I Am In Marvel

Chapter 676

Mirror space.

Most people are still looking at extermination outside, and only Spiderman Peter seems to notice something.

He was curious to look next to him, paint his hands and rewrite the king of the circle, curious scream, “uncle, what are you doing?”

Others heard Spiderman’s voice and looked back to King Zi, which was the only reason to notice the strange actions of the King.

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.

“Come on… stop me!” The king’s face is very ugly at this time, and it’s a little out of the bond through powerful ideas, but it’s still not in control of his hands, a little bit on the empty picture of the whole circle!

A little Mars emerges from the front air, and the spell portal is growing a little bit.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

Or, no one can defeat the hegemony that holds the stone of the soul at this time in the field of mind.

Each indefinite stone is the cornerstone of the rules of the Universe itself and the extreme Peak of energy and innate talent at all levels. It’s the will of the romantic universe!

Reality stone rewriting fiction, heart stone, control of the soul, soul stone, control of the soul of the universe…

The hegemony with these three indefinite stones, in the universe, is now half invincible!

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

The Iron Man and the war machine quickly came to hand over, about one or two, pulling the King’s arm apart, forcing him to cancel the law. Spiderman was more likely to shoot out a spider net, haunt the king’s ring and stop him from doing it again.

On Mars lit in the air, the door was opened to the size of the fist, and when the King’s law was broken, the doors were gradually shrinked out.

The crisis was lifted.

Don’t let the people in the mirror loosen their breath, a big hand with unlimited gloves, lightning out of the world into the door!

The extermination grabbed the moment of the instant passing away, and as his big hand pulled it, the boundary wall of mirror space was like glass, gradually ripped out, and the space hole was expanding!

“Don’t let him in! Let’s do it!”

Iron Man yelled, both of his hands engines have been uploaded, and the burning laser beam has been blown over that big hand.

The war machine similarly opened the vest artillery device, using the strongest attack weapon, and bombed several small missiles into the hands of the hegemony.

And the power of the Red Witch, Spiderman’s spider network…

Whether a hero has the potential or not, it is time for all of us to launch a violent attack on the big hand that tears up space, regardless of the matter.

Everyone knows what happens when the bullies come in!

In the face of collective attacks by people, unlimited gloves are held again, and all attacks are parked outside the gloves, as if they were fixed by the law of the universe.

The three stones embedded in the unlimited gloves, while Blink shines rays of light, and then the attacks that concentrated on the big hands returned in a reverse way!

“Get away from me!”

People were forced to flee or build defences, and many people were thrown out by explosions, and mirror Newton was chaotic.

Take this opportunity.


extinct hands with unlimited gloves, playing the unlimited authority of the gem, completely tearing up enough floors to walk into the mirror space from outside the world!

“This is over.” To see this scene, Eddie, who has no battle power right now, smiles and can only find a corner to hide. He right hand pressed his left chest and screamed, “Toxin, what’s wrong with you? It’s time for you to do it!”

The toxin still hasn’t reacted, as if it had left Eddie in the body since the superpower game.

“Slaughter!” The Iron Man climbed quickly from the ground and watched the bullies entering the mirror space, and the engines started simultaneously, moving towards the end of the hegemony, pushing over and firing several energy beams in the hand.


Look at the steel man that flew this way, extinguishes the whispering, he blocks the energy beam with his defenceless right arm, his left hand’s unlimited glove Blink rays of light, and creates a bunch of flying birds moving towards steel men.

Iron Man was severely disturbed by birds, and was forced to slow down, but was grabbed with a neck by the extermination of the front.

“Let him go!” War machine loudly shouted, continues to launch small missiles.

The extermination did not look at him, and unlimited gloves waved with their hands, war machines carried a number of small missiles, all of them flew out, and did not enter the building in the adjacent mirror space, causing a huge explosion.

“en?” The extermination took a look at the ground next to it, provoking the power of unlimited gloves, running fast silver around it, blocked by walls created by a few walls.

“Get off me, Mr. Stark!”

Spiderman leaps through the air, opens the kill pattern, stretches several mechanical claws on the back, like the same fierce steel spider.

The extermination cap was lightly shaken, Spiderman stagnated in the air, his hostile experience was too little, and he was just a child, and his heart was instantly crushed and then fell straight down.

In a short period of time, two or three superheroes continued to defeat each other and were not enemies of hegemony.

The Red Witches and the King, both of them, were unable to fight because they had just been hit by a rebound.

“You can’t stop me.” The extinguisher opens his mouth and falls back to his body and is held by his right hand to the iron man in the neck.

The Iron Man is still struggling, and the hand engine is nearby, and it’s a bullet in the chest.

With Titan Bloodline, the monopoly is stronger than the Hulk, and these energy attacks are not at all in sight. He’s right hand’s hand is shrinking, iron man’s neck armor starts to crack out.

“Get off me!” Iron Man treats engines as engines, transforms them into hammers’ hands, hitting bullies in the face.

The extinct nose bleeds a little bit, and he doesn’t make sense, continues to shrink right hand five fingers, steel war armor’s neck fractured.

Just as the Iron Man was going to be robbed alive, a silhouette dragged under the dark cloak, floating out of airspace and delusing into dozens of Avatar. Every Avatar releases golden spell vervain, densely packed bars into networks, holding the hands of the bully together with the body!

It’s Dr Strange!


wound on his forehead is still bleeding, but it’s finally back to consciousness.

“Let him go, time stone is with me!” Dr Strange, chill out.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

This war is not over yet!

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