I Am In Marvel

Chapter 667

Africa, Vakanda.

This one, situated in the original mountains and forests, embraced the precious Vibranium mineral resources, spearheaded Earth’s science and technology civilization for a century, was hit today by intense attacks from alien forces!

First, there is no sign.

A giant interstellar spaceship, like an exogenous meteor, had fallen straight to the town of Wakanda, and had been smashed on the energy protection net wrapped in Wakanda. Spaship had not broken through the energy protection network, but striking a stone with an egg, blasting into a metal fragment and a volcanic light, within which mourning and screaming had been made before a large group of alien organisms had died.

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This is what Vakanda has been symbolizing for centuries! This spectacular landscape, representing Vakanda, does not speak above, at least at the very least at the level of technology of alien civilization.

bang! bang! bang! bang! ”

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dust wave has not healed, three or four giant spaceship opens the back hatch, various alien organisms wild beast flowing out of it, and a large number of images like ants, converge into a wave of terror, whilst everything is physically crashed into the energy protection net, when a bunch of bloody carbons are accumulated.

“It’s crazy.”

Vakanda Palace and the grasslands outside the city, the current King of Wakanda, Tchalla Black Panthers, stood on the front slope, looking at extraterrestrial monster with no account of the consequences of breakthrough energy protection networks.

Techara, on both sides, stood by Captain America Steve and Winter Bucky, and their Vibranium shield and mechanical arm were on.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (www.zhaishuyuan.com).

“This is heaven.” Winter soldiers are armed with a live bullet gun and are looking forward to opening an evaluation of the energy protection network, which is fully present in the first round of large-scale attacks.

“They’re too many, and the energy grid won’t last long.” Techara opened the mouth and said.

As he said, the energy protection network borders are a little exceeding the load in an offensive against tens of thousands of alien organisms, and one or two alien creatures have invaded the country from time to time.

Steve said solsolemnly: “Kyle told me. They should be the power of the extermination, for the sake of the original stone of the heart on our side. Once the stone is taken, the consequences will not be imaginable!”

“Then leave them here, and don’t let anyone break into the palace!” Techara activated the black seal bone chain on her neck, and the body was immediately covered by Vibranium’s black seal battle clothes.

He indicated that all were ready for the attack, and then, through communications equipment, he allowed younger sister Su to stay in the palace and open the corner of the energy protection network.

In the brake of the opening of the portal to the energy protection network, numerous alien organisms, followed by former servants, were squeezed into the territory of Wakanda.

Wakanda, win! ”

The Black Panthers cried out, stretched out Vibranium claws, took the lead out, and Captain America and Winter soldiers followed closely, and they led the giant Wakanda Legion against the alien biota that invaded Wakanda.

A big war is officially under way!

Wakanda Palace, underground control room.

Su Jin sat on the chair and passed through the virtual screen before him, looking at the brutal battle on the Wakanda border grasslands. She was naturally confident of her own country battle power, but the number of alien organisms invaded was too much!

On a desk in the center of the control room, hallucinations lie on it, it loses its heart stone, it leaves a fingerprint dent on its forehead, and it has completely lost its vitality.

As for the cardinal stone removed, it is being stored on the control table before Su’s Wisdom, in an instrument box, hidden with an uncertain yellow rays of light.

Su’s eyes on the fierce battle on the virtual screen, and she did not notice that the two shadows were slipping into the underground control room.

One of them is a shadow of fibre, moving towards Sue’s back, and a dark, strange lance rises, pointing at Su’s Wise Head.

“Brother.” Su Wise has been watching the virtual screen, watching people in alien organisms hit by the sea, a little too persistent to spit on their own, without a dry tongue.


was trying to stretch her hand to get the metal cup on the table, and then left the light on the metal cup, and saw the shadow and lance close behind.

“Who?” Sue cried out in surprise, copied the device of the heart stone and fell out of the chair. She just finished this series of actions, and a black lance wiped her shoulder, pierced the chair she just sat in and stabbed the control counter out of a hole!

It’s dangerous!

Su Jin rolls a few circles on the bright floor, with his hands carrying a gemstone device, fearing that black lance. lance seems to have a lethal destructive effect on electronic equipment, and zi Blink, the entire control station, is in a state of waste.

Now, shelter for the energy protection network of Vakanda outside may have broken down.

“That makes you react, little sister.” One hand pulls out the lance that inserts into the control desk, divides into and carries out sneak attacks, and the owner of the night is more than a neighbor, an alien woman in black tight uniforms.

“Come on, give me what you have, I may not let you go.” The night licks lips more than a neighbor, hands lance, move towards Sue’s Wise Step.

Sue’s head looked down at the jewellery instrument in her eyes, and she knew it was those people out there who were trying to save the item, shook the head while his head went to the basement door in a hurry.

“Too bad.” The night was more cruel than the neighbour sighed, the son Blink, but did not catch up with the idea of leaving Sue Wise to flee.

When you look at Su Wi, you run out of the basement door, another tall black shadow stops the door and blocks the road completely.

It’s a cloak man with a knife in his hand, dressed in a style similar to the darkness of a neighbour, dark, spreading death and evil on his body.

It’s Spirit General.

To that end, the five General Overlords, all on Earth.

“Give me something.” Dead Spirit General is cold, looking at Su Wise, raising the knife in his hand.

Su Jianxi flew out with a knife from the dead Spirit General Army company, raising his hand up and putting a light gun on his wrist.

“Shit!” The dead Spirit General Army fell on the ground for a moment, wrapped the wall with a blade, and it was all right to rise, and the cold and ruthless eyes shot at Suu Wise.

There are enemies before and after, and there are two boycotts.

Su Jin can only go back to the basement with the stones and go to the lab with the fantasy!

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