I Am In Marvel

Chapter 608.


the Avengers Building, top floor hall.

Mrs. Steve is still here at noon, just on that basis, plus Tony and Secretary of State.

“Say, suddenly call me back.”

Tony wears deep T-shirts, relies on the desk, scanning people sitting in the hall. Steve and the others put their eyes on the Secretary of State.

“Isn’t the situation clear enough now?”

The Secretary of State is an old mister, a white old mister, who lightly sighed then said, “I know that you have saved the world many times and that, in order to fight crime, it is just a superhero who prefers to call you a compulsory police officer.”

Natasha was unhappy and rejected: “Mr. Secretary of State. Do you dare describe Kyle with the word” police officer “?

“That’s different.”

In any event, the Secretary of State avoided the topic, which Kyle had fought, and the performance of the symbol of peace was never what he could discuss.

Or that world, no one dares to stand before Kyle, questioning what he did.

But the Avengers are different.

“Think about it.” Secretary of State said solemnly: “A group of superpowers who live in the United States Empire often ignore sovereign State borders and ignore local police and law. Their actions are completely disregarded, and the world’s Governments are now unable to tolerate this situation.”

Speaking of this, the Secretary of State opened his cell phone and pushed the button down. In the films that were broadcast, there were branches of green giants ravaging the streets, of God’s Thunder using radar strikes towers, of steel warriors and Orange, and of the red witch moving bombs to destroy the building.

By their side, countless ordinary people screamed to flee and were affected by extraordinary fighting. They are all bodies of flesh, and they are slightly covered by fighting, and they are not dead or wounded.

“The battle in New York, the direct uprising of the mother, the battle in Washington, as well as the battle in Sokovia, all of you remember.”


Secretary of State retrieved his cell phone and saw the heroes in the lobby silent, so he relieved his emotions and produced a document from the inside of the suit: “Of course, there is a solution, which is the Sokovian agreement. First of all, 117 countries supported the agreement. Normative restrictions on the movement of superpower, the right of all States to participate in monitoring, the inability of superpowers to act in private, or the sanctions of more than 100 States will be imposed.”

“Only by signing this agreement will you, the Avengers, be able to continue the world and move in harmony to the future.”

Secretary of State chop nails and sever Iron, as a summary. He left the Sokovia agreement and left the lobby alone.

People in the lobby are silent for a long time.

And then Tony took the lead in breaking the silence, and he didn’t call it a scratch, and he picked up the deal and looked at it when he pulled the pen out of the car.

“Tony.” Steve wanted to persuade him.

“The young man, no, many young people, who die because of my failures, cannot move to their future.” Tony expressionless, in agreement, signed his name, “I think it’s good, better regulated and more legitimate.”

“It’s not you. Tony, you’re scared, scared for the future, again mistaken.”

Steve shows the color of disappointment, he starts from the couch and leaves at the entrance of the hall, “I won’t sign, I’m sure Kyle won’t.”

Tony put down the deal, looking for the night outside the window, and saying, “Because the priest won’t make mistakes, but we will.”

the Avengers team, in the evening, added an incredible crack.

And this evening, this is not over.


York, Conference Building 6.

As a representative of the United Nations, the current King of Vakanda, Charles, delivered a speech at the rostrum in the face of a large number of journalists about the importance of the Sokovia agreement while criticizing the Avengers operation.

In front of the stage, black young people with a leopard teeth necklace, Wakanda Prince Techala, with a smile on their father.

Suddenly between.

Techara has a very unknown feeling that this is a sensible instinct from the body’s wilderness, as if he was about to lose the most important person, but the most important person is not standing before himself at this moment.

Techara opened his eyes, and in his shrinking hole, a dark item came out of the landing window behind the father’s podium.


The shock of Techara’s desperate appearance was that he accelerated the way forward and reacted very quickly to the father of the podium. But it was a late step, and that item hit the floor window, and it exploded into a flame.


The rocket exploded in the night of New York.

The landing windows on the sixth floor of the building were fragmented, and the explosion continued to hit the cassette and covered the charka inside the podium. People in the air, Tchala, are directly shot back by a wave. Journalists in the room are more confused, screaming.

Terrorist attacks! It was also an attack against King Wakanda.

Get the hell out of the room, Charles, crawl on the floor, keep your ears out of the way to father. At this point, Father has fallen into the bloodshed and lost breath. He was full of blood eyes outside the window, and among the lost ones head out of fear, he just saw a man with a slippery, mechanical left hand leaving the motorcycle next to the road.

“I will definitely kill you, absolutely!” Charles Kagnashing teeth, angry as the flame burns in the chest.

Steve just got back home, didn’t take a shower, and the phone was ringing. He picked up a look. Natasha called.

“What’s wrong?” Steve answered the phone. This time, Natasha called, it must be urgent.

Natasha Expressway: “Captain. King Wakanda, who has just been killed by terrorist attacks at the diplomatic building in New York. On the scene, it looks like your old man, he’s got a big suspicion!”

“Bucky? I know.”

Steve had a deep breath, and since the war on her mother, Baiki had disappeared, and now he suddenly appeared in New York or shot a suspect who killed King Wakanda.

Anyway, he’s gonna find Bucky and ask for it.

Steve swiftly switched to American uniforms, put on Vibranium balcony, and let Natasha keep in touch and keep him informed. If the police rob the first step, it’s not gonna get back!

Steve didn’t know that Natasha had hesitated to call the Karl family in urgent contact after he was sued.

In the current critical situation, if Captain America were to stand by the suspect again, that would have barely maintained the situation, it would have completely collapsed.

This kind of death can be saved only by that man.

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