I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 106 The Alchemist (3000)

Chapter 106 Alchemist (3000+)

Yugi and Jonouchi followed closely behind, and they arrived not long after Kaiba entered the KC building.

Guiping has been waiting at the main hall for a long time.

Since this place can be found, it means that the duelist has successfully advanced.

List of qualified candidates.

First place: You Miao

Second place: Seahorse

Third place: Games

Fourth place: Within the city

Hey, take it, this is your pass for tonight. Keipei smiled and gave two gold coins engraved with white dragons to Yugi and Jonouchi respectively.

Jonouchi looked at the shining gold coin and was stunned for a few seconds.

It’s Bailong’s logo again

The naughty Haima is really a big dog! !

Turning around, Jonouchi looked at the gold coin and thought about one thing, how much would this thing be worth if sold?

Keihei seemed to have seen through Jonouchi's thoughts. He turned around and said jokingly:

These gold coins are not only a pass for tonight, but also a souvenir for those who advance to the duel.

These gold coins can currently be sold for about 2 million.

It will be an honor and a priceless treasure in the future.

Jonouchi immediately tightened his grip on the gold coins, and said with an upright face: I am a real duelist, how can I sell it?

No way, that won't happen.

Kuihei, Kyoko and the others are going to pick up Shizuka.

I wonder if we can make an exception and let them participate in the second stage of Duel City as spectators.

Yugi found Keppei and planned to discuss the matter with him.

This is the highlight moment for me to show off my skills. As a younger sister, Shizuka must really want to see my brother show off his talents. Jonouchi also joined in and begged Keipei.

Coincidentally, this sentence was heard by Kaiba, who had just come in not long ago, and he sneered.

The meaning of ridicule is straight away.

It was obvious that Kaiba was in the Laughing City.

Damn it, Kaiba, let's duel now. Jonouchi's mentality exploded, and he proposed a duel to Kaiba.

Unfortunately, Kaiba ignored Jonouchi at all. He walked up to Yugi and said:

Yu↑↓, this time I will make an exception and let your so-called friends join in as the audience.


I will make you understand that absolute power is everything, and so-called friendship is nothing but a ridiculous and sad thing.

Yugi looked at Kaiba, and he retorted with the same truth:

Kaiba, the power of friendship is beyond your imagination.

Those who only have strength in their hearts will never be able to go far.

Yugi and Kaiba couldn't convince each other. After all, they still needed a duel to speak.

Hmph hahahaha, game, let's wait and see.

I will definitely smash your ridiculous claims with my own hands.

as well as.

Having said this, Haima turned around and pointed at You Miao, who had just walked down the stairs and was about to become a melon-eating crowd, and shouted:

And you!

You Miao.

I will never admit the draw last time. This time I will decide the real winner with you.

You Miao expressed that she had a headache. Why did she suddenly pull him in and let her eat in peace?

Kaiba didn't think he would lose.

Yumi and You Miao don't even have a God Card.

Malik was so cold early that he couldn't do it even if he wanted to be a treasure-delivery boy to help strengthen the game.

Therefore, although Kaiba regards Yugi as his opponent, he must beware of Malik.

Malik's hand.

There are two God cards.

Sky Dragon of Osiris, Winged Dragon of Sun God

What special abilities do these two cards have?

At this time, the fifth duelist entered the kc building.

It was Isis, the Maifumei from Egypt.

Isis predicted the meeting place, but she was thin-skinned and found a few people outside to challenge them, and then came after completing the procedures.

Kaiba glanced at Isis, confused.

The Titan Soldier was given to him by this woman, and now she has joined in.

What are you planning?

How about playing?

Isis took the gold coin handed over by Guiping, and she slowly walked to the seat next to You Miao and sat down.

Yugi had met Isis before. This woman talked to him a lot and also guided him to participate in Duel City to collect God Cards.

The game has a vague guess as to why Isis got involved.

You Miao felt a hint of warmth and fragrance passing around him, and he couldn't help but move his butt towards the next door.

This little move was noticed by Isis, and she asked in a serious tone:

I should have no body odor, what do you mean?

Isis remembered what You Miao said in the afternoon.

He is going to find Leopard Girl.

And then she said she was an African chieftain!

You can't produce good products by your side.

Although she didn’t know what “shipping” meant, Isis seemed to be severely disliked.

She was so angry that she wanted to slap You Miao a few times.

It's nothing, I have prickly heat. You Miao lied casually.

He only knew that staying with the African chieftains would not change his destiny.

And Isis often seems to do bad things.

That card, Wang's Kiss, made You Miao afraid. His deck was most afraid of this kind of field card.

In a sense, Isis is a really scary woman.

Yes, you asked me before if I have been very unlucky recently. Isis smiled sinisterly and said, If you think about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case.

