I Am In Marvel

Chapter 631.

Even a little ashes have not been left, and after two extremely energy shocks, baptism left a bald pit in the middle of the grasslands.

Cassias does not slow down, and he crosses the pit, and Void weaponry breaks the air, and fast stabbs flourish. Wanda’s risky side hides, looted clothing has been looted by Void weapons at the top, and should immediately rip a mouth like paper.

Without giving each other the opportunity to continue chasing, Wanda pushed red energy, creating a tide of layers of overlap and spreading in the air to the outside. A creepy breath poured into the heart, and Cassias was rushing backwards, opening a certain distance with Wandala.

The red energy is covered by previous barbecues and chairs, and item item is dissolved into pieces at a rate that can be seen by naked eye.

Outside the audience.

“Do they release the energy they hand in, and are they more than small nuclear?”

The audiences look at the extraordinary battle of Dark Lawyers and Red Witches.

The top antenna and the next day spell collision. This battle, just visually, is nothing but the battle of the Iron Warrior and Ancient One.

“The body cannot be hit by that red strange energy.”

Kasillas’s face is heavy and looks around the red energy around Wanda’s hand so that he can get close to that strange energy that makes him feel like that master in the face of darkness.

“It seems that the energy given by the owner can only be used.”

Cassilias suddenly threw out the weapons in his hand, and in the face of the immense prospect of continuing to release the red energy, he slowed his hands off to the outside and moved forward in a way similar to that of Ancient One.

Don’t you think it’s…

Not only is Wanda stuck, but next to Lucy, who was watching the two fighters, and the rainbows were stuck like that.

As if they were to withstand their speculation, the black light of the cartoon in Cassias extended to the angle to make him even more terrifying.

And then.

The topography of the island’s grasslands, like the Tesseract, has begun to change irregular changes, and the grasslands are trapped in the ground to bury their landscape.

This is a deeper application of mirror space, even with darkness, to enhance the impact on the real world —

Peak Reality.

See this screen, the audience in the audience screams. In the first panel contest, Ancient One used the move, but then heavy nuclear bombs. Many also remember the novel, and it was not thought that the code would be the same type of player as the black one.

Times, it looks really different.

Wanda was surprised that, before her body was trapped in the surface, she used red energy to float up her body and hang it in the middle of ten meters.

“Careful!” Lucy’s early warning voice came out.

Vanda appears to be looking at the sky, and beautiful eyes reflect a huge lake, but Cassias turns the space and treats it as a drainage, upward and downward.

“oh la”, the water in the lake immediately poured down and the black pressure moved towards Wanda covered the past.

“Get away from me!”

at the time of the critical moment, Wanda’s hands moved rapidly, the red energy on his body was growing and the red energy was released while the body was surrounded.


The slightest lake is like a waterfall falling in the sky, and the red energy is like the same arrow breaking the waterfall out of it.

The lake’s water is all brushed on the grass, and it immediately drowns 100 meters of land.

Kasillas, standing on the slope of the grass, has not yet been able to continue to alter the real space, and the two shadows have surrounded him around one side.

A man was surrounded by white frozen gases, stepped on the swamp, and the water was frozen in the next moment. The other person is a real aerial flight, with a fluctuation of minds and a little pain in his spirit.

It was Lucy and the rain that noticed that Cassias was a little incorrect, and that they no longer chose to stand by, and that they were struggling in the air of Cassias.

Using darkness to increase manipulation of reality, Cassias knows that both men and women in black and black were defeated. “Two useless waste” in his heart, in the face of the surroundings of Lucy, can only double his senseless hands: “I think I lose.”

The rain stopped for the first time, just sitting next to Cassias. And Lucy runs without slowing down, she jumps up, she puts a pretty arch on her left foot, just kicks on Cassias’ face.

The white frozen air on her body frozen immediately in the head of Cassias, wiped out the neck of Cassias under the hard way of kicking, the skeleton of the ice crystallized skull flew up to the bottom of the seal.

“Recognition, if it works, what else does referee do?” Lucy lightly snort, take the left foot back, and the mouth goes, “Let you bully my sister.”

“Mother, look.” The rain indicates that Lucky looked towards the grass.

All the water in the lake fell behind, Wanda was flown in the air, and her pale face was sweaty, a slight slight vertical hand, a high chest was stuck, the big mouth was breathing with heat, and slowed down to the hill.

That was the trick, and she was reluctant to follow it.


Lucky birds are running, hugging the landing Vanda, gripping her face with her face, “So, all of them are winning.”

Nor does Wanda exclude, and this feeling of protection seems to be very good to her…

The full cadre of the Kashyas team was defeated, and the system ruled that the Lucy team would win. Three people left the virtual island and returned to the fight.

And when the audiences give their cheers and applause, they warn themselves in their hearts not to disturb the women of the Karl State, or even to die.

In their view. Not Cassias is too weak, really Lucy. They’re too strong to be at one level.

The two fantastic teams came down, and the audiences were a little tired, and those competitions were too emotional and emotional.

Recognition and World Vision. Anytime, a battle has collapsed. Who can hold it?

However, in any event, the third panel contest continues to begin as scheduled.


main system plays a screen and openly selects the third round of confrontation. Soon, the third game is set down.

Team 2, composed of Captain America, Winter soldiers, and Falcon.

Team 7, composed of Black Widow, Fantasy, and Fast Silver.

Seeing the third round of finals, Kyle couldn’t stop laughing, was the acquaintance of the Avengers.

This game, to some extent, is a real hero’s civil war.

“Captain, just be gentle and put down the water.” Black Widow blinks to Captain America and flies.

“You’re right there.” Captain America is laughing. Black Widow is fantastic and fast.

After the spindship had flown, six people had disappeared in a collective struggle for self-determination.

The third team contest, officially started!

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