I Am In Marvel

Chapter 686


Divine Realm Immortal Palace, in the reception hall.

“Hella.” Facing the daughter who came to disturb the meeting, Odin took a serious look, moved towards Kyle and Yu Tong raised their right hand, and signaled: “This is Lord Lord, and he Servant, Master Yu Tong. I’m not salted yet, I’ve met two adults. “

“Large god … big?” Hella opened her eyes with curiosity, and after gazing at Kyle and Yu Tong for a few seconds, she trot toward Kyle, Bai Nennen’s hands hugged his thigh.

“Hela, you must be rude!” Odin was startled, afraid that daughter Hella would offend and offended Lord Lord.

Well, one less! I like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

And the gigantic giant, in the presence of the current one, is like an ant-like existence!

“It’s okay.” Kyle waved his hand. He looked down at Xiao Haila. The other party wore a girl’s dress, black hair tied into a short double ponytail, and a small face carved in pink and jade. doll.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shu Yuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

Taking Kyle’s tall and upright body as a big mountain, under Odin’s gaze, Xiao Haila climbed up to the seat along Kyle’s left thigh, and finally sat in his arms successfully. There was a sound of innocent laughter like a silver bell.

Kyle has no comment on this and let her play.

“Master God, let you laugh, I taught you no way.” Odin said with cold sweat on his forehead, feeling helpless: “I, the daughter, have been naughty since childhood, and spoiled by her mother-in-law. .Everything you look for, you will definitely try to get it. “

“Do you mean, she fancy me?” Kyle teased.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“Child, you have to teach it well. When I look at you, I don’t teach her how to deal with her.”

Kyle smiled, stretched out a finger, and poked Xiao Haila’s white tender face, which made Xiao Haila smile and stretch out her hand, holding his finger in the palm.

Odin lowered his head, silent for a moment, and then sighed: “It’s ashamed to say, Divine Realm affairs and Nine Realms are busy fighting, I have not been as long as the Lord of Divine Realm, and really did not have much time to discipline her.”

Kyle whispered softly: “Children will grow up quickly if they don’t pay attention. When they have mature self-consciousness, then you can’t control them.”

If you look at the results in the future, Odin may be a good Divine King, but not a good father. The three children he cultivated are prodigals. Divine Realm is a professional relocation household.

However. He didn’t seem to be qualified to coach Odin, after all, he didn’t have a child.

After drinking, I’m finished talking.

Kyle and Yutong are not planning to stay long at Divine Realm, and Odin takes them all the way to the gate of Immortal Palace. It’s just that Little Hella still clings to Kyle, and doesn’t want to leave in his arms.

Odin said good-bye, that took her back, Xiao Haila opened her eyes and looked at Kyle tightly, and muttered reluctantly in her mouth, “The Lord God is big.”

“I’ll see you next time, Little Hella. Just stay here and wait for me.”

Kyle said here, and suddenly remembered something, he plunged into the void with his left hand, and took out a ruby ​​out of thin air.

He handed the gem to the little Hella in Odin’s arms. “Without any gifts, I’ll give you this as a toy.”

“Master God, this is …” Odin opened his eyes in astonishment. From the ruby, he noticed a powerful energy that was almost the same as the universe of the Tesseract!

Even more, the energy contained in this gem is even more violent.

Odin doesn’t know what to say.

Which is the same thing as power source stone and cosmic magic, the universe’s strongest strategic material, so just use it as a toy gift?

A little present? This is too shocking!

Little Haila didn’t think of that many, the black eyes were bright, and she reached out to grab the ruby, and she held her arms in her arms, “Thank you Lord God greatly.”

“That is the source stone of reality. It can modify reality and make things out of thin air. I temporarily sealed most of its power. Use it to repair your homeland.” Kyle left this sentence in the end, obviously to Austria. Ding said, and then disappeared with Yu Tong at the gate of Immortal Palace.

“Congratulations to the Lord God!” Looking at the empty area where the two disappeared, Odin opened his heart, his face filled with gratitude. The little Hella in his arms couldn’t even care about the precious stones in his hands.

“The Lord is big?” She looked around blankly, trying to find Kyle’s silhouette, but the magnificent and imposing grand Immortal Palace.

Just before Kyle, “Be obedient to stay here to wait for him”, the unintentional words were deeply burned into Hella’s care.

In the future, even the past millions of years, we cannot forget the long years.

If I stay obediently at Divine Realm, will you really come back to see me?

Even if there is no loved one around, sitting on the throne alone, the world will be silent, Hella will think so for no reason.

Kyle and Yutong leave Divine Realm, not at all return to Uranus, but swing around the Nine Realms starry sky.

Nine Realms, which has returned to peace for many years after the end of the cosmic war, is in ruins everywhere.

“Boss, what’s that?”

Yu Tong saw a huge round mineral like a planet suspended in outer space. The outer star insect family that can survive in space for a short time is digging in and out to carry the inner ‘mineral’.

“It’s the giant’s skull.” Kyle indifferently smiled.

I’m afraid even the giant in front of it didn’t expect it. Before his life, he saw that a weak race of ants was present, and now he is using the fluid and brain of his head as nutrients, as a source of new energy for civilization.

After a half circle in the Nine Realms universe, Kyle and Yu Tong finally came to a relatively deserted and remote planet in the human world.


This is not affected by the previous battlefield in the universe. The main reason is that the position is too biased, and there are no resources and higher life, and there is no sign of the birth of civilization.

Kyle floats in outer space near Earth, and sends sound transmission to the rain pupil next to him: “It’s too slow, please interfere a little.”

“Okay.” Yutong understood what he meant, then closed his eyes.

After a while, a huge power enveloped Earth.

Earth’s internal tremor is endless, and the large-scale melting of glaciers on the surface has become a land plate, which has begun to split into countless plates!

Kyle raised his left hand, and threw a green jewel away at the changed Earth plate.

That’s the time source stone.

Kyle used it as the seed of a burgeoning civilization on Earth millions of years ago. Only the primitive humans get it, and that person will become the earliest wizard, leading clansman to rise and build human civilization.

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

All this is doomed.

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