I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 108 You Miao was suppressed? (5500)

Chapter 108 You Miao was suppressed? (5500+)

The Philosopher's Stone and Duel Monsters are so inseparable.

Of course Daitokuji had to experience it, until here in Duel City, he witnessed the skills of many duelists.

how to say

He was very touched.

Especially the fusion summoning method.

The two monsters are obviously so ordinary, but once they are fused, they can transform into a brand new existence and gain incredible power.

Isn’t this alchemy?

The basic rule of alchemy is equivalent exchange.

If you want to get something, you have to pay the corresponding price.

After Daitokuji experienced the first stage of Duel City, he became interested in fusion.

Maybe if you want to find the true Philosopher's Stone, fusion is the answer.

Fusion alone is not enough, Daitokuji knows that there is something missing, something very important.

No duelist has it yet.

That's the power that causes miracles.

When the two powers can be combined into one and exchanged at equal value, it may be the way to the real Philosopher's Stone.

Fusion. You Miao was wondering whether to let Dadeji go directly to Judai.

Judai must cause a miracle, and the legend about his fusion of five for one will be immortalized in the duel world.

In fact, not only fusion, but also synchronization is in line with the concept of alchemy.

The resonance between adjustment and non-adjustment is also another means of creating new miracles.

Ha, I said a bit too much, because I haven't said that much to other people in a long time.

Thank you.

Dadeji turned around and left, his back looking depressed and lonely.

After all, this guy is dying.

If I want to meet the next ten generations, Daitokuji will still survive.

After bidding farewell to Dade Temple, You Miao packed up her clothes and planned to enjoy the artificial hot springs in this place.

Haima, a rich man, enjoys this kind of capitalist life every day, which is really enviable

You Miao came to the gate and took a look at the mark. Female on the left and male on the right?

It's really strange. You Miao took her things and walked to the right.

Afterwards, a familiar smile rang out from the spot.


Oxbridge changed the mark back.

The old cow said that he wanted to see the river of blood flow.

The warm water wraps around the whole body, making people feel particularly comfortable.

You Miao took a deep breath, closed her eyes, enjoying the tranquility and comfort here, and just wanted to immerse herself in this feeling.

But why is he the only one here?

Won't Jonouchi and Yugi come?

Although there is a duel tomorrow, they are probably all locked in their rooms thinking about construction, but it seems strange to have such a big place to themselves.

Just when You Miao was about to fall asleep, suddenly, he heard a sound.

It was very light footsteps.

It seems like two people.

You Miao showed a Dragon King smile, it seemed that it was Jonouchi and Yugi.

Sure enough, they also wanted to come over and enjoy it.

“Awesome, such a big artificial hot spring, worthy of KC Group”

Well, it's okay. We have a bigger one over there.

You Miao took off the towel and felt something was wrong.

Why a female voice?

A terrible fact lies before you. You Miao may have gone to the wrong place.

This is for girls only.

Lao Ai!

Come out and wash the floor quickly, I'm going to hit Varudo to escape!

You Miao doesn't want to die, he just wants to leave quietly.

Then, the back of You Miao’s neck wasn’t hot at all.

The star mark was unresponsive.

What's going on? You Miao was confused.

Really silent, are you there?

Hot girl, kick me?

Forget about being hungry, after using it, it becomes a mobile pill!

what happened?

You Miao found that none of the elves could shout.

[Jie Jie Jie Jie, hot springs are a good place for accidents. The evil thoughts hidden in the master are beginning to be exposed. The signs outside are clearly visible, but the master chooses to turn a blind eye and deliberately walk into this side. The master is really a bad person. Dear netizen. 】

You Miao couldn't see the tauren, but he heard this hateful narration.

Grass, there are cows. You Miao suspected that the elves didn't come out because the old cow was behind it.

After that, even the evil narration was gone, and You Miao clenched her fists angrily.

This damn cow actually caused trouble?

You Miao couldn't escape without Lao Ai's help.


Someone had already put on a bathrobe and jumped into the warm water.

If it were just one person, You Miao could still sneak in and secretly find an opportunity to leave.

After all, this hot spring is huge.

Unfortunately, a second person also walked in and moved in the direction of You Miao.

Judging from the skin color, which is wheat color, this guy must be Isis.

The most terrible thing was that Isis really discovered You Miao. This woman put her hand into the water, grabbed You Miao's hair and shook it hard several times.

Damn it, this woman is taking revenge! !

What's wrong? Kyoko looked at Isis from behind and asked in confusion.

Well, it's nothing, I was playing in the water, Isis replied with an excuse.

