I Am In Marvel

Chapter 633

The airport was covered by smoke from smoke bombs, and it was not even clear to the audience and to the audience of the space-based platform, and what happened in the smoke area.

The Eagles also flew at low altitude at the airport, and he continued to cast smoke bombs down under orders from Captain America, using smoke to cover the airport space and the area leading to the airport building.

Smoke is in the area.

Hidden out Captain America, Winter soldiers, Black Widow, and the quick fight. However, the resilience of one side is too strong, while on the one hand it depends on sensitivity to take the initiative, and it is clear that it will be difficult to split over a period of time and stalemate.

At the

high altitude of 100 meters at the airport, fantasy floats, and golden cloak behind his back is shaking, with no attention falling down on the battlefield.

The audiences from outside the audience, looking at the projection screen, look like a little bit to sleep.

This civil war is like a friendship contest, some are watering, others are covered by smoke, and it is not clear what the civil war is like.

t Honda Tower in the hall.

Kyle struck a hawk, sitting back in the chair, walking around with the cherry money in his clothes, sitting in his arms and sending it to his mouth to his skin grapes and lips.

Only Logan also focused on the game, which lasted one second in the past, and looked at it for half of the time, not at it: “Boss.” They won’t fight until they do. ”

“Fantasy is a real possibility if it does not join the Bureau of War.” Kyle shakes his shoulders.

Fast silver superpower pressure or, if it’s ordinary man, even 100 can’t beat him. But the five Captain America, who was in charge of Vibranium’s shield, had a famous fight in history. As for winter soldiers, more than a thousand hammers of war tools.

Quick silver is able to repress Captain America indefinitely, without really threatening them, even with Black Widow, who is estimated to be able to fight for a whole day.

The eagle was really interested in fighting, but he couldn’t land, and once approaching the smoke area, he was unloaded by the silver wings in minutes, so he could only be assisted in the air.


a brief summary.

The members of the civil war are too familiar with each other, and the desire to win is not strong enough, leading to such a boring and unpleasant civil war race that does not seem to be of value.

“I’ll take a break, I’ll finish the game and wake me up.”

Kyle embraces the cherry’s soft body, closes the gods, lays down on the chair and goes halfway to sleep.

But less than two minutes, Logan suddenly woke him up.

Kyle’s twisted eyes open, found Logan’s face pale, fingered on the screen, opened his mouth’s sandwich, and said, “Boss, look at it.”

What are you looking at, the game’s over?

Kyle went up and looked down on the projection screen, next moment, and even he was stunned.

See only in the space of the Virtual Planet.

Half of the remains of large Boeing aircraft, surrounded by the airport building, the ruins of the building and the remains of the aircraft were covered by fire, the heavy black cigarettes rolled out, and the airport looked like a burning ground in baptism.

Vibranium is buried halfway through the walls, with a broken arm of zizi Blink lights, Captain America and the winter soldiers bleeding, and their chests are burned with a wide burning wound, with only half of the remains missing.

The eagle’s mechanical wings are missing, while the other side is crucified on the walls of the broken building, like the birds who died on the grid.

Silver and Black Widow are not going anywhere, and they fall next to the ruins of the building, are similarly seriously injured, their bodies are shrinked into a dead body, and gray gray is kept open and mixed with unbelievable expression.

The plane that burned the scarlet flame, the fantasy was calm, the yellow rock Blink on his butt, the golden cloak hunting behind his back, like Death God in the indifference, looked at five bodies.

“What the hell is going on?”

Kyle breathed deeply, and the dilemma just now was no longer, even if it was just a virtual space, but it was too big to give people the impact, and it was just a hair.

“I don’t know.” Logan shook the head, with the weight: “Half a minute ago. Captain America and Winter soldiers breakthrough Black Widow’s defense line, entering the airport building, thus limiting the speed of rapid silver.”

“In addition to the feedback of the eagles in the sky, Captain America and the winter soldiers began to suppress the fast-track and black Widow in turn. It is at this point that the illusion suddenly broke out, and first he nailed the eagle to the wall, and then lifted the Boeing aircraft to the airport building.”

“When Captain America’s four people sought refuge, the fantasy used energy lasers to attack everyone, including his two team friends…”

Logan’s voice is a little shaky, and it’s really scary to see the outbreak of atrocities, like the same pride, Death God.

“What’s going on?”

Kyle brows tightly knit, who listened to Logan alone, felt incredible.

Fantasy will hurt the Avengers themselves, which is totally unreasonable. You know, fantasy, while having a strong capacity, does not like fighting, and among the Avengers, the most autonomous and rational heroes are.

But Captain America, the bodies of the five people, who have fallen on the ground, prove that this is the general fact of iron…

Captain America’s blue team was destroyed, and Black Widow’s red team had one illusion, and the main system had ruled that the red would win and that the third race had ended.

But only the illusion of a man returning to the fight was that Black Widow and the Bank chose to withdraw from the follow-up superpower race. It is also normal that, after all, there is no acceptance of the sudden situation of companion betrayal.

There is no applause in the audience, no rejoice, and even the contestants have stepped back a few steps, far away from fantasy, and everyone is afraid of him.

After a few seconds of silence on the scene.

Logan went back and asked Kyle, “Boss. You want to go on with the super game?”

“Of course go on.” Kyle looked at the fantasy in the fight, and at that moment he was thinking a lot, and thought maybe it was a tendency to visualize the system, and thought maybe there was a third party that could use mysterious power to induce illusions, think maybe it was a rock of the heart, and think it might be an illusion of his own decisions. “

Since all these assumptions are possible, as long as the competition continues, it is possible to observe illusions.

Fight with the air, brave, unhappy. Under his eyeballs, whatever the problem, it will be clear sooner or later.

And fantastic weird behavior that makes this super game more interesting and interesting.

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