I Am In Marvel

Chapter 694


In the restaurant on the first floor of the villa.

A member of the Magneto Eric’s extraordinary family, as well as Caesar and Apocalypse as guests, the people just surrounded the wooden dining table.

“You eat first, I’ll continue to order.” A rare guest will come here. Eric’s wife, Mrs. Nina, is passionate about cooking in the kitchen.

Just sitting in their seats, facing the steaming dishes in front of them, two Loli Wanda and Lorna, holding cutlery in their hands, swinging their feet back and forth, not at All started to eat, but stared directly at Caesar and Apocalypse, as if looking at the weird children who abducted children.

For more than a decade. This is the first time someone has come to visit, and they are naturally curious about the whereabouts of the two.

Caesar and Apocalypse are very natural, and they are not polite at all. They start to enjoy the food on the table as if they were their own home.

Eric hugs his fourth child, Anna, and puts a napkin around her neck. Kuaiyin, who was sitting aside, didn’t speak. He lowered his head all the way, almost buried his face in the dinner plate, and ate slowly at the rate of ordinary person.

“It’s not right.” Wanda’s eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and her mouth was suddenly brittle.

“It’s really wrong.” Lorna nodded, along with Wanda, both set their sights on Quicksilver, “Brother, why are you eating so slowly this time?”

“cough cough!” Quick Yin was almost choked by the food in his mouth, coughed a bit, he looked at Caesar and Apocalypse, and then as it should be by rights: “I usually do, not all Eat like this. “

“Really?” The doubts on Wanda and Lorna’s faces were more serious. Usually, Quicksilver ate it in less than half a second.

Quick silver bitter laughed, continue politely and slowly.

This time there are two big men, Caesar and Apocalypse, how dare he eat so fast. One is the man who took his fastest title, and the other is the first mutant who almost ruled the world twice.

The two of them represent the current Peak battle strength of Earth. None of them! It was frightening to be replaced by the leader of this country.

Of course. For Caesar, Kuaiyin is also very respectful.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Lorna looked curiously towards Caesar.

“Pay attention to politeness.” Eric sternly, staring at his daughter, “called Uncle.”

Lorna is lightly snorted, arrogantly saying, “What Uncle, look at his age, it is not a few years older than us!”

“That’s it.” Wanda curl one ’s lip followed.

There was a helplessness on Eric’s face. According to his generation, Caesar was even bigger than the Uncle generation.

Looking at the two daughters who were reluctant to accept the title, Eric could only apologize, and hurriedly said to Caesar, “I’m sorry. Caesar, they are so used to them.”

“It’s okay.” Caesar smiled indifferently. With these two wayward daughters, it seemed that Eric had washed his hands thoroughly.

Probably no one can think of it. At that time, the man who dared to assassinate the current President of the United States and created a mutant force to overthrow the World has now become a dad who is suppressed by his daughter at home and has to feed the youngest daughter himself.

You can also see here that this World has really changed.

“You’re Caesar?” Wanda looked towards Caesar, his eyebrows frowned slightly. “Why did I seem to say that name somewhere.”

“Me too, Caesar’s name …” Lorna muttered to herself.

Caesar ignored them and continued to cut the steak gracefully. When I was a kid, in the eyes of others, it seemed that they were more arbitrary and naughty than they were.

This is a performance with special superpowers. If you want a mutant with excellent innate talent to deliberately maintain the same performance as other ordinary children, then you are on the wrong path to growth.

After a while.

Wanda and Lorna’s eyes light up at the same time, they look at each other and look towards Caesar again, hurriedly asking, “Are you not Caesar?”

“The strongest Superman in the world?”

“Did you think of it now?” Kuaiyin murmured, except for the current Caesar, who would dare to come directly without first applying.

Under the intense gaze of two loli, Caesar wasgently nodded, “Superman … I seem to have been called this before.”

That’s a long history.


Wanda’s and Lona’s eyes suddenly changed, just like facing idols, and Blink’s eyes widened with bright stars.

“Legendary Superman, have you come to my house?” Wanda couldn’t believe it.

Lona clenched her pink fist in excitement and waved it a few times, “Do you know? You are in our school, no, idols of the mutant group!”

“How do you say?” Caesar raised her brow lightly, and was interested, to know what she looked like in the legend.

Wanda and Lorna ’s excited faces are hot, chirp chirp twitter twitter’s 娓娓 explain: “In legend, you only shot twice.”

“Once, the boss of the largest mutant organization that will go astray, defeated in one box! Reversed the society’s concept of our mutant.”

“One more time, defeated the super villain that almost destroyed World and saved …”

Listening to their discussion of innocent and unaffected, a quick “pu” sound, and fortunately, covered her mouth quickly, or she almost squirted out the contents of her mouth.

Seeing Wanda and Lorna’s eyes turned over, Kuaiyin waved awkwardly, “Nothing, I didn’t hold back.”

Eric’s face is a bit black, and the Apocalypse is happily. He doesn’t mind his dark history. After all, it was also his encounter with the Lord.

“It’s nothing.” Caesar picked up wine cup and, sipped, teased: “The two are not so difficult to fight.”

Wanda and Lorna’s eyes are even hotter. They look at Caesar and invariably say, “Superman, please accept us as disciples!”

Eric coughed, and Shen said, “Okay. After the holidays, you have to go back to school!”

“This holiday is two months long.” Wanda’s nose wrinkled.

“Promise us.” Lorna looked towards Caesar with expectation.

Looking at the two Little Luolis in front of him, Caesar took a moment to nod, recalling the harp back then.

He drank his glass of wine, and laughed, “I won’t collect disciple anymore, and I’m not suitable to be a Teacher.”

Wanda and Lorna suddenly lost their heads.

“But …” Caesar spoke sharply and looked at the two loli seriously. “If you really want to worship, the servant next to me is more suitable.”

He is not a mutant, nor a human, and no one knows better than Apocalypse about mutant ability.

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