I Am In Marvel

Chapter 647.

Yes, the symbol of peace, Kyle.

Most of the audiences will soon accept this.

Rather, Kyle’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and he saw many of the competitions ahead, with Deadpool’s son, and with the fast-recovered Undying Body, even if there was no victory over each other’s hands, he would try to be a bitch.


‘s not his style to abstain like that.

“Looks like you don’t want to be alone with me.” Kyle fuzzed himself, with a lot of clarity comprehension on your face.

Deadpool, although a producer of the pump system, does not need a biocard category and does not fall within the scope of the main servant contract.


creature of the sacrifice card is strange, and who knows it’s going to be pumped into his head?

After Deadpool silhouette disappeared on the battlefield, the main system continued to say, “The third eight to four, the Red Witch against Dr. Strange…”

Ancient to spell?

The audience’s eyes are bright, the exciting cheers start again, and this one is still very impressive.

Just don’t wait for them to get excited, the Lord’s system will pick up the following sentence: “Dr. Strange abstained, the competition was won by the Red Witch and promoted to four.”

Collective audiences are abandoned, and they’re not allowed to watch the game!

On the fight.

Dr. Strange maintained the position of giving up his hand and moving towards a nearby Vanda said with a bitter smile: “I know I’m not your opponent, but I better go out earlier, pick up a position, see the amount of Judge Paragon and Mr. Kyle.”

“But in the first eight, I’m satisfied. It’s higher than Maurice Senior Brother.”

Finish it, Dr. Strange’s silhouette disappeared on the battlefield.

The spell he studied now practiced half the time, and had just contacted some spell in the library banner, had been forcibly brought to the game by Ancient One, so there was nothing to defeat Vanda.


he has that taboo spell, it’s all hard to say.

Dr. Strange’s still a bit sorry.

After two previous competitions, only two people remained on the battlefield and no eight or four rounds had been held.

Hell and thug.

The Lord’s system hasn’t spoken yet. The decoration is a carpenter of thug, and it gives rise to an application for waiver in advance.

Hell is the Karl State Guardian, and it alone riding the black flame, and it’s all the way to the caravan. When you see hell, the callers are brave, let alone fight against it.

So. The eight strong competitions, which are of concern, directly crossed the four-strong race in three consecutive consecutive cases, with the waiver of power.


audience is not laughing, and that’s not what anyone thinks.

Kyle’s silhouette returned to the fight.

Seeing four people standing on the battlefield, namely Kyle, Ancient One, Hell Fire, and Wanda, the audiences realized that even among the eight strong competitors, the power gap remained enormous.

And now. The last four strong men in the battle field are Earth’s real sophisticated battle strength.

Also, the last fight is ahead.

“So now, the quartet officially begins! In accordance with the rules of the competition, two competitions will be held simultaneously in different virtual spaces. Take the lead in winning, you can freely choose the scene of battle at the finals!”

The Lord’s system’s mechanical silence, chilly proclaimed, “Next. The quartet was confronted by Kyle and the Red Witch, Ancient One and the Fire.”

random battle scene: Kristen Priest Hall.

Kyle and Wanda appeared at both sides of the hall, immediately lifting the ghost Nether Fire torch and providing a little vision of the dark and silent hall.

“Krister?” Vanda scanning all around the hall, looking at that strange throne, stone pillar, and the altar full of sculpture stripes.

“I met a civilization in the Galaxy Alliance.” Kyle laughed, explaining: “That civilization is called the Kry Empire, and the level of technology and force universally available is above Earth, and the ruler is a brutal alien who seeks to call it a hegemonic union. He had a Starfleet, and a long hammer Divine Project, and put a lot of trouble on us at that time.”

“What happened later?” Wanda was curious to ask.

“Later, it was killed here by me.” Kyle’s face was calm, and his tongue was no pride, but simply a fact.

And Wanda told her that, too.

The eyes are not confined to Earth, to outer space, but also to a number of unknown civilizations and powerful creatures.

Vanda’s low head, and it’s hard to imagine what kind of fight a man has ever had before.

He was only testing the two wartime periods in Guangcheng, just like wild beast, who showed his teeth and paws, in the face of a man who abandoned his feelings.

“I want to see you and that Ancient One competition, too. Wanda said,” At the same time, right hand rises a little bit.

Just when she’s ready to confess, Kyle calmly said, “Then come on up and feel it yourself, don’t just look at it. If you want to save Lona, you’re gonna fight too late! All I can tell you is that our future opponent is stronger than I am now!”

Wanda got a little bit, like you know what, a little tight fist, “OK, I know.”

She lifted the beautiful eyes with perseverance, loose hands surrounded by the fog, the power of the pound to the outside of the body, and the light of the bleak light was distorted.

Your instincate talent, in Earth, is no doubt the first!

Kyle had a lot of compliments in his eyes, and he lifted right hand, and a golden flame was hanging in his hand, “but that was not enough. You need enough dynamism, prudence, and rejection, to be a real hero.”

That’s his promise to Wanda!

Kyle right hand, golden Fireball, like artillery shells, extremely fast moved towards Wanda, dragging a cool tail in the air!

“Hah!” Vanda’s hand is on the brink, and Fireball, who has been harassed by forces, has generally been plundered from her, landed on stone pillar in the back, and immediately melted into a giant hole.

And that’s just the beginning.

Kyle was not going to stop once he started, and his hands went up at the same time, and a golden Fireball was instantly formed and was continuously thrown out as a remote weapon.

See, Wanda, just get his hands together and build a energy grid in front of scarlet fog.

Fireball continued to fall on the energy grid, with high temperatures and flames flowing out of the cassette and turning most of her forward region into fire sea.

Maintaining the energy grid against fire sea, Wanda lightly snorted, sweaty along the brilliant face and falling below the hot floor.

But she resisted the first attack!

Vanda’s heart has just flourished a little joy, and a great hand, without signs, is on the back shoulder.


heat that Kyle breathed in his mouth, with sound, appeared in Vanda’s ear: “That’s how far it is.”

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