I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 118 The terrifying effect (3100)

Chapter 118 Horrible Effect (3100+)

The pink-purple beads are moving slowly. This one of the most ferocious, hungry, and poisonous four powerful dragons is floating steadily beside You Miao. No matter how dangerous the power it exudes, it is controlling You Miao's hands. , the ferocious, hungry, poisonous dragon is as cute as a paparazzi.

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon, 2800 attack power, dragon clan]

You Miao looked at Dade Temple and slowly explained:

Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon, this card can only be activated in the round when the monsters on the field are successfully fused and summoned as materials.

The attack power of this card is increased by the total attack power of the special summoned monsters on the opponent's field until the end of the round.

Since it is a graveyard fusion performed by the Merlot Mermaid effect, this effect does not apply.

Daitokuji looked at this extremely dangerous Hungry Poison Melting Dragon, and he spoke:

The aura of the Hungry Poison Melting Dragon is indeed very terrifying, but the attack power of San Ziyang is 5100 points.

2800 is too far away from this value.

After You Miao heard this, he said:

Did you say Wadokana?

The Hungry Poison Melting Dragon is the most vicious of the Four Heavenly Dragons.

The effects it can have are certainly not that simple.

As soon as I finished speaking, ding~

The whole body of the Hungry Poison Melting Dragon exudes a dark purple light.

Under the incredible gaze of Dade Temple, the brilliance of the Sanzi Sun could not be quickly swallowed up by the purple light of the Hungry Poison Melting Dragon.

What happened? Dadeji's expression was horrified, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in his life.

Because the power of Sanzi Sun is rapidly declining

[Three Sons of the Sun: 5100 attack power → 0 attack power]

Dark Malik was also puzzled by the scene before him.

Once per turn, Hungry Poison Melting Dragon can be activated by targeting a 5-level or higher beast → monster on the opponent's field.

Until the end of the turn, the effect of the opponent's monster is negated, and this card gains the effect of the opponent's monster.

When You Miao explained these two sentences, his ability to emit black and purple became stronger and stronger. This may be the influence of the Hungry Poison Melting Dragon.


The effect of Sanzi Sun was invalidated, so the attack power was reduced from a very high value to 0!

The Hungry Poison Melting Dragon stole the effect of the Three Sons of the Sun, and its power began to expand.


The Hungry Poison Melting Dragon opened its mouth, absorbing the dark atmosphere around it, and continued to strengthen itself.

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon: 2800 → 7900 attack power]

An attack power of 7900? Dadeji felt it was too exaggerated. This was the monster card with the highest attack power he had ever seen.

Magic card, quick attack. You Miao launched a quick attack, giving Hungry Poison a chance to attack.

Enter the combat stage! !

Fight, hungry and poisonous dragon, go and bring back the sweet fragrance of victory for me to taste.

Roar!! The Hungry Poison Dragon raised its head and roared.

Then, the pink-purple beads all over its body began to heat up, and terrifying energy was condensing.

injection! !

Countless rays of terrifying light hit the third son of the sun on the grounds of Dade Temple.

At the last moment, Dadeji finally got the answer he wanted, and he was satisfied.

Boom. Boom.

The three sons of the sun, including Dadeji himself, were swallowed up by this terrifying energy.

[Dadeji Temple: 1800LP → 0LP]

Winner: You Miao!

[Victory in the duel, gain character experience*10000. 】

[Congratulations on reaching level 28, please collect the rewards by yourself. 】

[The Road to Duel mission is triggered, congratulations on getting the exclusive character card pack]


You Miao glanced at the ferocious Hungry Poison Melting Dragon emitting black mist in the duel disk area, and he had to admit one thing.

The original Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon is indeed very powerful.

Moreover, the original version of Hungry Poison Melting Dragon also has a hidden effect that is rarely used.

That is, it can only be activated when the Poison Melting Dragon card is destroyed.

Destroy all the specially summoned monsters on the opponent's field, and inflict damage to the opponent equal to the total attack power of the destroyed monsters.

This effect is what establishes the cruel and vicious nature of the Hungry Poison Melting Dragon.

The most evil dragon among the four dragons.

Unfortunately, You Miao couldn't use this effect this time.

In fact, in anime and games, this hidden effect is not used much.

That guy in the game usually uses this effect to threaten others.

The pattern is low.

Wouldn't it be nice if You Miao didn't say anything directly and waited for Yin to make a move?

Daitokuji was in such a bad state that it took him half a minute to even stand up.

I lost, but this duel made me more determined about the path I should take in the future.

However, I believe that in the near future, Daitokuji believes that he can find the Philosopher's Stone.

First of all, Daitokuji must meet the fusion master who uses the four elements (Wingman, Explosive Girl, Lightning Man, and Nendoroid).

After that, it will probably be the plot of gx.

You Miao pulled out Dade Temple's deck. He was only interested in one card: According to the rules of Duel City, I will take away one card from your deck.

The card taken away is naturally the Big Universe! !

This card has extremely poor compatibility with You Miao's deck and is extremely unsuitable.

But You Miao must take it and collect it.

