I Am In Marvel

Chapter 674

Suddenly calm down at the Wakanda Palace.

Vibranium material was built on a bright floorboard of Hell, Lucy, rain pupils, Captain America, the Black Panthers… With black flames, almost all high-ranking men and half of their bodies were buried under the floor.

No matter how hard they struggled, they could not recover from it, but only the aim of Bamba was to extinguish the interstellar spaceship and drive in the direction of New York.

“Give up, you will not prevent the Lord from taking the fourth indefinite stone.”

Hey, a little less! I like to ask you to collect the fastest speed of renewal of the Ramadan Court.


Dead Spirit General Army, more than ever from the ground, picked up the death blade and cold-looking towards people who were unable to move freely, brought together unmasked killing intent.

Although they were all injured, they did not affect action and could directly threaten all those present.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

“Yes, the Lord did.” Dead Spirit General laughed, and his hands were swinging with a knife and headed towards the people, “but the Lord did not kill you. It doesn’t mean we can’t kill you.”

“You… vile!” Sue is breathing, and finally throwing up such a saying.

“Asshole?” Night smiles more than a neighbour, “and only you Earth people will use these terms. In the immense interstellar universe, only the weak is prey to the strong, winner is the rule of the king. Whatever the plan means, if you win, it’s powerhouse!”

Lucy and the others gnashing teeth have nothing to do with it. The last hand of the extermination was too hard to embedded their bodies in Vibranium, and there was no hope of a reversal.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

“How can this blame you, just for me, and I can only give him the stone?” Steve sighs gently.

The bullies see the heart, the dead.

“It’s time to end. I have to say that you humans are really embarrassing to me that a small civilization in the district has brought us such a huge problem.” Dead Spirit General comes to them and stops, and the mute says, “Don’t worry, I’ll be quick, and I’ll cut your heads off.”

At the same time, it said that the blade in its hand had been too high and was about to wave down, taking the lead in cutting Steve’s head off, while the body and the knife were stunning at the next moment.

The people came back and looked back, but it was the rain pupils among them, and it was the holy light of silver.

“It’s over! It’s disgusting.”

Death Spirit General is speaking half of the horrendous words, and behind it, the nights sound more alarmed than the stars, “Watch out!”

Then a sharp Katana, stabbed from the back of the dead Spirit General Army, straight out of his chest with blood…

“Who is it?” The dead Spirit General knew the lower head, looked through the body Katana, and the knife was dropping blood down.

“I didn’t think so, I’m not dead.”

After the death of Spirit General, Deadpool, who had lost half of his body, succeeded in recovering itself. He shrugged, waved Katana, cut Spirit General’s back in half!

Steve and the others are surprised to see this.

Deadpool alone is not strong, but the ability to die is the most intolerable. He’s the most easily ignored person on the battlefield, and he’s the easiest person to reverse the war!

“You fucking human insect!”

Look at the dead Spirit General Army, whose eyes are full of blood at night than the eyes of the neighbors, and just for the next moment, a steel left arm stretches out of the back, cruelly strangling her fiber neck.

Deadpool quickly followed the pace by sending blood sodium carbon steel Katana into the chest of the darker night than a neighbor.

The warm blood spilled, the dark night struggled harder than the neighbors, but the steel arm was not loose until the strength on her completely collapsed.

The body slipped down and showed up late winter Bucky.

“Bucky, I knew, Youre quite something!” Steve couldn’t stop laughing, and Bucky just didn’t make it to the scene, apparently for the time being.

Successful attacks on two aliens guarded here, and the crisis was temporarily lifted and the bullying finally went to New York.

The final crisis remains.

“How can I get you out of here?” Baby looks at the people trapped on Vibranium floor.

Su Jian said, “When our country’s guards come, they can split the Vibranium floor with a specific device, but it takes long enough.”

“What we need now is time.” Steve sighed then said, “Now, who’s in New York?”

Lucy responded quickly: “Tony, Wanda, Quick Silver, and Dr. Strange, they should all be.”

“Can they alone hold the stone of time?” Steve keeps talking, trapped in a brief meditation.

The answer is clear.

After all, they did not stop the bullies. And now the bullies, and there’s another soul stone on their hands, and power can no longer be judged in the usual sense.

Steve knows that, of course. It’s heavy: “Someone has to call Dr. Strange them, let them flee with the time stone. In short, the fourth stone cannot be left in the hands of the extermination.”

“It’s too late.” Panthers helplessly said: “Even now, we can’t make it to New York through Wakanda’s fastest means of transportation.”

“That’s not necessarily true.”

A cold sound started inside, and Lucy opened her eyes, and she saw a half-transparent silhouette coming out of the rain pupils next to her, exposing silver rays of light in the air.

“Rain Student, you are…” Lucy, from that silver shadow, felt a tremendous amount of divine sense, and a powerful life aura.

That’s the soul of the rainpupils.

“This is what the Ancient One reminded me, since capacity exceeds the limits of the body, it’s simply abandoning the body.”


rain pupils smile lightly, and after decades of physical restraint, in the body’s true mindset has been shown, and the pressure on the air has transcended the fire of hell.

She handles people on the ground, “Guys, see you later. I’m going to stop the bullies.”


When the rain pupils go to death, Lucy screams, but the rain pupils turn into a beam of light, into space, and instantly pass through the wall without a trace.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court.

The rest white frozen out of the mouth, sealed the rain pupils, little by Little Little Little.

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