I Am In Marvel

Chapter 678


York City City mirror space.

After Kyle showed up, the bully didn’t do it again. It is very clear to him that, in front of Kyle, it is not realistic to rob others of the indefinite stone



extermination looks at Kyle, looking at this, strong to men who can’t count as human beings, who have no enemies in the silver union.

Hey, a little less! I like to invite you to collect: (i) the fastest speed of updating the Japan Court.

A long time ago, during World War II, the New York War – from the moment of contact with the original stone – had taken hold indirectly


Loki, Lona, even play chess with each other.

Shit, a little less! Japan Court, update the latest chapter!


mountain can’t be shared by two tigers, a romantic universe that can’t compete for two of the top powerhouse at the same time.

“I’m a little sorry now. Regrets the New York War, trusted Loki that piece of shit, and didn’t bring his own soldiers here.” The extinguisher landed behind Kyle, and the fog of that space was able to open the mirror space directly, and only real space raw stones could do it


That’s what it means. Now Kyle has two indefinite stones, space and power stone, and if you count the time stone that rainpupils have intercepted, you have three.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

The only difference is that the greatest reliance on extermination is the unlimited glove, which perfectly performs the supremacy of unlimited stones!

Kyle’s greatest reliance is the space stone, the Divine Race firepower that comes from the pickup card, and the power of integration — the twin stars!

At present, it’s… flat.

Just after today, this time, which covers the entire romantic universe, continues a century of war and finally comes to an end


“Do you want to join us?” Extressionless, look towards Kyle, Thor and Banner Court Academecian and the others.

Now Kyle has the advantage of being his main arena and having the entire Avengers, the California, and Earth’s top edge, such as Wakanda


“Of course…” Thor was about to speak but was interrupted by Kyle, “Thor. You don’t even have to do it, take the injured people out of the mirror space.”

Let them go, okay? All three stones are on me. ”Kyle raised his eyes, looked for the bullies ahead.

“Yes.” The extermination is simply nodded. He’s a little scared, too. Red Witch on the scene, Dr. Strange, fast silver, and Thor and the others, the strength cannot be completely ignored by him. The victory of this war is hard to say if none of these people are afraid to attack together.

Yes, if only Kyle was alone, even if he had three stones, the extinct still didn’t think Kyle could defeat him!

“We can…”

Banner Court Academecian would like to say something else, just to look up against Kyle, and he can’t help nodded


Now they have half the wounded, forced to stay and fight, most of them as burdens, and Kyle will be closed and unable to exercise real power in peace


Thor and Banner Court Academecian looked at each other, together with Martial Goddess, raised steel men, king, war machines, etc., and seriously wounded heroes. Dr Strange returned from the sky to the ground and opened the spell portal to

the outside.

Neither hegemony nor Kyle ever did it again, with 10 meters around, staring at each other quietly


“Boss.” The rain pupil’s soul drifted to Kyle and handed him the raw stones of the cut-off


Kyle took the time stone to his hand, and he looked at the current posture of the rainpupil, and it was clear in his mind that the stone was Earth’s people, who did everything in their power to save it, and it was carrying much more weight than it itself

. The

rain pupils whisper, “They’re all fine, they’re just trapped in Vakanda, and they can’t get here.”

That’s good. ”Kyle gently nodded, say to the soul of the rainpupil,“ You too. ”

No, I’m staying with the boss.”

The rain pupils were shaking their souls, fearing Kyle could expel her with stones, or simply flowing into his body.

Kyle said, “If you stay with me in the body, if I fail, you’ll be dead.”

I know, that’s why I’m staying. ”Rain pupils in his inside the body sound transmission:“ As long as there’s a boss, even hell, I’d like to come with you. Without you, I’d rather not even have a soul. ”

During World War II, in that dark underground studio, Kyle saved her from the moment that her body and mind no longer belonged to her.

“ Then stay with me and fight. ”Kyle’s mouth went up a little bit, and no more rain pupils left,

yeah, a long time ago, since the war began in Tokyo, their lives were

tied together.
“ elder sister. ”

Lona, not far from here, saw this scene, and her eyes were crying, and she was happy and heartfelt happy for the rain pupils.

“ You must win the last victory. I’ll wait outside! ”Lona finally looked at Kyle and took the lead from spell door, and she feared that she could not resist and wanted to stay.

The steel war armor, which covered the body, was wiped out, Tony was held by the Banner Court Academecian and Spiderman, around, and he looked back, “Father, you must win!”

Of course, when did you see me fail. ”Kyle shows his self-confidence smile.


he wins today, Tony’s miserable fate as Iron Man will turn it over.

“ That’s good. ”Tony believed in his godfather and left the mirror space with Banner Court Academecian and Spiderman.

“ Boss, fuck him! ”Eddie speaks very concise, holding fast and leaving.

And then Dr… Strange, King, Martial Goddess, Thor… everyone left the mirror space.


red witch looked at Kyle’s back, and somehow she suddenly had a strong feeling that she would never see a man before


This hung her chest and suddenly pulled away Martial Goddess, restored a little strength, turned around Kyle and held his waist tight.

“ Wanda? ”Kyle’s stunning down to the bottom.

“ It’s a hug for the rainpupil elder sister, don’t misunderstand. ”Wanda bites his lips tightly and says,“ Remember. There’s a lot of people waiting for you here. Me, Lucy, Cherry… we’re all out there waiting for you to win the final victory and return to us! ”

Don’t worry.”

Kyle slapped her hands gently, and he was determined, and he answered: “I will win! I’ll come back to you!”

I believe you. ”Wanda’s gone.

After she left, spell doors disappeared, big mirrors were in space, leaving only bullies and Kyle.

“ Keep you waiting. ”Kyle, move forward.

“ Goodbye. For the victory of this battle, I came here to say goodbye to the most important people of life. It’s goodbye. ”

Day, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“ Come on! Let this war come to an end! ”

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