How should I put it, You Miao can live without it, but he can’t live without it!

It's better to have a killer weapon like the big universe in your own hands.

Dark Malik gritted his teeth when he saw it. Did this damn big universe fall into the hands of You Miao?

Like You Miao, Dark Malik is very afraid of this big universe.

You Miao betrayed him, and he will definitely use the universe to deal with him

Dark Malik quietly retreated, no one knew what this guy was thinking now.

You Miaojun, wait a moment, Dade Temple called to the other party, and he handed a white card to the former from behind.

You Miao took the white card and an idea came to his mind.

——This thing, could it be the cheating device that the tenth generation will get in the future, the Philosopher's Stone?

You Miao-Jun, I invite you to join this great cause of alchemy.

This card is your passport. Let's see who among us can find the legendary Philosopher's Stone the fastest.

As an alchemist, Dadeji invited You Miao to participate in this project, which meant that he recognized the other party.


Two people can search faster than one person.

You Miao calmly accepted the white card. He didn't know how he lost.

Just quickly find a jellyfish head, and then teach him how to merge the heroes 5 for 1, and then teach the other party the elemental hero series.

Isn’t the Philosopher’s Stone coming soon?

It might not take ten generations. You Miao might be able to develop his own Philosopher's Stone or come up with other weird things.


The Philosopher's Stone used in the original work of Judai was such a waste!

Those are three opportunities to print cards. Look what Judai printed.

Damn it, You Miao really wanted to slap Judai on the face.

In the Orisis Red Dormitory, eating too many fried shrimps will ruin your brain, right?

But if you think about it carefully, you Miao doesn't know what he will print if he has three chances to print cards from the Philosopher's Stone.

You Miao accepted the blank card, which represented his willingness to join the great plan of finding the Philosopher's Stone.

Dadeji was very happy and cried like a fat guy who got candy.

Dadeji had been walking on the road of alchemy for too long. He occasionally imagined that one day he would go side by side with another person to find the legendary Philosopher's Stone.


Daitokuji's health was no longer good.

But he already had a plan B ready.

Physical death does not mean real death. Playing with the boundaries of life and death is their alchemist's specialty.

However, alchemy must obey one truth.

Equivalent exchange.

Dadeji chose the path of playing with life and death, and he must pay the same price.

After some time.

The third duel is about to begin.

Yami Yugi had already prepared his deck. He walked to the duel stage and waited quietly for Daitokuji to appear.

Jonouchi and the others never left the same place.

Keppei looked at the time, his expression a little impatient. Does this guy named Daitokuji have no sense of time?

The third duel is about to begin.

Why hasn't he come yet?

Do you want to give up? ?

Wait a moment, Keihei. Kaiba ordered, deciding to give him a little more time.

After all, this is the duel of the game.

Kaiba has always been very tolerant as long as the game itself is involved.

Is this obsession?

Time was passing faster and faster, and Yami Yugi, who was standing on the duel stage, felt something was wrong.

How could a true duelist be late?

After all, not everyone is as weak as the leader.

Isono had a strange expression. He wanted to remind President Kaiba that the duel had timed out. According to strict rules,

This duel was advanced by Muto Yugi who won unconditionally.

At this time, someone came out from the other side of the passage.

Everyone looked over, thinking that Dade Temple had appeared.

But I didn’t expect that the person coming was not Dadeji.


You Miao!

What's going on? Haima walked up to You Miao and asked doubtfully.

You Miao glanced at Kaiba, and he slowly shook his head, then walked to the duel stage and faced An Yugi, saying, You have already won this duel. Daitokuji will not come to the duel.

What! ?

It's one thing to abstain, but it's another thing to hear what You Miao said personally.

What happened? Yami Yugi couldn't accept it, he was ready to fight.

But now you tell him that his opponent will not come?

what is this?

Looking at the curious people, You Miao said solemnly: Dade Temple is already dead, so why do you come to participate in this duel?

Everyone had horrified expressions on their faces.


Dadeji's body was already close to its limit. He could no longer hold on to the duel with you and collapsed in the middle. You Miao concealed something.

If Dadeji hadn't insisted on having a duel with You Miao, his body would still have been able to hold up and come to An Yuxi to play cards.

Unfortunately, between dueling and alchemy, Daitokuji chose the latter.

In the eyes of Daitokuji, he made his own choice.

At this time, a group of medical staff carried out Dadeji's body.

I saw that Dadeji's body was like a corpse that had lost water for many days. The body shrank and the face was withered and hideous.

It's the kind of thing you can use to shoot horror movies without makeup.

Things were already like this, Yami Yugi said no more, he turned and walked off the duel stage.

Isono also announced loudly that the winner of the third duel is Muto Yugi! !

However, most people at the scene were not happy.

Because someone died.

Moreover, the way of death in Dade Temple was so shocking that the atmosphere felt a lot weirder.

When no one except You Miao noticed, a small ball of light floated out of Dade Temple's body.

This ball of light floated in the sky and finally left the Tianting.

Don't know where to go.

For Dade Temple, it must be a new journey to continue searching for the Philosopher’s Stone.

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