I Am In Marvel

Chapter 605.

Three days later.

The remaining waves from the Sokovia war, in which the world has been shaped in a few days by super-Powers and the United Nations, have continued to hold numerous major conferences in response to the fighting, which have been fuelled by the ongoing press conferences and the boiling of civil society throughout the world.

While superheroes save the world, their strong capacity has also caused panic in the ordinary person category. This storm wave, even SHIELD and the Avengers, cannot be avoided.

On the

other side.

Broadly open Pacific abdomen, t looks down the tower, straight to the sky next to the mother.

A city like a giant floating island, an advanced gold engine underneath the bottom, which is a post-war abandoned urban area, has been severely damaged by street buildings and means of transport, searched after several wars, not to mention living people, even dead bodies and steel Legion remains clean.

Kyle, the rainfall, and the illusion that three people flown at the high altitude of ten thousand meters, staring down at the landscape of this city.

“Boss. The city is devastated by a high level of damage that is largely untenable and can only be reconstructed on one brick.”

Rainbow reports that the city is now afraid of even local refugees in Sokovia.

“Don’t worry, it must be worth $500 billion.” Kyle, look around the hallucinations and ask him, “How’s the city’s engine?”

“Essentially modified.” Fantasy nodded, opened the mouth and said: “It would have been an accelerated engine for one-time use, which, through the transformation of materials and energy I joined, is now stronger than the movement of straight flying mothers, so long as the amount of gold invested on a daily basis is sufficient to allow this one to remain in the air forever.”

“Well, this is a better place for nation-building.” From the outset, Kyle’s lip collided with a blanket, with a focus on the bases of this city, as well as on the inhabitants of Sokovia who are afraid to come back to their homes and streets, and the destruction of serious urban buildings and streets.

Kyle was thinking about it, and said, “The rain.”

“Boss, you said.” Rain blink.

“All the buildings inside the city are dismantled, the roads and light tracks are not needed, the ground is pushed, steel and special materials are replaced by fragile mud as filters, and the city is seen as a fortress re-establishment of bases. Then let Howard plan a future city based on the resources and technology available to the Karl family.”

Kyle said here, “Howard must be itchy for so long at home, bringing Earth’s top technique together, wandering through a long age in the Galaxy, and if he says, he can build a city that is invincible.”

“I know.” The rainfall, looking at the city that is abandoned in front of its eyes, and staring forward to its future. At that time, don’t say the original inhabitants of Sokovia, I’m afraid that the rich and rich people of the whole world would want to live here.

“You do your job, I’m relieved.”

Kyle slightly smiled, twisted looking towards fantasy, “Fantasy. This city can’t fly out of Earth.”

The heart of the illusion, Spirit Treasure Stone Blink, analysed: “I’m afraid not, but I can continue to renovate and form a shield outside the city so that it may fly to the Earth.”

“Good, just do it.”

Kyle did not want to abandon Earth, but was just a pro-active, future Earth would be in a crisis, and no one knew, and cities could move as a fortress battleship in space and as the last net soil of humankind.

And the rain smiled and said, “Boss, is it time for us to publish it outside?”

“It doesn’t matter, you go arrange.”

Kyle bumped his shoulders, not just nation-building, how big it is. The Karl family, together with its overall strength, can easily extinguish the country, nor can it be difficult to rule the world. It was just not the old age that ruled the world and so on, and it was good to be able to develop its own country to protect itself.

“What’s our country’s name?”

“Just call Karl State.”

Kyle hit Hawk, ready to go back to bed for a nap. He was lazy and prepared to go back to the T. Visitor tower, and he paused, and left a sentence: “Tell the Customers around the world that it was time to go home.”

After the words, Kyle turned into a light, moved towards the outer space shuttle.

“Yes.” Rain eyes are bright, quick voices, with Kyle’s back gone.

At first. During the Second World War, Kyle created the Karl family to continue the indefinite formula of youth lifespan, as well as the super agents’ pharmaceuticals, to create a leading Earth for the future, against the enemies of aliens.

Before Kyle left Earth, the Karl family set a family code. That is, when an apprentice cannot stay in the family for a long time, until an apprenticeship reaches a certain age, a small section of the old caller will remain as Captain or coach, and most will choose to create a family and organizational force outside the world as a way to open a leaf.

Now, across a century, the Karl family has no idea how many carats have been cultivated and forced to deliver some old trucks. They’re all looking forward to the day Patriarch Kyle comes back, and the leaders are looking forward to their new brilliant Legendary.

Just after Kyle came back, Earth continued to do a lot of things, until now it was a temporary stabilization.

The day when the callers dreamed of coming.

It’s noon this day.

The national population is also discussing the battle in Sokovia, which can be followed by a new headline report that has begun a slaughter paradigm.


Karl family is starting to build the country!


was not clear to many at first what the Karl family was, until the report was completed, that the non-natural firm, the Stark industry was one of the Karl’s flags businesses, and that the Karl family patriarch was a symbol of peace, Kyle, when the World was bombarded like the 10th earthquake.


symbol of peace is for nation-building? It’s going to change.

The most alarming of the American Empire, Kyle, born in the United States Empire and naturally of American imperial nationality, symbolizes American imperial power and peace, and now he wants to establish his country independently, which is not very important.

The people, regardless of that many, may begin to discuss where Kyle will be established as a territorial State and whether he or she will have access to nationality or so.

At the same time, in all corners of the world, there is almost a repetition.

British, Duke Henry’s residence.

The Duke’s granddaughter, with the Vatican’s real name, wanted to send grandfather as a living gift and just came to Grandfather’s room and saw the door hidden. As can be seen through the door stitches, the white pale Duke Henry is sitting in the chair, with a general envelope, with a constant trembling body, and tears like rain fall on the envelope.

“grandfather, what’s wrong with you?”

Duke Henry looked up and looked at his granddaughter, and his face swept out of joy, saying, “It’s time for an agreement, it’s time for an agreement.”

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