I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 158 The female imp’s hope of advancement?

With the blow of summoning the god, Dark Malik disappeared along with Dark Yugi.

The duel is over!

The bound Isis soul also began to drift away, returning to her original body.

Wow, the winner in this duel is You Miao!

The list of finalists appears.

Isono took the microphone and loudly announced everything.

The moment You Miao successfully entered the duel, the task progress displayed by the system increased significantly again.

[Tip: The third target stage of the advanced mission Who is the Duel King? has been reached]

[Tip: Please check the rewards yourself.]

You Miao was slightly distracted to pay attention to the rewards on the other side of the system. He wanted to see what kind of rewards he could get after Duel City entered the finals.

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the Kachen Gift Pack. After opening the gift pack, you will randomly receive 2000~4000 Kachen points as rewards.】

[Tip: Congratulations on getting Kachen*3500 points reward. 】

You Miao took a deep breath, he felt so comfortable now.

Counting the remaining points, You Miao's dust stuck points have exceeded the 6,000 mark.

There must be more than these rewards for entering the finals, so You Miao took advantage of the momentum to check them out.

[Tip: Congratulations on getting Lucky Bubble Gum*1]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting Spar*9999]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the Rainbow Card Pack*10]

The rewards for entering the finals are rich, but You Miao doesn't quite understand them.

What is this lucky bubble gum?

The previous eraser was weird enough.

Is it possible that this bubble gum can still be eaten?

[Lucky bubble gum: It can only be used by you alone. While chewing the bubble gum, you will gain the intimacy of the goddess of luck. Your luck in drawing card packs and card boxes will be greatly improved. The darker your luck, the higher your luck will be in rebounding to the bottom. Tips ;The bubble gum lasts only 15 minutes and disappears after use.】

Good guy!

It turned out to be the savior of the non-chief. The function of this bubble gum is to carry the leopard girl with him.

You Miao walked off the duel stage, his eyes met with An Yuxi's, and the two did not speak.


The next duel will be a fierce battle.

Among the two of them, one must decide who is the true duel king.

Now that things have reached this point, Yami Yugi's desire to summon memories and collect all three god cards has slowly faded away.

As a true duelist, Yami Yugi now only has one idea.

That is to win this duel! !

Rest time is 1 hour!

The finals will begin at noon.

After Malik was carried away by the medical staff, You Miao went over and pulled out the opponent's entire deck.

As the winner of Duel City, he receives a rare card from Malik's deck.

But how can one sheet be enough?

A deck is required to receive it.

Charge interest!

Malik smashed several machines in his store. Isn't this a good thing?

A deck is considered cheap for this guy.

You Miao drew two God cards from Malik's deck.

Sky Dragon of Osiris, Winged Dragon of Sun God

These two God cards are original and genuine.

You Miao passed the Divine Trial of the Winged Dragon, and theoretically he can also use this original version.

Once You Miao came up with this idea, the female imp in the deck was not happy.

Miscellaneous fish, bastard fish, you already have me, so you don't need this stinky bird at all~

The female kid cried and told You Miao that she would never allow a second version of herself to appear.

The Winged Dragon in You Miao's hand was also glowing hot, and he seemed to hate being in the same deck as the female imp.

Originally, You Miao didn't plan to put two Winged Dragons in the deck.

Just hold one God Card each.

Too much is definitely not a good thing.

Moreover, if the original Winged Dragon + Female Imp are placed in the same deck, will the entire deck be burned to pieces?

As for the sky dragon.

In the DM era, this card of God was also very suppressive, but the Sky Dragon was very difficult to deal with.

You also have to guard against the traitor attribute of the sky dragon from time to time.

You Miao has one more thing to consider.

He failed to pass the trial of Sky Dragon. Without the help of God Binding Tomb, whether he can use it normally is also a question.

Thinking about it this way, these two original God cards are no different from scalded potatoes to a certain extent.

[Tip: The original Phantom God card has been detected. Do you want to spend 500 card dust to brand it? 】


What it is.

You Miao is confused now, and it actually costs 500 calories at a time?

Why don't you go and grab it?

Having said that, You Miao was currently very wealthy in Kachen, so he couldn't help but give it a try out of curiosity.

[Tip: Select the target Wings of the Sun God Dragon, congratulations on your successful branding. 】

[Tip: Each original God Card can only be branded once. 】

You Miao held the branded card in his hand. He found that it was a monster card, and the pattern and text on the card were exactly the same as the Sun God's Winged Dragon.

Only one difference!

This branded card is in black and white color.

At first glance, this branded card looks like a posthumous photo of the Winged Dragon.

[Imprinted card (Wings of the Sun God Dragon): Choose a Wings of the Sun God Dragon card that has been injected by Kachen and use it. There is a very low probability of successful enhancement, and you will get the enhanced Sun God The ability of Wings Shenlong will be strengthened.】

[Tip: This prop has a time limit and will disappear after 30 minutes! 】

[Tip: After using a branded card, regardless of success or failure, the prop will disappear. 】

What a good thing. You Miao's eyes lit up. This prop can actually enhance the effect of the female imp?


This kind of prop can only be branded from the original God Card, and it can only be branded once. Once it fails to be used, it means there is no chance to try again.

You Miao noticed that the Branded Card prop had a sentence on it: There is a very low probability of successful enhancement.

Usually these words are one of the tricks used in games to deceive people.

There is a very low probability, but how low is it?

The science of luck is scary. You Miao took out a piece of bubble gum with the word Xiao Xiao written on the label.

This prop can effectively improve You Miao's luck within 15 minutes. It is a magical prop that can change your destiny.

According to the item description, the darker You Miao's face is, the higher his luck will be when he bottoms out! !

Good guy, who can be darker than Isis who is Mai Fumei?

You Miao remembered the goodness of Isis, and he left the Devil's Tower without hesitation and ran back to the Tianting on the edge of the island.

When Shizuka saw You Miao, she wanted to celebrate with joy that the other party successfully entered the finals.


You Miao didn't have time to pay attention to Jingxiang. He turned a corner and ran into Isis's room.


Coincidentally, Isis's soul has returned at this time, and she can carry out normal activities as long as she is given some time.

After people wake up after experiencing hardships, they usually subconsciously look for people around them to rely on.

Isis felt very happy when she saw You Miao rushing over from Alcatraz Island to look at her.

But she never expected that You Miao found a chair and sat down next to her, then took out a bubble gum and stuffed it into his mouth, saying, I feel relieved to have you by my side!

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