It turns out the prophecy is true!

Isis accidentally received strange fragments of the future through the Millennium Artifact.

In the future scene, she saw You Miao running into the female hot spring.

Moreover, after Kyoko Masaki found out, she didn't report him?

The next development was very strange. Isis found that the picture was blurry and she didn't know what happened next.

For revenge and other reasons, Isis chose to leave the room, and she and Kyoko, whom she met halfway, came in to soak in the hot spring.

Sure enough, Isis really caught You Miao submerged in the water.



the next day.

early morning.

You Miao rubbed her eyes and walked out of the room.

Guiping came here specifically to find You Miao because the first duel was about to begin.

What’s wrong with you?

It seems like he didn't sleep well.

Guiping looked strange. The facilities here were better than those of a five-star hotel, and there were basically no environmental problems.

Does You Miao recognize the bed?


Is my game about to start?

You Miao felt very tired, and he just wanted to play cards quickly.

Please, hurry up and play cards.

Guiping was puzzled, but he still led You Miao outside.

at this time.

Jonouchi and the others are ready to become a crowd.

Dali is already standing on the duel stage, and the protagonist of this duel is You Miao.

You Miao's eyes focused, his expression became serious, and he slowly walked towards the duel stage.

This duel is not easy. An Yuxi reminded You Miao.

Ah, I know. You Miao responded to the other party.

Just here, You Miao stood in front of Dali, and the atmosphere around him started to become weird.

A duel in a depressing atmosphere is about to begin.

Before the duel started, Dazi looked at You Miao and asked, What do you think of humans?

You Miao still didn't know the identity of the person in front of him. To this strange question, he answered: If you beat me, you can give me whatever answer you want.

Haha. Dazi didn't ask any more questions and opened the duel disk.

You Miao also opened the duel disk, and the duel between the two sides began.

Duel*2! !

Dali: 4000LP

You Miao: 4000LP

Draw a card. Dazi inserted a card into the lower left side of the duel plate: Cover one card and end the turn.

The whole process from card drawing to end takes less than 5 seconds!

Fast, too fast.

Fast enough to make Kaiba feel uncomfortable.

Haha, her hand is stuck. Only Jonouchi said happily.

You Miao looked at Dali, her strange-colored eyes seemed to contain many secrets.

However, fight how you want!

Draw a card! !

You Miao activates the magic card:

Rough people expect it.

If you have no monsters, special summon 1 normal monster with level 4 or lower from your deck.

Come out, twin spirits.


Two sexy sisters appear.

[Twin elves, 1900 attack power, magician clan]

Take the twin elves as sacrifices, and summon the Silent Swordsman lv5 in your hands.


[Silent Swordsman lv5, 2300 attack power, warrior type]

It's not over yet, the activation level has increased!

Level 5 begins to evolve, come out, the most advanced silent swordsman.

Under the evolution of silver light, lv5 → lv7

[Silent Swordsman lv7, 2800 attack power, warrior type]

It's amazing. I summoned the strongest lv warrior monster in the first round. Jonouchi exclaimed, he had experienced the power of the Silent Swordsman.

Huh, I'm doing okay, but the Blue Eyes White Dragon is stronger. Kaiba said to himself.

You Miao is going to win? Kyoko looked happy. After hearing Jonouchi's words, she felt that this was too simple.


When You Miao chooses to enter the battle.

The card covered by Dazi is activated, this is a permanent trap card.

Leaving this world! !

Oops. When You Miao saw this trap card, he knew that Silent Swordsman lv7 could not be saved.

This Trap Card can be activated by targeting 1 card on the opponent's field and another card in the Graveyard. Send the target card on the field to the Graveyard, and put the target card in the Graveyard onto the opponent's field. Da Zi smiled, and his desired goal was achieved.

Silent Swordsman lv7 was sent to the cemetery.

Dazi thought for a moment, and he chose to place the magic card Level Up from Youmiao's Cemetery on the field.

Then, I cover a card. You Miao's attack was interrupted and he could only cover the card to end the round.

The situation was reversed in an instant. The duelist named Dali used a trap to reverse the situation.

An Yuxi feels that You Miao is in a very dangerous situation, and this Dali is stronger than imagined.

Click, click, click.

Dark Malik leaned against the other wall. He bit his thumbnail impatiently and murmured:

Damn it, what are you doing?

You Miao, don't fall here. I want to bury you with my own hands.

Dali smiled and drew the card. He looked at You Miao and continued to ask:

Humans, in my eyes, are a bunch of dirty guys. They are at the top of biology but are arrogant and stupid.

