I Am In Marvel

Chapter 595.

“If I don’t come out, I’ll take you out myself.”

Kyle’s tone is as bleak as ever, but who would have doubted what he said. In the sight of the rain, even where her superman’s thoughts were ignored, that hidden door had suddenly been pushed away.

From among them, a redheaded woman with long and little legged clothing, and a silver young man who runs a cool jacket. It was before that the Avengers met two very difficult superpower twin in the snow forest at Hydra base.

elder sister, Red Witch, Wanda Machemo; younger brother, quick silver, Pierre McSimov.

Kyle is not surprised by the fact that he is looking at the vanda that he has reached. His age is almost a century old, with more experience from Earth to outer space, from outer space to the mythology above the ninth world, what kind of exotic beauty, the eloquent woman.

It has to be said that the Red Witch Wanda at this time is still five of the women he has seen.


five officers of Vanda seem to have passed through God’s great sculpture, red in the white skin, a dark golden hair, lazy shoulder. She was wearing tight pants and sexy clothes, faintly discernible in her chest, and red winds were hard to cover up the body behind her.

If the rain is too cold and Lona is too heavier, then the beauty of the Vanda will be between them. Cold and hegemonic, perhaps as elder sister’s cause, does not lose the courageous knowledge of a woman who is intriguing in her heart.

Female envy for the invisible image, and even if she is called God daughter, if added to it, the ancient nature, is super capable of birth.

As for Fast Silver Pierre next to Wanda.

Kyle is equally heartfelt, and Pierre has a very handsome youth image, and he has a barely understood ‘running cool’ capacity, and innate talent is not much worse than Vanda.

If, in any case, Arctic Lona, with magnetic field control capacity…


gene of this family, which is invisible, is who gave birth to such three children, and it’s just a waste of Earth’s luck!

Kyle and the rain were watching twin, and twin was on the right side.

Pierre’s focus is on the rainbows, the eyelids, the first time that he saw no worse woman than he elder sister, whether beauty, temperature, eyelite, etc.

Vanda’s vision has been locked in Kyle and has not left nothing. On Kyle, she felt unprecedented pressure, which had been the case with almost all the members of the Avengers, together with the pressures that could not be comparable, to keep her body in strain.

If ordinary humans are to see Kyle, they only feel intimate and ordinary.

And the more powerful people can see that Kyle hides the real power of the abyss and black holes.

Even with full use of her abilities, it was only feared that it would not interfere with the immediate men.

From the very first sight of Kyle, Vanda’s heart was very sure of that, and she hesitated to hesitate or light her lips and said, “How did you find me?”

She was so confused about the rainfall, looking towards Kyle. As an intellectual superpower, it is a shame for her to be a helper of Kyle that has not been informed in a timely manner of people close to the size.

“Your abilities are indeed special.”

Kyle laughed, saying, “I started, not at all found you staying here until when you got Spirit Treasure’s rock, the gem subtle my mind and expanded outside, and then I knew you were still in the basement.”

He paused, go on, “Just fantasizing, I guess. Just didn’t break you up.”

Vanda vomited his tongue and said, “It is a shame that peace is a symbol.”

Kyle blinks, if there’s no Spirit Treasure stone, even he almost got deceived by the Red Witch.

Quick, Silver Pierre, no less hostility, no less vigilant call: “Are you with the Avengers, and they want to fight our sisters?”

Wanda’s heart remembered that she and younger brother had no chance of winning Kyle, and even the rain was here. As for fleeing, younger brother wanted to run, and no one could stop him, but if she were taken, that would be different.

If the symbol of peace came to their hands, it was only for her to stay, stop Kyle and seek time for younger brother to flee.

In a short moment, Vanda’s heart was determined to hear Kyle’s silent voice in the ear. “I will not do it to you. If you want to go, now you can get out of here, as long as you don’t stand by the Orange.”

Wanda hearing this is not stuck, and the same pill, look at it.

“Are you really letting us go?” Vanda has half a doubt that he just saw the real face of Orange, and naturally they won’t join the Orange again.

“Just go, or I’ll leave you here.”

Kyle laughed, left hand down, and a substantive pressure surrounded twin.

“This is…”

The twin, surrounded by pressure, was first shocked, then confused, shocked and expected, staring urgently at Kyle, “The ability you use, that’s…”

“Yes, it’s the gravity lead.” Kyle smiled.

“The gravity lead? It’s not possible. It’s a little girl’s ability!”

Pierre came out of his mouth and said, it was only surprising that he had noticed the message and that his hands were rushing to keep your mouth shut.

“Tell me. You, how could you have Lona’s abilities, Lona? She’s there now? What did you do to her?”

beautiful eyes flourish, cold glow, and Wanda suddenly lifted his hands and danced with dark golden hair. In her hand, she was surrounded by extremely magical red fog, leading the way to breaking out of Kyle’s gravitational lead, with a lot of brief remark’s sense of vision, even if she knew she couldn’t beat Kyle.

Kyle did not respond in a timely manner to his own claims. Lona, for him, was an assistant and a family member, and finally failed to protect her, and took her away under his hegemony, the only thing that had failed was his last galaxy.

“Don’t move.”

See Vanda poses a threat to Kyle, a step forward in the rainfall, beautiful eyes Blink St. Jessver light, with a strong mind centred on her, a wave of wave waves, and covering the entire underground research room in space.

The two sides have not yet fought, one silver, two pieces of powerless power, colliding in the air.

“Stop it.”

Kyle shot her shoulder, suggesting that she was released, and he looked at the thrill of emotion, saying, “Lona, it’s mine,” and stopped by her mouth.



him, is it really just a member of the Karl family so simple?

Kyle raised this question in his heart, remember, Lona followed the day around him, when he was cold, and the birds were human, like a big sister, and like a little girl.

According to Tony. On that planet of the Galaxy, even after Tony was defeated, Lona was the last person on the scene to insist on it for him and left her there with a message of defense.

Is that a girl who dares to hate, really just a Karl family member for him?

Kyle, a thousand thoughts, and finally a simple word: “Lona, who I love is the most important person.”

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