I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 127 Within the city?


The Miracle Ark exploded.

Are you crazy for wasting so many resources to destroy your own monster? Jonouchi couldn't understand.

After all, he knew nothing about the abilities of these monsters.

It is said that the Mayan prophets said that mankind will usher in a huge disaster because of its own ignorance, which is called the end of the world.

At this time, the oracle descended, and a miraculous ark was revealed on the top of the world.

Only this ark can take mankind away from a world full of pain!

After the Miracle Ark was destroyed, it emitted a bright light. Naia spread his arms and chose to bathe in the holy light with his whole body.

Accompanied by a loud bang.


The moment the ark was destroyed, God came!

In the center of the explosion stood a monster whose gender was indistinguishable.

The monster spreads six wings made of metal on its back, puts its hands together to release powerful energy, and stands proudly in the sky, like the god of war coming to the world. Its eyes reveal a ruthlessness and indifference, as if nothing in the world can move it. .

[Celestial King Shinato, 3300 attack power, angel clan]

Damn it, the attack power of 3300 turns out to be just to destroy your own monster. Jonouchi realized this too late, and he had no cards to stop it.

Disappear, mortal, and perish under the power of your true body. Naia launched an attack.

The king of heaven, Zhinatu, pushed out with both hands, and the terrifying energy burst out.

How can a mere thousand-year-old dragon achieve such attack power?

It cannot, cannot resist.

At the critical moment, Jonouchi opened up his only hope.

Continuous Trap Card, Monster Box! !

When the opponent's monster declares an attack, I toss a coin and make a guess.

If the guess is correct, the attacking monster's attack power becomes 0 until the end of the battle phase.

Jonouchi loudly explained the effect of this perpetual sticker, and he began tossing a coin.

Naiya's face gradually darkened, and he said with a bit of resentment, It's another coin, you really deserve to die.

Jonouchi's strength may not be the strongest, but it definitely makes Naia feel the most disgusting.


It's positive! !

Woohoo~ Jonouchi waved his arms excitedly.

[Celestial King Shinato: 3300 → 0 attack power]

Quick Attack Magic Card, Book of the Moon.

Naia was forced to cover his monster with the Book of the Moon to stop the attack, and he chose to end the turn.

During the city's turn, this continuous trap card will destroy itself due to insufficient life to pay the monster box price.

Even the Celestial King with a defense of 3,000 points was under great pressure in the city. He only had one card in his hand, which was the normal monster card Axe Raider.

This thing is useless.

The Jounouchi deck can defeat Celestial King's monsters, but there is also a Lightning Warrior!


Lightning Warrior needs three sacrifices!

How to find three sacrifices in the city

At this moment, the game on the screen and Kaiba are still tired from fighting against the entanglement of various dueling robots.

Robots don’t get tired, but people do.

Jonouchi looked at the struggling game, and a force emerged from his heart, shouting:

Our friendship will not fall down here.

My turn, draw a card!!

Memories + Bonds = Divine Draw.

Jonouchi drew a magic card and the angel gave alms.

Activate the banned card!

Jonouchi added three cards from the deck, and then he smiled: Successful.

Two cards were sent to the graveyard, one of which was Dandelion White Lion!


Immediately, 3 White Wool Tokens were specially summoned on the field within the castle.

I put three tokens as sacrifices and summoned Lightning Warriors.

The lightning warriors entered the scene, and terrifying thunder and lightning struck the king of heaven, Shinato.

lightning! !


The king of heaven was instantly shattered.

But just when Jonouchi thought the matter was over, Naia shattered everything with the most ruthless words.

You are indeed amazing for being able to destroy the King of Heaven, but

Activate the second effect of King of Heaven. It can only be used once per duel.

When the Celestial King enters the graveyard from the field, this card is specially summoned to the field again regardless of the conditions. It cannot attack during the round when this effect is used.


The King of Heaven tore open the barrier between the graveyard and the real world, and returned to the field. .

[Celestial King Shinato, 3300 attack power, angel clan]

The city's face was ashen, and Naia even used a hidden skill to forcefully end the opponent's turn!

Attack, King of Heaven, cleanse everything from the ignorant world. Naia launched the attack.

The Lightning Warrior was destroyed by the King of Heaven without any suspense. This time, there was no second skill in the city to save his life.

He lost the duel!

Winner: Naia!

Contribute your only value. Naia stretched out her hand, and countless chains composed of data penetrated Jonouchi's body.

Every time it is penetrated, Jonouchi's body will be broken into a hole that is difficult to recover.

In the infiltrating data wound, Jonouchi's own data and even his life began to be absorbed and devoured.

Ahhhhhhh. Even a tough guy like Jonouchi was made to cry out by this cruel torture.

When part of the body in the city was eaten away, one of the earth attribute stones began to slowly fill up in the area above Naia's head.

After the wait is filled, something seems to be born in this new virtual world.

