I Am In Marvel

Chapter 662

Sacas Paragon Building, top lobby.

If the aliens outside see the scene in this room, they must be shocked not to believe in their eyes.

It was only the day before that, when you couldn’t fight the two sides of me who died, tyrant Kyle and Paragon High Heavenly Venerate were sitting together and chatting very naturally and in harmony.

What about the “kill you”? What about “get on your knees”?

Hey, a little less! People are invited to collect: (www.zhaishuyuan.com) the fastest rate of updating the Ramadan Court.

Paragon is just a part of the life of the game, the life and Death of the Civilizations battleship group, and the future follow-up of Saca Star.

Now that Saca Stars battle power can’t stop Kyle, it’s no big deal. He can’t die, and he’s got real fun and fun.

Shit, a little less! Ramadan Court www.zhaishuyuan.com, update the latest chapter!

And look at Kyle, and Paragon’s feeling of sadness: “You are very interesting, and you have the strength and style to be the top powerhouse of the universe, an interesting person like you, and I’ve only met five in my life, and you’re the sixth.”

“Which five?” Kyle asked him in his words.

“The first is Deity Race, the first Deity Race in the universe, whose name is Rocca, if he’s alive, should be the same age as me now.” Paragon laughed, immediately sighed: “Unfortunately, since I came here, millions of years have not gone out, and he does not know whether he is still alive.”

“Then why don’t you go out?” Kyle’s curious looking at him.

God, I can’t see it again! One second to remember, Ramadan Court (www.zhaishuyuan.com).

Isn’t that a contradiction?

In the eyes, Paragon did not speak, and half a minute later he answered the unspecified opening of the mouth and said: “I like to gamble, and because of the abundance of knowledge of the sea, this game is basically a win. I won a lot of things, but they gave them to me brother.”

“What does this have to do with you staying in Sacca?” Kyle wrinkled his eyebrows,

“Simple.” Paragon buzzed, swallowed, “and in millions of years, I lost, because of the gambling party, I couldn’t leave Sacca.”

“Is that all?” Kyle, look at Paragon’s eyes changed, and that’s exactly where the obsession with gambling is.

Paragon lightly snort, “I’m a man of commitment, and if I lose, I’ll admit it.”

“The man who gambled with you, dead?” Kyle asked.

Paragon shakes his head, “I don’t know. But I wish he was alive and gamble with him again.”

“I’m afraid it’s hard.” Kyle can’t help shook the head, not everyone has Paragon’s lifespan so long, nor does anyone have his helplessness innate talent…

“Excellent creatures: rare golden capacity cards.


universe is born of supernatural creatures, born of universe law, natural lifespan can reach 1 billion years.

Theoretical Immunization: Few golden capacity cards.

Physical and natural attacks under conventional cosmic classes are theoretically ineffective for this creature!


Yeah, that’s the five golden cards that Paragon has, two cards alone, even if he drinks Q around the universe, I’m afraid he’ll still be safe.

“The man you gambled was the second person you thought was interesting?” Kyle questioned.

“Yes.” Paragon nodded, “he is very interesting.”

“Who’s the other three?” Kyle continues to ask, at this boring time, that he has completed the golden competency card.

Not much thought, he was at the top of the grade and continued to draw other cards on Paragon.

It’s a lot of tricks, no smoking, no smoking.

“Three more.” Paragon’s double appearance of memory expression, head up and say, “One of them is Divine Realm’s Odin. He’s a very powerful and powerful Star Emperor, who meets hundreds of millions of years, and can be said to be the one who, at the very beginning of the chaotic universe, will be able to recover to the present.”

Kyle thought about opening up: “Even now, the world is as contentious as ever.”

“It’s just a little game of civilization.” Paragon doesn’t think so. “If you’ve seen what the universe looked like millions of years ago, you know that Nine Realms is now the equivalent of peace.”

Kyle did not see it, it was hard to comment, just calmly said, “Odin is dead.”

“I knew it when I saw his son.” Paragon seems quite flat, and he’s lived for too long, longer than stars, without counting on life and death.

“What about the other two people you think are interesting?” Kyle asked.

“One is the daughter of Audine, Divine Realm, the real owner, Helena. One is the Lord of Dark Video, Dom.” Paragon raised his eyes and said, “Both of them are the most ambitious and conquered I’ve ever met.”

“Also now, it is possible to identify those who still live in the world.” Kyle, add a sentence in time.

Hailah and Domat, all of whom he has seen, have had two hands apart from him.

Paragon made a stark reminder: “If you confront them, you must be careful. Both of them are revenge, and they will not stop until they reach their ends.”

Kyle’s silent. Does he say he’s guilty of both of them?

He’s also smoking cards in the dark, and he doesn’t know how many cards a brain piles in card space.

“For many years, no one has spoken like this to me.” Paragon was so sad, he looked at Kyle, said with a smile: “You won. This planet belongs to you, whatever you want, destroys the planet’s civilization, or tries to kill me, whatever you want.”

“There’s no need for that.” Kyle shakes his head, he doesn’t have that much revenge with Paragon, but only in the same year, some grievances arose as a result of the communal massacre.

Now he’s wiping out the battleship group, and it’s a break of the grace of the year.

“I’m leaving.” Kyle stood up from the chair and left at the entrance to the windows after having a worthy and extractable card taken over and without the need to remain.

He turned into a stream of light and left the Paragon building shortly.

Silhouette who saw Kyle leave, Paragon, like the same old man, sat in the chair for a long time.

Until the Guardian Captain returns to the lobby, he reports to his seat: “Paragon, interstellar spaceship is ready.”

“That’s good. Let’s go, it’s time to leave this planet.” Paragon’s happy laugh, like relieving the heavy vomit: “Gambling is over.”

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