Dm era.

Devil's Tower!

On the duel stage.

Yami Yugi's cloak rustled under the strong wind, as terrifying as the fangs of a demon.

At this moment, the weather is getting worse and worse, the strong wind makes a hoarse and harsh roar, and the people around are already waiting at this place, preparing for an extremely fierce duel.

Since player Yu Miao hasn't appeared yet, I will pronounce the verdict now, Isono wanted to say.


The president scolded the other party angrily, saying: Isono, it's okay, just keep waiting.


Okay, okay, just listen to the president.

At this time, Isis, who was able to move freely, looked confused. You Miao was sorting the deck next to her, but for some reason, a golden light appeared.

You Miao and her stool disappeared without a trace.

Isis hurried over here to explain the situation to the official (Seto Kaiba).

You Miao will definitely come back, and Isis knows that he values ​​the honor of Duel King and An Yugi's opponent.

Where did You Miao go? Xingzi asked Isis in an angry tone at this time.

What do you mean by suddenly disappearing?

Are you sure this isn't a joke?

In this case, Yugi will automatically win. Jonouchi looked regretful, but he really wanted to see Yugi fight against You Miao.

Yami Yugi was not affected by the outside world. His feet seemed to be covered with glue and did not take a step off the ground.


He always believed that You Miao would definitely come!

If You Miao doesn't come, what's the point of being a duel king?

As of now, Yami Yugi will never admit this false title.

Until the next second, An Yuxi opened his eyes suddenly, and he said: He is coming.

Boom! Boom! !

A golden beam of light fell from the sky, and under everyone's incredulous eyes, someone appeared with the duel disk in his hand.

It's You Miao!

You Miao looked at An Yuxi without saying a word, and he drew cards from the deck: My turn, draw cards!

In silence, this duel began in a strange way!

Duel*2! !

You Miao: 4000LP

Game: 4000LP


Isono wiped the sweat from his face with a handkerchief. It was better now. He didn't even have the chance to shout.

As for the group of people in the city, they want to know what You Miao did.

Why can it fall from the sky?

You should explain it, don't draw cards and start a duel as soon as it comes up!

An Yuxi didn't care about the way You Miao appeared. He only had the word duel in his eyes at the moment.

You Miao looked at the six cards in his hand and fell silent on the spot.

Ai's left hand, right hand, left foot, right foot, female imp, coolie wave.

Good guy, You Miao has a unique skill.

You almost killed Yami Yugi instantly, right?

Unfortunately, there is still one head left to go.

Maybe if it were another opponent, You Miao would have already collected all five parts at this time.

However, An Yuxi's fighting spirit is obviously abnormal. Under the influence of each other,

It is impossible for You Miao to win directly with Wu Laoai at the beginning.

Cover a monster card and end the turn. You Miao had no room to operate.

You Miao, you are a true duellist, I will go all out. Yami Yugi drew a card from the deck, and this card was Obelisk's Giant Divine Weapon! !

On this turn, Yami Yugi will summon the gods.

Through the magic card, Yami Yugi special summons the Queen Knight in the deck.


[Queen Knight: 1500 attack power, warrior type]

Then, Yami Yugi usually summons, King Knight!


[King Knight, 1600 attack power, warrior type]

There is a Queen Knight on your field. When the King Knight is summoned successfully, special summon 1 Guard Knight from the deck.


[Guard Knight, 1900 attack power, warrior type]

It's not over yet, I activate the double summons in my hand! Through this magic card, Yami Yugi gets a second chance for normal summons.

It's Kami!! Kaiba's eyes were solemn. He didn't expect that Yugi would summon Kami in the second round!

Peacock Wu and Xingzi were caught together. They stared at the field, unwilling to miss any moment.

God's coming

Is this duel destined to come to an end?


God does come.

But it’s not the “black sole” known for its absolute destructive power!

I saw You Miao's whole body exuding golden light. He held up a card burning with divine power and blazing flames, and murmured strange ancient characters: ?????? (miscellaneous fish, miscellaneous fish, miscellaneous fish, miscellaneous fish Female brat, come out quickly~)”


The clouds in the sky were filled with gold, and a huge meteorite began to fall?

This huge meteorite fell from the sky with a destructive aura!

With the arrival of this unknown object, the powerful temperature began to affect the changes and situation in the duel.

The three monsters on the game field were burned to ashes by the scorching golden flames!

It turns out this is not a meteorite at all.

But an egg! !

The egg of the Winged Dragon! !

As the owners of the God Card, Kaiba and Yugi looked surprised and said in unison: Could this be one of the effects of the Winged Dragon?

Malik had demonstrated the effect of the Winged Divine Dragon before, and they thought they knew enough about the Winged Divine Dragon.

And the scene in front of them completely shattered their three views!

Impossible, why is this? Yugi felt very uncomfortable. He finally collected three sacrifices and planned to summon the gods.

The game even prepares the sacrifice after-move to help the Titan Soldier use its effects.

But he didn't expect that You Miao gave him an egg. This was his turn!

[Wing Shenlong’s egg,? Offense/Defense, Phantom Beast Tribe]

I can liberate the opponent's three monsters and summon the Winged Dragon to your field in a spherical form.

The Winged Dragon in the spherical posture is not affected by any card effects, cannot be selected as an attack target, and cannot be sacrificed for the Liberation Summon.

You Miao explained that the variation of the female imp has the strongest effect.

Meteor + lay eggs! !

The hand trap of second-speed liberation is disappointing.

I didn't expect you to stop me from summoning God in this way. Yugi's tone was complicated, and at the same time, the blood in his body was boiling.

Strong, you are indeed strong, You Miao.

Then I activate the magic card, Angel's Alms. Yugi drew three from the deck, and then sent the Dandelion White Lion originally in his hand to the graveyard.


Three Dandelion tokens appear.

Isn't this your card? Peacock Dance asked Jonouchi.

Ah, of course, Yugi asked me to borrow some cards before the duel. Of course Jonouchi couldn't refuse the request of his good friend.

Yes, according to the original plan of the game, the JQK knights will be sacrificed to summon the Titan Soldiers.

By sending the Dandelion White Lion to the graveyard, there will be enough sacrifices on the game field for the Titan Soldier to launch the God Fist Crush!

When the God Fist Crush is successful, You Miao will lose the duel.

But he didn't expect that the Winged Dragon's egg would enter the game in this way, completely disrupting the game's tactics.

You Miao, my second summons hasn't been used yet.

You still can't prevent the appearance of Cami.

I used three Dandelion Lion tokens as sacrifices to summon Obelisk's Giant Divine Weapon!

0 0There are still more tonight

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