I Am In Marvel

Chapter 603.

One second of the past has long exceeded the time frame for the scheduled fall, but there is no sign of a fall in the city of Sokovia, and a steady float over ten thousand meters above the altitude.

“How can it be?”

It’s unbelievable that Kyle stepped on his feet. In accordance with the configuration of the engine, even if the system is revised in a timely manner, it is not possible to prevent urban crashes.


“Orange, you’re guessing right.”

Kyle responded to what it thought, opened the mouth and said: “Fantasy comes from the evolution of thinking, and he inherits the transformative ability of thinking. As long as illusions can integrate themselves, with the dynamics of this city, it can, in a short time, reconfigure the engine.”

“That’s what it is. Hehe, it’s not worth it!”

O’Orange opened his mouth, and then the dud: “The symbol of peace.” I failed this time, but my ideas and judgments are not wrong. Someday, someone will do this for me. It’s time. “

It has not yet been finished, and as the simple ‘friction’ sounds, its steel head is broken, turned into a bunch of a pile of junk, from which a couple of black smoke is spilled.

“That’s a lot of words.” Kyle shook the head, after stepping on Orange’s skull, shoots a strong artillery down his left hand, bursts the rest of the steel body, and bombs a bunch of pieces of pieces of pieces that can’t be spelled out.

The city of Sokovia did not crash and secret mastermind died completely, which was probably the best result of this battle.

“It’s over.” Tony has a long breath, takes off the steel mask, shows his face and weary, and sits his ass on a rock. Steve laughed, put Vibranium back in the back, pats Tony’s shoulder to show comfort.

This battle in Sokovia. The hardest pressure is Tony, who, after all, invented Orange and Iron Legion, was the product of his creation, a huge battle that arose to amend his major mistakes.

“I don’t care about that many.”

Thor wiped sweat on his forehead with his hands, carefree course: “Kyle. I’m gonna stay in Earth, drink the perfect wine and go.”

“Don’t say anything else, the wine must be enough.”

Kyle smiled, and the gloomy on his body was bleak, lifting the twin shape, “but wait for the aftermath of Sokovia to be addressed.”

“I’m not in a hurry. The most recent quarrels in the nine world have been largely calm, with the king and the gods sitting in town, and I still have a few days of leisure.” Thor said that, though, it’s a little distracted and delicate to turn around.

Kyle looked at him weird, and in the word, “You’re trying to find Jane.”

“How could it be? The two of us broke up long ago and broke up peacefully. No, I dumped her!” Thor, don’t go through his face. That’s his last strength, Kyle.

Indeed, emotional matters cannot be reluctant.

Kyle looked to Steve, and he said, “Steve. Tell SHIELD to send people to search for possible survivors and clean up the battlefield in the city of Sokovia. Such reprocessing activities should be the most familiar to them.”


“As for you three.”

Kyle just looked towards Thor, Tony, and Eddie. Tony got rid of it, and he spearheaded, “Father. I’m going home, this battle, I’m afraid they’re worried about chili and dad, and they need to go home first.”

Eddie shrugged, “Patriarch, I’m Captain, as this truck leader, and I’m afraid I can’t leave.”

“OK.” Kyle didn’t refuse, heading to Thor: “Then Thor, come with me, let’s go back to the T-shop.”

“No problem.” Thor responded very quickly, and he was surprised by the presence of the T.T. Visitor tower, even in the gods, and was just trying to make a good visit.

So. Kyle brought Thor, found the rainbow and Logan, as well as Vanda and Pierre twin brothers, and went back to the T-shop through a direct flight mother.

Captain America Steve, Hawkeye, Hawkeye, Eagle, Natasha and the others returned to SHIELD, Director Nick stayed on her straight flight mother, arranged for the rescued local population, and cleaned up the scene of the war office in Sokovia.

Eddie withdrew with this interim caller.

To that end, the battle in Sokovia was declared to have been settled, but it was only that this great battle, with its impact and impact on the world, went far beyond the vision of tripartite forces.

That night.

In the center of the open lobby of the THT tower, the landing windows for unlimited planets are in progress.

Thor’s half lying on the soft couch, holding a bottle of cold beer, blowing his head in the mouth.

Kyle switched a simple set of leisure clothes, sat on the couch, hung on a tiny, soft cherry, looking at Thor, and saying, “Beautiful wine, come on, you still drink this thing.”

“hehe, it’s still cold beer!” Thor laughed heartily, it’s a lot of relief.

“This is good.” Kyle screams, “Lord. Give him a box, Ice beer.”


The Lord has just responded, and a stereotyped robot, when pushing a small fridge, holds it next to the couch at Thor’s seat.

Thor opens the fridge, and takes a new bottle of refrigeration beer from it, and doesn’t forget to tear up his mouth: “How can a single beer be enough, how much chicken, roast chicken legs!”

“You’re hard to come to Earth and eat enough.”

Kyle laughed. This time, without his permission, the Lord directly arranged robots, cooked after Dragon Turtle Island, prepared delicious meat, and then moved for the second time to the Twatchhall.


Drop the arm, change the rains of the black and working uniforms, the sexy ones, and the most skilled secretary. She took a document, the beautiful face was slight and entered the hall.

Kyle, raise your head and look at her. “What? After Sokovia, has it been resolved?”

“Well, it’s just costs, not optimism.”

Before the rainfall came to Kyle, it was reported that: “This time, as a result of the Oslo rebellion and the Sokovia battle, human deaths, both directly and indirectly, have been caused, according to the current SHIELD statistics, as many as 1,000 and tens of thousands more injured. The loss of property is expected to amount to $500 billion as a result of the calculation of the entire town of Sokovia.”

The rain says here, the speed of Thor’s chicken legs is slowing down.

Kyle raised his eyes, and this battle in Sokovia did pay a very heavy price, which was comparable to the previous New York battle.

The question is.

The last battle in New York, when the enemy was an alien, this time the Sokovia battlefield was a serious mistake of its own loss.

“Hopefully this time, don’t be burdened with Tony’s psychology. After all, the point of departure he made was also to protect Earth.”

Kyle thought about it, and decided, “Well, 50 billion dollars, our Karl family came out to compensate the families of residents who died and died as a result of this battle.”

“Boss.” The rainbow stops, and while the Karl family does have money, 50 billion are not a small number, all of which can build a second Twatt tower.

Kyle understood what she thought, said with a slight smile: “Don’t worry. Just when we bought the city of Sokovia.”


Rain nodded, go on, “this time. Agent SHIELD was wounded by 26 people, and Karen was killed and wounded, but your seat – Eagle warplanes are gone. According to Natasha, Dr. Bannah finally sat on uncontrolled hawk warplanes. I’ve scanned the tower globally, and Eagle warplanes have not been in the Earth, lost in the unidentified outer space sector.”

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