I Am In Marvel

Chapter 664

When Kyle took Thor entire group to Asgard, who had been invaded by Goddess Sea.


now, Earth.

The tower of Tsights floating near Earth, like the same border tower, is frozen in outer space. The cooler throne on the top of the tower is facing the dark, silent universe.

It’s on the edge of the universe that doesn’t know where to go.

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: (www.zhaishuyuan.com) the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

t The signal released by the Vista appears to have been detected, as if the central surveillance office was insane with Blink red alert, and the emergency alert was delivered directly to the bottom of the Cal State through the t Visitor Tower.

The Karl State surface automatically constructed defence and went down to a low floating altitude to the highest level of alert, and each and everyone caravan, born with an unknown feeling, came out of their homes.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

“What the hell is going on?”

Within the Palace of the King of Cal, the table was shaken a little bit because of the sinking of the enclosure. Lucy, rain pupils, Cherry, Wanda and the others, look at each other differently in shock.

ang! ”This is the sound of the Blazing Horses outside the front of the Palace.

People look at the windows and see the fire of hell lifting an axe, riding on a black flame horse, taking off towards the upper part of the State of Karl at a speedy pace, burning open holes of fire and looking outside the sky.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (www.zhaishuyuan.com).

Two-wing silver pupils, rainpupils standing up from chairs, looking up to the ceiling, asking, “Lord, what happened?”


restaurant automatically plays a virtual screen in half the air, and it walks through a series of codes, and the main system ice noises quickly: “There’s a large number of interstellar battleship detected, coming to Earth at an extremely fast pace, and now it’s near Earth! Prepare for breakthrough atmospheric landing!”

“What?” The women on the scene change in color.

Kyle always said, “Big alien invasion, finally?”

“What’s the target?” Lucy leaves the chair, calm down and ask.

The main system operates fast through the Visitor Tower, and soon comes up with the answer: “A small number of spaceship targets are New York, a large number of spaceship, and it’s gone to Vakanda, Africa!”

“Can you analyze the forces of the enemy with your database?” Lucy, keep asking.

The Lord’s system is silent for one to two seconds and continues to answer: “According to information left by the master, it can be judged that the intrusion of interstellar spaceship is classified as extermination!”

“Slaughter?” Wanda took a picture of the table and stood up, and the chest couldn’t stand. She will recall that Kyle once said that Lona was looted by the hegemonic forces.

She hasn’t been looking yet. I didn’t think she’d come to the door!


York Temple.

Dr Strange was sitting on the trunk of a lobby blanket with his eyes closed and his hands lying on Blink Greenlight’s pendant jewelry, and had recently been working on comprehend time spell.

He suddenly eyes open, stopped refining, stood up from the ground and raised his hand and brought the magic cloak summon next to him.

“There’s an enemy coming! Not one or two, a lot this time, a lot of nuts!”


York, the new Avengers headquarters.

Tony’s hanging around in the first floor hall with Peter, the weakest harper, acting as a bodyguard behind both.

Tony said, “How’s your license?”

“Still on the test. It’s almost time, Mr. Stark. Thank you for lending me the car.” Peter on the side is even busy responding.

“That’s good.” Tony squeezes, continues to take him forward.

“That, Mr. Stark.” Peter looked at him curiously and said, “Did you ask me to come here to talk about it?”

“Of course not! Does it look like I’m so free?” Tony sold a lock and brought Peter to the lobby at the end of the hall and stopped before the locker was integrated with the wall.

He pressed the button, the walls opened, and inside he was showing a spider battle clothes with metal light.

It’s an upgraded spider battle clothes, and it’s more like a uniformed battle game, and it’s full of dust and gold.

“Whoa, cool!” Peter’s mouth is open enough to put on the next apple, exaggerating: “Is this for me?”

“You said so.” Tony looked him in the glasses, “and put this on, and I went to the press conference, and you were the new member of the Avengers.”

“Me, the new members of the revenge?” Peter’s a little pussy, pointing to his nose.

“Otherwise.” Tony wants to say something else, and at this point, the Blink light inside his glasses, there’s an emergency communication from the Avengers.

After a look at the content of the communication, Tony complexion greatly changed, rush: “Come on, put on battle clothes, come with me!”

Peter stares in the eye, he’s not ready yet.

To be a member of the Avengers, see how the media should respond? Wait online. It’s urgent!

“There’s no time for you to think about it. The center of New York City is now being attacked by aliens!” Tony walks in a hurry and comes to the landing window in the lobby, looking forward to the distance, seeing a giant spaceship with donut shapes, landing inside the city.

Seeing that spaceship familiar shape, Tony would have been ugly, getting worse, looking at anger and panic, “he’s here!”

“Who’s here? Tony?” Hapi can’t help asking.

“The bullies, the bullies are here!” Tony’s voice is a little shaky.


this juncture, except for New York, the alien spaceship invaded. Thousands of humans on Earth look up, and you see the sky, a torch of hot meteorological stars shattered and went in the direction of Africa.

Africa, Vakanda.

Sue Wise walked out of the science lab alone, and she had a heavy face, with her hands in the back. After coming out, Charles, Steve, all three of us looked at her.

“How’s it going? Did that thing come out?” Charles asked.


Kyle left in a hurry a few days ago, illusions have continued to remain in Wakanda, and Su’s Wisdom has been diagnosed and accounted for in detail and has finally operated today.

“What do you say?” Sue Wise stretched out her back hand, and she had a device in her hand that placed a yellow gem, “which was taken out, but the vision was in a state of sleep, and I didn’t know what he was doing, and only for a while.”

“That way, it can only wait until Kyle gets back.” Steve shrugs his shoulder and stares at the yellow gem in Sue’s hands, “and this thing must be kept until Kyle gets back, otherwise it’ll be big event…”

This is where people are in the scientific studio, and even the whole palace, and suddenly shake.

“Is this the earthquake?” Bucky picks up his eyebrows.

“It is impossible not to say that there is no crust movement around here, but even the eighth grade earthquake cannot shake Wakandass. Unless…” Charka’s face is invariably weighed with Su Wise.

Sue is breathing deep and catching up his unfinished words:

“Unless there’s an outbreak invasion, direct attack on Wakanda’s perimeter shield!”

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