I believe that within a few minutes, a death within the city will be staged here.

Stop it.

A low and hoarse voice with strong anger appeared.

Naiya had an ugly expression. He turned around and saw that You Miao and Xingzi had also arrived at the paradise.

I see, those losers didn't stop you.

You're still here after all.

Naiya's tone was melancholy, his eyes lingered on You Miao's hairstyle for a moment, and then he quickly calmed down.

You Miao looked at Naia and asked, Do you think you can stop me with just a few Kaiba Gozaburo?

Just now, when You Miao and Xingzi were about to enter the paradise, three Kaiba Gozaburo appeared in front of him.

Good guy.

Kaiba Gosaburo, the boss hidden in the virtual world, has probably been eaten up and wiped out long ago, and he has also been ruthlessly reproduced into data without any thought at all.

You Miao rejected Kyoko's invitation to form a team, and he killed three Kaiba Gosaburo alone as quickly as possible.

How could a fake Exodia user like Kaiba Gozaburo defeat him, an orthodox one?

When you arrived at this place, You Miao saw Naiya inside the city.

Let him go and I'll duel with you. You Miao opened the duel plate and challenged the guy who seemed to be Naia.


Naiya really doesn't need it, he has already got what he wants.


You Miao raised three fingers in front of Naiya and shouted:

First, you and I have a reason to duel.

Secondly, although Jonouchi is not my friend, I can't just watch him die like this.

Thirdly, are you afraid?

Naiya's body stiffened, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at You Miao.

For some reason, Naia made a decision.


Jonouchi was released, and Naia stopped cannibalizing the opponent. He opened the duel disk and shouted: Come on, Yu Miao.

Kyoko took this opportunity and ran to Jonouchi's side. She found that both of Jonouchi's legs and the lower half of his body had been devoured, and various data information was emitted from the wounds.

If it were just one minute slower, the city would be eaten up to the point where nothing is left.

Stop engulfing the city, and the earth attribute stones also stop shining.

Duel*2! !

You Miao: 4000LP

Naiya: 4000LP

The first move was grabbed by You Miao, who raised his hand and activated the magic card Solar Charge.

Discard the Light Path monster, draw 2 cards, and then pile two cards into the grave!

Reinforcements of Light! !

Stack 3 cards in the tomb to search for light path monster cards.

Normal summons, Raiden.


[Brother Deng, 1700 attack power, warrior clan]

Brother Deng, who died of overwork, went to work again.

Activate Raiden's effect and stack 2 cards in the grave. You Miao said.

Two cards were sent to the graveyard. At this time, one of them was the Tearful Elegy Tribe-Mello.

Graveyard fusion trigger.

Merlot and the dark-attribute black magician from the graveyard return to the deck.

Dark + Dark = Hungry, Poison and Dragon! !

The tempting fragrance lures insects. When two beautiful flowers merge into one, a new threat will be born from the depths of the petals!

Show up, Hungry Poison Melting Dragon!!


Pink-purple energy diffuses.

One of the most vicious Four Heavenly Dragons was born.

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon, 2800 attack power, dragon clan]

It would be a loss to do Hungry Poison first, but Brother Deng piled up Merlot Mermaids, and You Miao had nothing to do.

After all, the only thing that can melt Merlot Mermaid is the original Hungry Poison Melting Dragon.

Naiya looked at You Miao, his eyes so deep that it was difficult to guess his inner thoughts. He whispered softly:

Coordination monster, the fusion from the cemetery I've seen. And this strange fusion monster.

You are indeed a mysterious and dangerous guy.

You Miao ends his turn.

It's Naia's turn.

Draw a card!

Naia activated a magic card she had never seen before, the Sound of Miracle.

Relying on this magic card, Naia retrieves an Ark of Miracles from the deck and adds it to her hand, and then normally summons this Ark monster in attack position.

[Miracle Ark, 0 attack power, angel clan]

Hey, You Miao, you have to be careful.

This Ark Monster is despicable.

Jonouchi, whose body was broken, shouted loudly that he didn't want You Miao to become like him.

Naia paid no attention to Jonouchi.

The entry of Miracle Ark basically comes with a sealing effect similar to Qinmogu.

Moreover, Naia directly activated the special ability of Miracle Ark.

except! !

Exclude monster cards from both sides' graveyards. Naia looked at You Miao and shouted, I have been paying attention to your battle data for a long time, and I will not leave a monster in your graveyard.

Yes, after all, You Miao's tomb stacking style looks too much like the same person.

Moreover, Naia had to activate this effect.

Because in the first round, You Miao piled up a copy of the Sun God's Wings Dragon and went to the graveyard! ! !

Naia is very afraid of this god card.

Except, no tolerance will be given.


Miracle Ark's excepted power release.

The monster resources in the cemetery that You Miao accumulated through the Light Path card were instantly cleared.

There are 5 monster cards in total.

Naia's health points increased by 2500 points, reaching 6500 points.

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