First, his younger brother rebelled against the Pharaoh. The God Card was taken away, and Lishid was also brutally murdered.

Adding up all kinds of things, Isis found that she was indeed in trouble recently.

Gua, there are non-chiefs, please retreat quickly.

You Miao's expression was not calm, he wanted to stay away from this woman.

Isis's fingers turned white when she pinched them. She looked at You Miao's expression and was very angry.

The more You Miao behaves like this, the more Isis will hang around this person and kill him.

Everyone continued to wait in the KC building.

The sixth duelist has not yet appeared.

You Miao counted the numbers

He killed An Tapirang.

He killed the peacock dance.

He was also present when Lishid was killed.

So who will take the three vacant positions?


ten minutes later.

A man appeared and she walked into the kc building.

Strange eyes! ! ?

The first impression everyone has of this man must be his pair of strange-colored eyes.

This pair of strange-colored eyes is full of mystery, and the silver-haired woman also exudes a very special aura.

Hard to ignore.

What's your name? Keppei walked up to the tall woman and asked.

Dali. Dazi looked at You Miao with a hidden look, not knowing what she was thinking.

Yes, congratulations on your successful promotion. Please take this gold coin. Keiping handed out the pass.

Dali didn't look at Guiping. She touched Guiping's palm with her right hand, and the gold coin was sucked directly into it.

The Guiping people were confused.

Is this magic?

Dali came with bad intentions. She walked up to You Miao and said:

In this competition, I really hope to have a duel with you.

let me see.

What the hell are you?

Dali did not use the word person to describe You Miao, but used the word object.

Because in Dali's eyes, You Miao has many kinds of strange energy, which is not something a normal person can do.

And it's impossible for a normal person to take away Oliha Gang's power from his hands.

This time, Dazi wants to be Kangkang in person. What is this You Miao hiding?


Jonouchi licked his lips, put his arm on Yugi's shoulders, and said fiercely:

Yi Yu, this woman is so beautiful.

It's a pity that I don't like silver hair. It would be better if she dyed her hair blonde. It would be better to have a big wave.

Yami Yugi didn't say anything. He thought Jonouchi could just read Maouwu's ID card.

And An Yuxi always felt that something was wrong with this Dali, and there would be a vague sense of danger coming from her from time to time.


Like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

It's getting darker outside.

A red car appears, and Shizuka is helped out by Kyoko and Maiko Mai.

Honda and Ryuuji, the two licking dogs, were asking for help from behind, for fear that Shizuka would trip over a small stone.

It's a bit embarrassing to say it, but both Honda and Ryuuji want to be Jonouchi's brother-in-law.

I hope Jonouchi can give me a chance.

Will it happen within the city?

Of course not, so the three people started fighting each other outside.

Sister Peacock Dance, it is shown on the Internet that you have been eliminated, so do you want to participate in the next stage in the name of the audience? Keiping said regretfully, because he was eliminated, he would not issue a pass to the other party.

Peacock Wu pursed her lips, obviously feeling uncomfortable, but if she loses, she loses.

Unable to deny it, she glanced at You Miao, the man who eliminated her.

I'll shamelessly stay and watch the battle. Peacock Wu touched Guiping's head, and she decided to stay.

Peacock Wu wants to see how far You Miao can go in this battlefield.

Yami Yugi didn't say anything. Duels are cruel. If you lose, you lose. He won't feel any injustice because Peacock Wu is his friend and can't advance.

The Huobao trio were still fighting outside.

But this time.

A sound of iron sheets hitting the ground appeared, making people involuntarily look towards the place where the sound occurred.

somebody is coming.

The three living treasures were attracted by this strange feeling.

A tall, thin man wearing a black cloak appeared. This man wore a strange mask and unconsciously exuded the aura of a wise man.

Wrap yourself tightly. Who is this person? Xingzi hugged Peacock Wu's arm and said uneasily.

The tall and thin man walked into the KC building. His young but hoarse voice sounded: I shouldn't be late, right?

Keppei handed a gold coin pass to the tall and thin man, and he asked tremblingly:

You are the seventh duelist to advance. What is your name?


A tall and thin man, he took off the mask on his face, revealing a young face.

But this face has an undue sense of vicissitudes and fatigue.

Sorry, I'm a little short-sighted. Let me wear glasses. The silver-haired man took out a pair of small glasses and put them on.

Yes, I forgot to mention, my name is Dadeji!

Well, let's call it this.

Daitokuji Temple?

What a strange name, but Keppei registered it anyway.

You Miao looked at Dade Si's face and didn't look away for a second.

Isn't this guy GX, the alchemy teacher from Yujo Judai?

Just then, the true silent magician suddenly appeared. She leaned against You Miao's ear and whispered:

This man is about to die.

His spirit has reached its limit and his body is on the verge of death.

And he's an alchemist.

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