Look what humans have done to the earth in these years?

You Miao, do you agree with what I say?

You Miao's eyes were not kind. Why did he feel that this guy looked like the same person?

Activate the quick-attack magic card, Double Dragon Scroll!

Discard 1 card from your hand, and destroy up to 2 magic and trap cards on the field.

Dazi sent a Bone field card in his hand to the graveyard, and then selected You Miao's two cover cards to destroy.


One is the level rise of the return of the current world, and the other is Naraku's cave.

It turns out to be this trap card. It's really dangerous. Dazi smiled.

So, let this duel end here.

You Miao, your strength disappoints me.

It seems that the thing that can take away Oliha Gang's power is just an accident.

Dazi raised the monster card and shouted: Come out, the beast king - Barbaros.


Wild energy is driving.

The king who leads the beast's energy is born.

[The Divine Beast King - Barbaros, 1900 attack power, beast warrior]

It's not over yet, activate the equipment magic card, Ax of Dumbness.

[Axe of Dumbness: The equipped monster's attack power increases by 1000, and the effect is invalidated. ②: During your own preparation phase, inflict 500 damage to the controller of the equipped monster. 】

The Divine Beast King was equipped with the Stupid Axe, which frightened Kyoko, Honda and others present at the moment when its attack power increased.


[Mythical Beast King - Barbaros: 1900 → 4000 attack power]


1900+1000 isn't 2900 attack power?

Kyoko felt numb all over. Why is this happening? There must be a bug.

No, it's indeed 4000. An Yugi said with an ugly expression: The attack power of the Divine Beast King is 1900 when summoned without sacrifice, but the Ax of Dullness invalidates the effect of the Divine Beast King, and it will return to the card's own attack power of 3000 strength, coupled with the improvement of equipment.”

This value is 4000 points.

But, You Miao lost? Jonouchi looked horrified, and he seemed to be unable to accept it.

attack! !

Dazi entered the combat stage.

He asked the Divine Beast King Barbaros to attack directly.

This shot has 4000 combat damage and can definitely kill You Miao instantly.

Anka Chestnut Ball!!

You Miao sent this newly obtained coolie wave to the graveyard.

When the opponent declares an attack, special summon a monster from your own or the opponent's graveyard. The monster will return to the graveyard at the end of the round.


The twin spirits in the cemetery are resurrected.

[Twin elves, 900 defense, magician clan]

Hmph, you don't overestimate your capabilities. Dazi asked the Divine Beast King to pierce the twin elves with a spear.

Since he is in a defensive state, You Miao will not be harmed.

Why didn't You Miao resurrect Silent Swordsman lv7? Kyoko didn't understand very well. She asked Isis next door: I remember that Silent Swordsman lv7 has the ability to invalidate all magic cards in the field.

It won't work. Silent Swordsman level 7 can only be specially summoned by the effect of level 5, unless the summoning conditions are ignored for level up.

The Ankh chestnut ball cannot resurrect the Silent Swordsman lv7.

At this time, after destroying Youmiao's defense line, Dazi raised the magic card in his hand: Treasure Card from Heaven.

Players on both sides replenish their hand cards until they have 6 cards.

Cover 4 cards. To end the round, Dazi pressed the end button.

The Divine Beast King with 4000 attack power stands on the field. This attack power is already the same as the Giant Divine Soldier.

You Miao was suppressed by the duelist named Dali, while An Yuxi and Kaiba analyzed the situation.

The treasure cards dropped from the sky replenish the hand card resources.

You Miao must break through Dali's field in this round.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to withstand the attack in the next round.

With four cover cards, it's not easy to break through this line of defense. Haima looked at You Miao and found that his expression was not nervous.

Humph, the fun is about to begin?

Very good, You Miao, let me see how you can break through this front four and back.

Draw cards. You Miao's hand reached 7 cards.

The magic card, Condor's Feather Sweep, destroys all magic and trap cards on your field.

Peacock Dance looked excited, this was one of the trump cards that You Miao took from her.

I didn’t expect a key role to play here.

However, Dazi roared:

Stupid, how can such a thing be useful?

Open the trap card, God declares.


The invincible old man, one of the strongest interception cards.

[Dali: 4000LP→2000LP]


The old man appeared and waved his hand gently.

The condor's feather sweep softened immediately.

Da Zi's expression was rather regretful, as this trap card had to be used in advance, otherwise it would have blocked You Miao's development at a critical point.

Huh, it's just what I wanted. You Miao smiled.

What, you? Dazi seemed to realize that she had been deceived.

