I Am In Marvel

Chapter 680


‘hong long long! !! ’

thunderbolt, molten, storm, meteor, landslide, ground fissure …

Only the mighty power that nature can produce, bombarded Kyle locked up, all the energy gathered into a little burst, even the light in the sky disappeared, and a vacant black hole appeared in central New York!

Even if there is a Divine Item with infinite gloves as a transition and suppression, and the use of the three original stone powers to destroy the tyrant, it still snorted, and a stream of bright blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Well, one less! Like to ask everyone to collect: () Zhai Shuyuan is the fastest to update.

The streets and highways in front of the New York area have all been destroyed. Above the empty caves with a radius of 100 meters, dozens of iron chains that lock the surrounding high-rise buildings, and still entangled and locked Kyle’s body.

After a round of offensive attack with three infinite rough stones, the blue flames appearing on Kyle’s body, like a candle flame, are in danger of extinguishing at any time.

Fuck, it’s one more missing! Zhai Shuyuan, the latest chapter updated soon!

“Useless. That iron chain is an eternal chain, a Divine Item of the same quality as Infinite Gloves. I made it specifically for you. I ca n’t even break it, and it can suppress the divinity of the creature within the body. Energy. “

Miba said coldly, clenching the infinite gloves with his left hand, and condensed thunderbolt, flames, frost, and spurs continued to appear above the gloves, and he flew towards Kyle in succession, landing on his chain to lock On your body, generating powerful explosive waves with different attributes!

The weakened flame of the body only blocked a little, those amazing supernatural attacks fell on Kyle’s body, letting the venom inside his body make a sharp wailing.

Because these attacks are doped with flames and ultrasound!

Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

“Rest assured, I’m fine.”

The hard response of Kyle gnashing teeth, he is relying on the superman body at the hard top. If it is not the body has a strong ability to withstand it, in the first round of small-scale star explosions, his body has completely turned into fly ash!

It’s not the way to go …

Kyle knows this very well. These iron chains that entangle themselves limit the consumption of the divinity and energy within the body. And the annihilation by the infinite gloves, the almost infinite supernatural baptism 蹂躏, even a planet will be destroyed.

Divine Physique is indeed powerful, but it is not invincible. As long as it is still in the realm of living things, there is a limit for the body to bear!

If he goes on like this, he will die.

I understand this very well, and it is for this reason that Kyle’s eyes appear firm, and finally a decision is made in my heart!

After being bombarded by another high-temperature flame ball, the venom on his body breaks out of the symbiotic form.

Kyle turns Venom back into a creature card, earning card space.

At the same time, from the card space, he hangs the top card, and summon it out!

The item card appears on top of Kyle’s head. After changing back to the entity, it is a purple gem of Blink’s brilliant rays of light.

“Rock of Power?” Exterminated his eyes wide open in suspicion, and the attack of Infinity Gloves was slow. Then he saw the power stone fall, and Kyle, who had just been entangled by the chain, bit his mouth.

Heartbeat pauses here.

Rolled up the eyes, Kyle almost choked by the power stone, and the dry tongue chose to hold his breath, grunted, and swallowed the gem in his mouth!

Looking at the shocking scene, Deba exclaimed in shock: “Are you crazy?”

It’s crazy!

Since the Universe Great Explosion, no creature has dared to bear two infinite rough stones with its body at the same time!

Not to mention eating it!

Crazy, this is a true madman!

It’s too late to think about it. Kyle in the chain of eternity in front of him suddenly yelled. His original blue eyes and Blink were the magic of purple. The body is stretched like a balloon, the body surface is cracked, and powerful and violent purple energy flows out from it.


With several clear sounds, the eternal chain was forcibly broken! Then, the overflowed purple energy disintegrated into nothingness!


Kyle, freed from the iron chain, floats above the cave, yelling and rolling with his arms around his stomach.

Blue purple. Two powerful gems of energy, overflowing from the constantly cracked skin, like Kyle’s body wrapped in a blazing flame, and shattered and annihilated his large body.

Yu Tong’s soul gushed out of Kyle within the body, and anxiously shouted to Kyle next to him, “Come on, boss!”

“Useless, it’s over.”

Mieba shook his head gently and looked indifferently at Kyle rolling in the air. “The rough stone of strength is the strongest increase for the living body and the most serious load on the human body. After swallowing the rough stone of space, his body has been Nearing the limit, now the power stone will completely wipe him out into flying ash. “

“How can …” Yu Tong soul looked at Kyle in pain.

With the raging energy of the original stone in space and the original stone in power, Kyle ’s body begins to collapse at the same time. The next moment when Kyle ’s eyes are about to be completely ashes, Kyle suddenly opens her blue and purple eyes, and her body begins to collapse. Heal itself at a blazing speed.

The body’s ultra-fast self-healing beyond imagination reached a short balance with the two energies that destroyed the body, reshaping and destruction, allowing Kyle to regain the instant control of the body!

It’s such an instant!

Kyle ignores the space distance Blink to the front of the destroyer, and punches with the power of the original stone containing space and power. He punches through the chest of the destroyer directly into a bloody hole, the fist end runs through the tall and burly body, from the back Get out!

Exterminator didn’t make any response. He looked at Kyle in front of him and looked down at his completely penetrated chest. “How can this be …”

“Sorry. Tyrant, I’ll take you with me …” Kyle smiled at him.

This is the [Death Reorganization] that he extracted from Sakarcin Paragon last time. Near the moment of death, the body will re-repair the super golden card ability, allowing Kyle to control the power of two rough stones at this moment.

But that’s it.

Even the strongest innate talent ability and priority cannot exceed the infinite rough.

Kyle penetrated the left hand of the Exterminator’s chest. The entire arm was the first to disintegrate and annihilate. The super strong self-healing could not keep up with the annihilation speed. His body began to appear transparent. Each blood vessel was flowing with the energy of blue purple, and then began to inch Shattered and annihilated.

“I have never seen a fierce person like you for so long in the universe.” Exterminated a bitter laughter, his body life was also passing fast, centered on the chest gap, and the gemstone energy was also annihilating his body.

He covered the gap in his chest and said arduously: “I will die later than you. After you die, I will take out all the rough stones on your body, hit that ring finger and die …”

“You won’t have a chance.”

Kyle smiled inexplicably. He was about to shatter his annihilated body. Finally he raised his left hand and threw the third time stone into the mouth like a peanut.

Desperate eyes widened in despair.

“No!” Yu Tong’s soul wailed, and quickly moved towards Kyle’s half-empty body.

“Unfortunately, I can’t see you anymore.” Kyle muttered to himself, flashing his head.

At this moment, he thought of Howard, Steve, Lucy, Logan, Tony, Page …

Many faces.


Sun, I ca n’t watch it again! Remember for a second, Zhai Shuyuan ().

A destructive energy explosion centered on Kyle’s body, erupting from the center of New York City in the mirrored space, and shattered the entire mirrored space including New York City towards the end of destruction.

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