I Am In Marvel

Chapter 649.


Under a fist wholeheartedly carried out by Kyle, the spell shield of missiles could be resisted, insisting on the fragmentation of only half a second, and then boxing formidable power continued to go forward.

High speed boxes form a White Cyclone, transformed into bulldozers and pushed in an inch of the air.

That brake, the whole road was looted like a hurricane, the vehicle lights were cleaned up, the debris dust was flowing, and the ground left a burning trace after the boxing was wiped out.

That punch, even if it’s an enemy superman, Avatar, I’m afraid that’s all.

Within Earth, the fist hero can now be picked up, few.

Kyle maintains a stance of fist, narrowly narrowly narrowly narrowly narrowed, but has not seen the silhouette of Ancient One before.

Ancient One escaped in the next instant of the broken French shield.

“It’s a shame it’s you. It’s a quick reaction. But if you’re a punch, it’s not funny.” Kyle Dumb, he’s up, he’s looking up, seeing the picture of reality and mirror, and Ancient One’s silhouette is in all corners.

That punch can be avoided in a timely manner, and it’s only the way to move to mirror space.

After all, mirrors like space and real world, there is only one line. Only this line can be seen by a jurist.

And Ancient One, a Frenchman of Paragon, for centuries of French cultivation and consciousness, coupled with the power borrowed from darkness, has significantly increased its impact on reality.

Now, she can change the rules of this line at random and free access to both mirrors and realities without taking time to draw circles.

“Think it’s okay to escape to the mirror space?” Kyle coldly snort, he’s on the ground, and he’s stuck again in a pit, straight out of the bottom of the sewer pipe and cable.

He doesn’t care where the reality is, where the mirror is, just bumped out of the sky on the roof of the streets with a strong body, aggressive, extremely fast moving towards the streets.


Under Superman’s balls, Kyle jumped up at 50 meters high, crossed the old century building next to him, and his head suddenly crashed on a transparent wall, and the blue sky was like a mirror.

Real skies and terrestrial streets, everything is shrinked in smaller mirror fragments, and as many moved towards the bottom.

Immediately imminent visual immunities, Kyle, jumping upwards, breaking the boundaries of the real world, continue to go up to the upper region.

The picture turns around.

Kyle’s head is no longer the sky, but the same old town street as he was jumping up, and now he’s headed down and fell down the street.

“Here’s the mirror space.” There’s a clear comprehension in Kyle’s eyes.

It’s Ancient One.

Making mirrors like space and real space so blurred, otherwise it would not be possible for him to be strong or to break the space on his head alone.

Kyle turned over in the air, reorganized his position, and then left his feet straight on the ground, and that reality had been crushed by a different road surface, with a similarly unavoidable fragmentation of spider nets in mirror space.

“The deliberate introduction of me is because here, you will have a greater impact on space.” Kyle, look up and move towards the sky.

Ancient One, hidden in the dark, did not respond, but the whole mirror was shaking like New York City, as if the earthquake were shaking, and those old buildings, like Donino Bone Token, were overthrowing the rules.

First, the shadow covers the road area, and then, immediately, countless high-building buildings moved towards Kyle cover the past and want to bury him completely here.

The city is the graveyard, and it is only one person who buries.

The audience out there opens its eyes and looks at this mightier spell.

Ancient One had blocked the explosion with this move, and now in the face of Kyle, she was directly using the move, which indirectly indicated that Kyle’s presence was comparable to that of artificial nuclear bombs!

But it’s against the whole city!

Looking forward to those buildings that roll down to Kyle, the audiences can’t stop thinking.

“Isn’t it shameful that the Earth Guardian, the Paragon, is too strong and terrifying to understand?” T Logan in the Tower, he finally understood why Kyle had repeatedly raised the presence of Ancient One.

Ancient One, really strong!

She represents a peak of Earth War Force, the first human hero to hide for centuries!

Virtual mirrors in the old years of New York space.

“Good!” Kyle was not surprised, he laughed, raised the darkest hand on his head, or struck the city with a body hard.

“hong long long!”

The first was a tower building that fell on Kyle and was firmly held by both his hands, and Kyle stepped on the earth, which had been shattered, and continued to crush, and his darkness and feet fell into the surface, without entering the wrist.

It’s just the beginning of everything.

Three other directions, several more buildings fell on Kyle, with a heavy tonnage, leaving both his hands down to the top of the head, all of their feet on the surface, collapsing around the surface, and some of them spreading along the fragmented ground.

On the sky of the city 100 meters.

Ancient One stood on a floating platform formed by spell, and her twins had been contaminated with black grey, with a slight emphasis on her eyeballs, which also bore the same black, with a strong and horrible breath.

She breathes deep, hands close, moved towards the bottom.

Consistent with the full performance of Ancient One, those buildings centred on Kyle, like each and everyone waves, have been shot from all around.

“hong long long…”


sound of the collapse of the building lasted for a while, Kyle insisted on less than a second, and silhouette was built to cover, while in the next 10 seconds more buildings were built to meet one.

It’s kind of like the end of the world, and it’s kind of like the end of the universe. Throughout the city, all the buildings are destroyed.

The audiences watched this scene quietly until everything in the mirror space was buried by Ancient One as a funeral to Kyle.

Even if the symbol of peace really loses to the move, I’m afraid there’s nothing to say, or it’s as it should be by rights.

Ancient One left from the mirror space and returned to the real world, where she fell from the top 100 meters high altitude, and finally relentlessly pursued spell, stepped on the air slowdown and fell on a roof.

That high building is the Temple of New York.

In the meditation, Ancient One chose to come back here, handcuffed the walls, with a big cough in the face.

Half a minute later.

She seems to be aware of what, swiftly lifting, sweeping down the quiet New York City.

The game has not been declared to be over, which means…

Kyle survived that trick!

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