I Am In Marvel

Chapter 654

Too soon.

Everything happened too fast.

When the people on the scene reacted, Casillas had been on the ground, and his chest was blended out of a hole by golden fire, even with dark dimensions on his body, and could not die again.

Kyle walks by the side of Casirias, who blows off the golden flame shaken on his food finger and looks at two dark lawyers next to Casirias.

Like seeing cats’ mice, two dark lawyers are afraid of serserser shaking, and in front of Kyle, they don’t even have the idea of running away. Because that would kill faster and worse!

Two dark jurists follow instincts to kneel down and down their heads straight to the dirty ground.

They fear death, they fear death, or they will not fall into darkness, and Kyle is the spokesperson for Death God.

“It’s up to you to decide what to do.” Kyle’s eyes, recovered from those two dark jurists, fell on the front Lance and the others.

“Yes, Mr. Kyle.” The King first reacted by travelling towards the two dark lawyers on his knees, intending to take them back to the Temple of New York alive and to give a hand to the martyrs who suffered injuries to the Temple.

“Mr. Kyle.” Stefan Lance looked at Kyle, Hard Path: “Ancient One, she…”

“I know.” Kyle walked to the front, filmed Lance shoulder, calmly said, “She entrusted you with everything, and the way back, it was up to you to decide how to go. But Earth now, even if it collapses, there’s me on top.”

Kyle said, “Release the thin binary energy on his body, and he turned into a show of meteorological stars, and he left Shangon Street at an instant pace and left the West.”

Magic cloak stood on the street with the wind, and Sternce was standing on the street, and he had to think about it and do what he wanted to do.

Since Kyle is enough to stop Doma’s invasion, is there any need for that temple to exist?

Motorcycle, standing behind St Lance, didn’t talk, turned around and left the scene alone. Nobody knows what he thinks at this time, and nobody knows where he goes.

The Camatski family today lost a Paragon, ended a mission and many people died.

Where the rest of the lawyers go, no one knows that they have to find the answers themselves.


There was a meteorological trace at night, Kyle not all returning to Cal, nor to the Tower of Twitter, but landed on the streets of New York City people after crossing the ocean floor.

Before landing.

Kyle smoked a toxic card in advance, a little disguised, leaving him unaware. Otherwise, his presence here will surely trigger the whole city.

Just wandering around the street, Kyle bought a bag of apples, and eventually stopped before a residential building at the crossroads.

He came close to the door, rang the bell.

“Coming.” Later, behind the door comes an old sound.

The door slowly opened, a pale, lonely old man with a apron on his neck, dry hands leaving the door, staring at Kyle outside the door.

“What are you doing here?” Single eyes and old people ask.

“You can come here, why can’t I come?” Kyle laughed, suggesting the apple on your hands, “don’t invite me in?”

“Come in and have dinner.” The lonely old man, who rejoices, stretches his hand over Kyle’s apple and takes him to the house.

Kyle made poisonous fluids turn shoes into slippers, walk into the house, look inside the flesh’s natural furniture and decoration, nodded evaluation: “This is a nice house.”

“Yeah. This is Loki’s search. It’s just a little noisy in the day.”


one-eyed old man put apples on the table, first let Kyle sit down, then walked into the kitchen and took out half the roasted sheep and wine.

“Look at you. How’s life in Earth?”

Kyle, sitting on the table, looks at the roasted sheep on the table, roasted gold on it, spilled the richer flavor after spitting the ingredients.

“I guess you’re coming, ready, usually I don’t eat these.” The old man smiles, sitting across Kyle, pouring his glass on.

“That’s great.” Kyle smiles, he’s not polite, he picks up his sleeves, tears down a big piece of sheep’s legs and puts it in his mouth.

Single old man pick up wine cup and, lightly, a drink.

Nine Realms, if you see this scene, must be staring.


guardian of Divine Realm, Kyle, the Lord of the Earth, and Nine Realms Paragon, the Father of the gods and the Lord of Divine Realm, both people were so receptive to eating meat and drinking in a folklore room in Earth New York.

Kyle eats a goat leg, drinks a drink in a cup, spits and looks at Odin: “If I’m not mistaken, I think Loki put you here, right? Now he should be pretending to be you, going through Divine Realm’s master addiction in Immortal Palace.”

Audine indifferent expression, keep drinking.

“I’ve always had a question, and since the war with fantasy, that question in my heart has grown stronger.” Kyle looked straight at Odin and wondered: “At first. Why did you choose me as guardian of Divine Realm and let me take Fire of Eternal?”

Audine responded peacefully: “Didn’t you inherit divine force from the former fire god?”

“Not right. At that time, you know, I was in the body hiding a real fire divine force.” Kyle shook the head, even now he has a very sharp judgment about different energy, even though he was in Divine Realm in town.

Now, back to me, it was like Odin was deliberately looking for a reason for him to serve as a guardian of Divine Realm and to send him Fire of Eternal.

“These things require you to find out for yourself, and for some reason I can’t tell you the truth directly.” Odin poured each cup back, he picked up wine cup and, up, up, down. “Finally, have a drink with me.”

Kyle, although there are many questions in his heart, saw Odin lift a glass, laugh, pick up a cup, and meet Odin.



glass cup that touched it, and it sounded like it passed through the ancient days of eternity.

Odin’s right eye shows up a memory and memories, but he fades out soon, drinking his drink and saying coldy like a guest: “Come on, we don’t have to see each other anymore.”

Since each other did not want to say, Kyle did not ask, he drank, put down the glass and turned away from the house where Otis lived.

Kyle went after.

Odin sat in the chair alone, watched the roasted lamb on the table, the empty glass, silent as old people.

After a long time, he whispers, “I really don’t want you to see, I’m so old to die.”

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