I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 135 What, doubles?

The clouds were overcast, and dark clouds covered the entire sky, making people feel extremely depressed.

There seemed to be countless crows cawing, which was chilling.

Xingzi looked up and saw that the dark clouds in the sky seemed to have a big mouth, trying to swallow up the entire island.

In the center of the island stands a tall tower with an indescribable shape.

This is where the game is about to take place.

4 players entered this giant tower one after another.

Shizuka, Honda and others took the initiative to stay on the Tianting and chose to take care of Isis.

Although Jonouchi and Maura Mai are not qualified to participate, they are both duelists, so they can follow and watch the battle together.

This giant tower should only be accessible to players, duelists, and KC officials.

But Kyoko jumped directly into the back of the group and followed Keppei.

Keppei didn't say anything more, but acquiesced to Kyoko's follow-up.

I remember you are not a duelist, right? Isono, who is absolutely impartial in refereeing, planned to stop Kyoko. According to the official website records, Kyoko did not participate in this duel from the beginning.

Let her come in too. I'm not a contestant either, Isono. Do you want to stop me too? Keppei looked at Isono with a strange look on his face and asked.

Isono didn't dare to move and quickly started to let people go.

A group of people officially entered Alcatraz Island.

Kaiba noticed Kyoko, a woman who looked like a mascot or a cheerleader, and he also noticed that she was also wearing a duel disk.



Kyoko Masaki?

This operation of the other party really made Kaiba very concerned.

But he also remembered one thing. Kyoko was also one of the kidnapped people. Maybe she also has the potential of a duelist.

——Hmph, interesting.

Everyone officially entered the empty room.

I will reveal the list of the top four. First, a duel will determine the order. Keppei's identity changed, and he began to explain to everyone.

Kaiba kept a calm face. This duel will be entirely controlled by Keppei, so even he didn't know what method he would take to decide the list and order of the duel.

This time the doubles format will be used to officially determine the opponents and order of the list! Keppei said boldly.

Hear the term doubles mode.

You Miao seemed to be suffering from traumatic stress syndrome, and everything felt wrong immediately.

Even Peacock Wu felt something was wrong. She cast her hidden gaze on You Miao and whispered softly: Double?

Although Dark Malik's personality and mind are opposite to his superficial personality, he has completely inherited the other person's memories.

Here comes the problem.

Malik was particularly impressed by the affair between Li Xied and You Miao.

Even this six-year-old child with an unusual brain circuit couldn't help but look at You Miao.

An Yuxi discovered this and looked at You Miao.

Kaiba noticed something was wrong with the game and looked at You Miao.

In the end, everyone turned their attention to You Miao.

Very unreasonable.

You Miao also discovered this. He thought about a question, could his reputation of beating up his teammates have been exposed?

Interesting, Keihei, keep talking. Kaiba asked his younger brother to continue.


Doubles mode, 4 players are randomly divided into two teams.

There are no conveniences for the losing team.

The two duelists of the winning team will get a chance to decide whether to fight first in the next duel.

As we all know, Yu-Gi-Oh! is a coin game.

Usually, taking the first step = huge convenience, and taking the second step without any pitfalls = failure.

Although it is difficult to tell stories in the DM era, the possibility of this happening is very low.

But according to the rules of this era, whoever strikes first can draw cards, so it is still very convenient to go first.

It's more than that.

The winning team will produce a king general!

Whoever can deal a fatal blow to the duelist of the other team will determine the birth of the king general in the winning team.

You Miao understood. It was no different from playing a game to win MVP as a human-headed dog.

The king can also designate a duelist at will as his opponent in the next duel.

If the general of the winning team designates his partner as the opponent in the next duel, then both of them have the convenience of deciding who will fight first in the next duel. How to do this? Yami Yugi asked Keppei.

This situation is possible.

The king of the winning team will not designate anyone from the losing team as his opponent, but will choose his own partner.

The king is greater than everything else. At this time, the priority is the king. Keiping gave such an answer.

Kaiba thinks this competition system is a bit interesting.

Although it is a doubles match, while they work together to win the duel, the two partners are also instigating each other to compete for the king!

Kaiba will definitely win this king general.

He must designate someone as his opponent! !

Keppei also modified the rules of this doubles match. Life-saving cards such as chestnut balls can also be used to help team partners, but you can also attack or hinder your partner to become the king.

Matching begins.

As the two groups appeared on the screen, names slowly began to appear.

You Miao + Malik = Group A

Game+Haima=Group B

Group A vs Group B! !

After the list appeared, Peacock Wu couldn't help laughing.

It's so miserable to be You Miao's teammate.

Kyoko noticed this and asked quietly: What are you laughing at?

Peacock Dance looked at Xingzi and said, I thought of something funny.

Kyoko looked wrong.


Team AB officially entered the duel area.

The first major round of this duel was played in the order of Kaiba → Yugi → Dark Malik → Yu Miao.

After the first round is over, each round begins in crossover order.

The last duelist in the first round will have the right to attack.

This is a doubles mode full of tacit understanding and intrigue.

There is only one king general, and it can only be produced in the winning team.

The duel begins.

Duel*4! !

You Miao: 4000LP

Dark Malik: 4000LP

Game: 4000LP

Seto Kaiba: 4000LP

Hehehe, You Miao, I didn't expect that I would stand with you in this way. An Malik stuck out his tongue and licked it, and his sinister eyes were on You Miao.

You know, Dark Malik's inner wound of betrayal

Never heals! !

It was the first time for a six-year-old to taste the betrayal of someone he trusted. The more this happened, the more twisted his heart became.

The deeper the trust, the more painful the betrayal will be!

In this round, Dark Malik will torture You Miao severely!

Coincidentally, You Miao thought so too.

He doesn't need teammates!

Teammates will only hold you back.

You Miao must be beautiful alone! !

My turn, draw a card. Kaiba used his right arm to draw a card from the duel deck.

Attacking side = Defending side.

Kaiba's deck is famous for its powerful bursts, so in terms of defense, he is definitely not as good as You Miao's deck full of miscellaneous fish coolie waves.


Kaiba already checked.

There is no dragon coolie wave in the known card library in the entire world! !

But that doesn’t mean it won’t be useful in the future

After all, Duel Monsters are pretty magical things.

It was the Duel Monsters that chose humans, not humans who took the initiative to create the Duel Monsters!

The Three Illusion Gods are the best example.

Bekas did not create the Three Illusion Gods, but the Three Illusion Gods chose Bekas to create them.

Kaiba believed this.

0 0 I have something to do tonight and am too busy, so I won’t update. I’ll make it up later! !

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