Normal summon, coolie wave! You Miao summoned this monster card that should have been used as a hand trap.

[Chestnut ball, 300 attack power, demon clan]

Da Zi was stunned for a few seconds, and he shouted: Are you crazy?

This kind of miscellaneous fish monster can't even touch a hair of the divine beast king.

Isn't that right? As a coolie wave lover, An Yuxi seemed to understand what You Miao wanted to do.

Kaiba's expression was dark and uncertain. He was disgusted with coolie waves.

See the power of the coolie wave, and the magic card will increase in value. You Miao showed a magic card.

In the value-added power system, the coolie wave begins to split.

One, two, three, four... finally filled up Youmiao's monster area.

Kaiba looked at the group of fish monsters on the field: You Miao, how could you be so depraved?

These coolie waves all over the field remind Kaiba of bad memories.

Da Zi was also frightened by these coolie wave derivatives, But no matter how many of these derivatives there are, it is impossible to defeat the Divine Beast King.

What's wrong with Wadokana? You Miao held up a magic card: See the explosion of Coolie Wave, quick attack magic card!!

Mechanical thunder!

In an instant, all coolie wave tokens on Youmiao's field were destroyed.

In a situation that Dazi couldn't understand, he saw the coolie wave derivatives crushed by the thunder turned into a storm and rolled over.

What!? This counterattack force surprised Dazi.

It transforms into a mechanical thunder that can destroy all chestnut balls and chestnut ball derivatives on the field. After that, choose and destroy the same number of cards on your opponent's field that have the highest number of destroyed cards. You Miao explained loudly.

You Miao doesn't care how much attack power the Divine Beast King has or how many cards he has stacked, he will blow them all up now! !

Damn it, you lunatic.

Open the quick attack magic card, the mysterious Chinese pot!

This was the second time that Dazi was forced to activate Gaika by You Miao. If he didn't use it at this time, he would have no chance.

Damn the bastard coolie wave!

The strong Chinese pot took the lead in destroying the beast king with 4000 attack power.

[Dali: 2000LP→6000LP]

Boom! !

At this moment, all cards on the field of Dazi are annihilated.

The coolie wave's counterattack was very strong.

The round continues. You Miao drew the magic card: Pot of Greed

[Pot of Greed: You can return 5 monsters from your graveyard to the deck to activate. Draw 2 cards yourself. 】

Silent Swordsman*2, Coolie Wave*2, Twin Elves, 5 monsters returned to the deck, and You Miao continued to draw two cards.

Oh, yes. You Miao continued to activate the magic card: Curtain of Black Magic.

[Curtain of Black Magic (anime version): During the turn this card is activated, both players can pay half of their base points to Special Summon 1 Dark Demon monster from their respective hands and decks. 】

The effect of this card is the anime version taken from the Pandora deck, and the corresponding real card version has Self-Suppression.

But the anime version doesn't have it, and the effect of this card is to benefit both sides, but not once per turn.

Moreover, the only cards that match this weird Dark Demon Clan description are

Ahhhhh. You Miao paid half of his life points to special summon Black Magician from the deck.

[You Miao: 4000LP → 2000LP]

The magic circle lights up, and Pandora's once most loyal servant is born.

[Black Magician, 2500 attack power, Magician family]

No big deal, keep paying. You Miao continued to use this effect.

[You Miao: 2000LP→1000LP]

This time, the pink-purple magic circle lit up.

A bad magician girl is born.

[Black magic girl, 2000 attack power, magician clan]

You should be thankful that you still have 6,000 health points and enter the battle!! You Miao launched an attack.

The black magician and the black magic girl's staffs began to cross, and a combined terrifying energy shot out instantly.

boom! !

Uh-huh, Dazi was blasted away by this magical power.

[Dali: 6000LP→1500LP]

Awesome, I almost killed the opponent instantly. Jonouchi clenched his fists, feeling his blood boiling.

Da Zi stood up, looked at You Miao with strange eyes, and laughed with unknown meaning: Hehehe

Can you still laugh? You Miao looked unhappy. He covered 2 cards to end the round.

It's Datsu's turn.

Dazi drew cards from the deck and licked his lips. Although he didn't use Oliha Gang's deck, he hadn't been in this situation for a long, long time.

Speaking of which, he was actually a little excited.

Very good, it's my turn to fight back. Dazi smiled and said, Look at this card of mine!

The destruction of the machine thunder does not take the target. After this card is activated, it can chain to deal hot pot. For the sake of expressiveness and because the DM's timing is not strict, I will write it as the mine destroys the derivatives first, and then Use hotpot.

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