I Am In Marvel

Chapter 660

Sacca, the stars are above the battlefield.

Kyle, in both stars, is like a spontaneous moth, and the same shining star, and the silver hair Liu Hai dances with the wind, flying alone in front of the battleship, which represents the battle power of Saca’s civilization.

“This is crazy. It just stabbed the sky!” Pull the warplanes out of the duel, Martial Goddess, and look up at the bright spotlight of the past, shocking speechless for a while.

Even in Divine Realm, who has fought for years, she has never seen a man of civilization alone.

If there is, probably only Divine King Odin of Nine Realms was cleaned up when he was young.

The alarming appearance of aliens who have left for panic is, I’m afraid, deeply embedded in their memories and cannot be erased.

If the tyrant Kyle dies like this, you can prove the inviolability of Paragon’s authority, but what if Kyle wins?

Then after this war, he will be completely famous Nine Realms! From now on, under the stars, no one knows the king!

Over the night sky of ink blue, Kyle flew higher, far below the Star Flying Field, reaching thousands of metres of high-altitude areas.

He was surrounded and above, hundreds of thousands of battleship as if it were buzzing bees, turned into steel floods, and black pressure, like the same cloud, covered half the city area of Sakashi.

Dozens of battleship matched the projection beam, spreading Paragon up a thousand times the projection stereotype in the air before Kyle.

Paragon projection’s skull is battleship size, and it contains unreserved anger, and it looks cold at Kyle, coldly said, “The tyrant, if you come back, don’t think about leaving!”

“Paragon, have you ever been afraid? Have you been bleeding?”

Look at the giant Paragon projection, Kyle, and ask a simple question, he scans the battleship around the sky, calmly says, “When I destroy all your battle powers, all the means are broken. I’ll get you down on your knees and down your noble head.”

“Kill him at any cost!” Paragon projection growls, but only battleship hasn’t moved, Kyle’s first move, and he lifts a flashing laser beam through Paragon projection’s eyebrows and falls on the bottom of an aeronautical carrier.


The laser beams with space and flame attributes instantly broke the deck of giant battleship and did not penetrate the inner energy accumulation drive core. In the next minute, the mother ship was blown up like foams, and the heat waves went outside the area covering a kilometer range, forcing a lot of battleship to evade.

Like the worst fireworks in the stars, rolling black smoke, turning into a battleship wreck of Fireball, like meteor, moving towards the bottom of the duel!

The stars are in the battlefield.

The remaining audiences in the audience have fled towards the bees. On the high floating platform, Paragon complexion change, left behind under the shield of the guard Captain.

Only Hawk and Thor are still on the battlefield.

Hook saw battleship’s wreckage coming down, not only with no panic, but with an endless desire to connect with both hands. Thor was in a half-sober coma as a result of neurological poisoning and lying on the ground.

The battleship wreckage is about to fall on the star battleship, and a small warplane, like Insect, is going to the battleship in a direction that runs away from the crowd and stops at low altitudes.

The back hatch was opened quickly, and Martial Goddess jumped off the deck to the ground. She’ll pick up Thor in a coma, shout at Hook next to him, “Green Fatty, come with me!”

Hawk shouted, and after Martial Goddess had taken Thor into the cabin, it blindfolded the battleship’s wreckage, jumped on the back deck and almost crushed the small warplanes.

“Stand still!”

Put Thor on the deputy seat, Martial Goddess quickly manipulated the warplanes, tail section section engines accelerated to the greatest speed, and the warplanes crashed into the weak wall of the duel and left for the last second.


the battleship wreck crashed into the Star Air Execution Field, immediately triggering a big explosion, the entire battleship building collapsed at a rate that naked eye could see and buried into a fire sea.

And that’s just the beginning.

The fight against the entire civilized battleship has been completely opened over a thousand metres above.

Numerous laser beams are like rainwater leaks, intertwined into networks, super powerful explosions like thunderbolt, earthquakes and earthquakes. The night sky has become bright, with a battleship wreck, like a quarrelled meteor fragment, moving towards the lower surface, falling.

The sky is changing, and the earth is dumping.

It’s like the end of the day. It’s really too terrifying.

Even the invisible aliens of habitual space worms and tornadoes are hidden with the courage to find cover.

“What the hell is that? He really stabbed me, Paragon. I’m afraid he’s going mad!” Martial Goddess, sitting on the main seat, hovered the warplanes at a low altitude of a kilometre away from the windshield and watched the battle scenes in the front airspace.

“Afterwards. Paragon must be cleaning up the planet. Forget it.”

Martial Goddess spoke to himself, stretched his hand to hold the engine shake, and had not yet been manipulated, and one hand had also fallen on the stick to stop her movement.

“Are you awake?” Martial Goddess looked forward, and Thor, who had previously been lying on the deputy seat, had reopened eyes.

“Martial Goddess. You still saved me, thanks.” Thor explains it with a smile.

“I sold you once, and I’ll give it back to you.” Martial Goddess blew his mouth, suggesting his hand, pushing: “Still not? We have to get out of here now, or Paragon’s blaming for coming down, and nobody can run away.”

“Run what? There’s no need for that.” Thor laughed, looking ahead in the air.

Martial Goddess has no good idea: “Do you think that man can really use his own power to challenge the authority of the entire civilization battleship and Paragon?”

“Not that I thought.” Thor shakes his head and says, “but he can do it!”

“Who the hell is he, even you trust him so much?” Martial Goddess was surprised to look at him.

Thor held his fists, said solsolsolemnly: “His name is Kyle. It’s Divine Realm Guardian, Earth powerhouse. I father also mentioned him before he died, saying he was a creator of numerous miracles and Legendary. Just follow him. It’s not wrong.”

“Austin your Majesty, this is how you judge a man.” Martial Goddess open his mouth.

Otino and the others, Peak of Nine Realms, millions of years of experience, have seen the creation of numerous heroes and heroes in the universe. He’s going to judge a man like that, definitely never before.

“Keep an eye on it, he won’t lose!” Thor smiles, confidence in Kyle, even exceeds himself.

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