I Am In Marvel

Chapter 593.

鈥淚t is a priest who can destroy even Vibranium.” Tony is generous.

Just Tony, there are others who think Kyle is going to be in a spurt of energy, and when Vibranium’s body is completely destroyed, Kyle has taken his finger back and the finger of twin energy is gradually extinguished.

鈥淲hat’s the matter, Kyle?鈥?Steve eyebrow raised, asking questions about everyone on the scene.

Kyle whispered and said, “Destroyed the body of Vibranium and had to be a little wasted.”

People have been silent for a while.

You know how to waste it?

You built a family base with Vibranium, using gold as a regular energy base!

鈥淏ut we keep it useless now, and it’s hard to get Ohio back.鈥?Tony opens the mouth and said.

鈥淲ho says it’s useless.鈥?/p>

Kyle looked at Tony and thought, and he said, “Is that thing that you’ve been carrying?”


rain has been raining, and it immediately understands what Kyle is talking about. She Nodded, stretching her hand out of the white bones, will always wear the jewellery necklace on her body, and the ordinary silver chain will hang a little box.

The rainbow opens the box with a light mind, and with a few shocks, overflow reveals the indefinite stones of yellow light.

鈥淭hat’s”. “The Avengers members felt a depressed sense of familiarity, as if they had seen it before. They did, of course, see this rock, which was embedded in Loki’s cane, and it was confused by its mind, but it was later split by Kyle, and Superman Caesar swallowed into his stomach.

During this period, the gem was also borrowed by future heroes, turning around and eventually falling back to Kyle.

Kyle handed it over to the rainbow, and over the years, because of Spirit Treasure’s stones, the spirit of the rainbow has progressed considerably, concealing signs of breakthrough Blue’s rare hierarchy.

Thor was more open to the eyes and recognized that the entire universe had only one after another’s ethnic strategic resources.

Spirit Treasure Stone.

Kyle picked up Spirit Treasure stones from the rain, holding them with two good fingers, not too much thought, and pushing the fingerprints directly to the body of Vibranium.

The heart Spirit Treasure stone was embedded on the body of Vibranium, and the heart Spirit Treasure stone was well integrated with Vibranium’s body. The silk yellow light, centred on gems, spread to Vibranium.

Vibranium’s body seems to have a lifesprinkle, a very expensive breath, and it’s not enough to create the factors associated with a new high level of life. The aura is fast and silent, and Vibranium’s body is an art.

A universe unique and unmatched piece of priceless art.

鈥淔ather, you want to create a new mechanical life.” Tony’s little shrinking, and you can’t help it: “This is dangerous, and Orange is the example, the whole new life that has been created, and it’s bad.”

鈥淚ndeed, it is clear.鈥?Steve shares the view that, for his old soldier, the creation of a new era is too dangerous and stable to be a priority.

The rainbow doesn’t talk, the boss wants to do anything, she’ll stand unconditionally on the boss’s side.

鈥淒on’t panic.”

Kyle’s young face remains unchanged, looking at the body of Vibranium, embedded in Spirit Treasure Stone, and stabilizing: “Let me not say first what I built, not Orange, even if I created a second Ottoman life. There’s me here, and if I fail, I’ll kill it immediately.鈥?/p>

Tony and Steve are not arguing, and others are implicit in nodded. Indeed, Kyle was present, and even if a demon had been created, it could be brought to hell immediately.

Absolute power is a great guarantee.

鈥淭he body of Vibranium, Spirit Treasure Stone, is still two factors.”

Kyle speaks to himself in the heart. The first two are the foundations of the body, and the second is the foundation of the soul, which is based on two foundations, and which are necessary to create a complete, high life.

鈥淭hor, lend me your hammer.鈥?Kyle goes to Thor extend the hand.

鈥淗a! God of Thunder hammer, no one can use except me.”

Thor, though that said, raised his left hand and passed the God of Thunder hammer. Then it’s not over, Kyle took over God’s Thunder hammer naturally.

It’s hard for Thor to believe that the hammer was picked up by Kyle, whose face was almost out of control.

鈥淕et out of the way.” Kyle keeps others back, and then breathe deep, raise God’s Thunder hammer up, and the zi electric flow comes up, and builds on God’s Thunder hammer.

With alarming attention on this occasion, Kyle poured the hammer down and countless electric power into Vibranium’s body in the body.

Five seconds later.

Kyle threw God of Thunder hammer behind him, and Thor behind him stabilized. At this point, it looks forward to seeing Vibranium’s body watch, constantly flowing over the arc, which seems to be filled with enough energy, but not recovering into a new life.

The last point remains at the heart of the weight.

Fantastic creation is the body of Vibranium, Spirit Treasure stone, the energy of God’s Thunder hammer, and the basic ideological data of Javies.

But now, Javis’s ideological data have changed all the time into an orchestra. Now this body is in the body, and there is no ideological data on the direction of any worker.

Kyle looked to the left hand with a mechanical watch, whispering, 鈥淭hink.鈥?/p>

The mechanical watch was removed from Kyle’s wrist and landed on the desk, and as a result of a paradox, it quickly changed into a small robot.

鈥淚’d like to try, master.鈥?/p>

The two main servants did not have to communicate, Kyle did so, and thought had analysed his intentions.

鈥淚t still lacks the soul of artificial energy as the core, which is exactly what I own.鈥?Thought with my left chest, looking at Vibranium’s body next to it.

鈥淵ou have to think about it. After entering that body, you may no longer be you. It would even be like Orange’s existence, then.”

Kyle said here, speak paused.

And thought said, “Then let the master kill me.”

Say, it used Vibranium’s body as a footboard, standing on the chest.

鈥淲ish, goodbye.鈥?/p>

Kyle’s left hand will be removed from the card space, right hand will cover dual star energy and pick out a flame of eternal fire at a very rapid pace. The eternal fire falls on the body of thinking, and the bear burns up immediately, covering the body of thought.

Small machines are being burned into vain, from which, under the umbrella of the eternal fire, they are flowing out of the flame of opportunity to live.

That’s Soul Fire, and Fire of Life.

Kyle recovered the eternal fire and put his hand on the next pressure, which quickly merged Vibranium’s body.

It’s done.

This idea has just flown in the brain, and Kyle has been masked by white light, on the desk, lifting the depression, pressure, and familiar detentions.

And then…



work desk was blown apart, and a tall silhouette suddenly came up.

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