment, You Miao was in the middle of the female imp's chest.

At first glance, the female imp seems to be being used as a Gundam, and You Miao is the pilot using the Gundam.

[Female Imp:? →3999 attack power]

3999 attack power? The Phantom Man suppressed its inner uneasiness and roared: But the great Divine Flame Emperor has a full 6,000 attack power.

6000? You Miao's voice came from the female imp who exuded a dazzling golden light: You might as well take a closer look at the attack power of the Divine Flame Emperor.

What! ?

The Phantom Man looked over at this time and saw that the attack power of the fierce-haired God Flame Emperor was not 6,000 points at all.

But 3000 points!

Impossible, why is this happening?

Fake, this is all fake.

The Phantom Man suspected that he had been caught in some conspiracy, otherwise how could the Divine Flame Emperor's attack power be reduced to half?

Stupid guy.

Because I activated the Sword Priest effect in the cemetery.

During your or your opponent's turn, you can banish this Sword Priest card from the field or graveyard, and target up to 3 cards in both graveyards to return those cards to the deck.

You Miao's explanation instantly made the Phantom Man suddenly wake up.


It was because there were fewer trap cards in the graveyard, not because the Divine Flame Emperor had used a trick to reduce half of his attack power.

But don’t be afraid!

The Phantom Man hid something.

Thunderbolt of Lost Joy also has a hidden effect.

That is, it is activated whenever a phantom is removed from the field by any of them. This round, all damage you receive becomes 0.

The damage of the Thunder King itself is reduced to 0, and the Thunderbolt of Lost Joy can also allow other phantoms to enjoy this effect.

No matter how terrible the opponent's attack power is this round, the Phantom Man will never lose, and the Phantom God has a restriction on returning to dust.

As long as he survives the next round, the Phantom Demon Man will definitely have a chance to fight back! !

Imagination is beautiful, reality is very skinny.

You think I don't know the effects of the Thunderbolt of Lost Joy?

You still want to escape the damage from this battle?

What a thoughtful guy.

A magic card in Youmiao's graveyard became the key card to determine the outcome.

Galactic whirlwind!

Except the Galaxy Cyclone in the cemetery, destroy it with a face-up magic or trap card on the field! You Miao's voice was ruthless and cruel.

Is it a wind magic card that activates from the graveyard? The Phantom Demon Man looked at the permanent magic card on his field, and the Thunderbolt of Lost Joy was torn apart by a powerful hurricane from the galaxy.

Ah, that's right, this Galaxy Cyclone is the card that You Miao drew when the Phantom Demon used the Dark Realm to draw in the last round.

You Miao sent this magic card to the cemetery on the spot and buried it on the spot.

Brother Douzi's wind is sometimes very useful, but it's a pity that Galaxy Cyclone is not a noble quick-attack magic.

The advantage of Galaxy Cyclone is that this card can be used in two ways.

It can also be retrieved by certain cards of the same family.

Goodbye, disgusting guy.


You Miao attacked. He controlled the body of the female imp and launched a blow that shook the world.

Divine Flame Cannon! !

Hey, I activate the effect of the super flame wave trap card

Continue to send a trap card from the deck to strengthen the attack power of the Divine Flame Emperor.

The phantom man explained loudly while struggling to his death.

Use trap cards to strengthen the power of the phantom to fight back!

[Shen Yanhuang: 3000→6000 attack power]

I said I would beat you to death in this round, how could I break my promise here! You Miao's golden eyes burst into dazzling light.

The female imp's two golden wings spread out, and her whole body was wrapped in divine flames.

The strengthening effect is activated.

Winged Dragon itself can sacrifice other monsters on its field to absorb attack power. However, in the last enhancement, this effect became the effect of absorbing the total attack power of all monsters in its own graveyard!

New Yuxia (2500), New Space Connector (800), Chestnut Ball (300) and the heavyweight class Obelisk's Giant Coward (4000).

Increase the attack power by 7600? The shock was written all over the face of the Phantom Demon Man. Is this terrifying attack ability the true strength of the Phantom God?

No, this is the exclusive power of the female imp. The Sun God in the game does not have this treatment.

The energy of the cemetery monster was swallowed up by the female imp, and the armor in the color of Giant Coward began to cover the female imp's arms and thighs.

Today's female imp looks more and more like a Gundam wearing Titan Soldier armor.

[Female Imp: 3999 → 11599 attack power]

An attack power of 11599? The Phantom Demon was completely desperate now. This kind of attack power could only be achieved by the Phantom Demon.


The entire surface of the earth was blown to ashes by the intense flames of divine power.



Under the cruel torture of the divine flames, the Phantom Man slowly turned into gas and dissipated in place.

For a time, gunpowder smoke filled the air, deep pits were blasted out of the earth, the sky was dyed blood red, and smoke and dust rose into the sky, covering the sky.

In the end, You Miao was the only one standing there.

The Phantom Demon Man was burned by the female imp's divine power until not even a drop of dregs remained.

Of course, including the opponent's deck, You Miao didn't even have a chance to collect the wool.

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