I Am In Marvel

Chapter 587.

At noon, sunshine, sunshine, there’s no clouds.

It is not surprising that the multi-disaster New York neighbourhood today is another day of peace.

At this point. The sweeping streets of New York are chaotic, shaking alarming screams everywhere, and the local population seems to have been used to refuge, panic, and more skilled abandoned vehicles have fled to another street.

The outbreak, apparently impossible for the police to cope with, was alarmed in the face of the gunmen, hiding behind the police car and looking to the people in the right direction.

There are hidden whistles and bombardments of monsters, flames of fire, rolling cigarettes into the streets, and occasionally buildings collapse.

Under police shock, out of the smoke, a green monster wearing big pants. Strong muscles and cramp sheets, double Blink’s anger, toothka ka’s grim, and hand in hand lift a car and throw it on the road to a police car parked at beyond ten meters.

Two policemen hiding behind the police car were unable to escape, and the consciousness was closed. Immediately, a high-ranking silhouette fell in front of the police car, stretched out a pair of golden painted mechanical masks, which would stabilize the car.

Police eyes open, see steel warriors, and more accurately, they should be steel warriors with special strong editions.

Compared to the usual Mark armoured type of steel warrior, when the steel warrior wore Mark’s costume, the tall, strong, slightly swelling, like a steel version of iron fatty. There has been a significant reduction in spirituality and, therefore, a higher level of horror and dynamite.

This is a mark-anti-Hawk armor developed jointly by Tony and Banner to deal with the angry green giant.

“Big Brooks. Throw something out is bad habits, smash it to people for a while, and don’t say, smash it to the grass.”

Tony, wearing anti-Hawk armor, put the car next to him, without forgetting to speak and say, “Please all of us here to evacuate, and this is taken over by the Avengers.”

“Then please.”

“We can’t deal with it.”

If the two policemen were released, they would not even be able to take care of the police car and follow the people to the streets.

Angry Hawk, whatever that many, now he’s lost his mind, as if he burned the anger and stepped on the ground moving towards the steel warrior.

“Come on, baby.”

Tony, after all, was wearing anti-Hawk armor, breathing deep, giving instructions to the intellectual system, “to drive right arms to the greatest.” He said, at the same time, that he offered the right arm a little bit later.


Hook hit the front, stretching his hand was a punch, Tony looked at the timing, and hit the same punch.

Hawk fists with mechanical fists. They represent each other, mutations and the peak level of science and technology, and when two of the same size boxes collide, strong waves and shock waves are rolled out, all the windows around the glass doors are shattered into scum.

Hawk and Steel Man stand at completely motionless, no one backwards and directly boxing each other for their feet.

Too bad. Even in the case of anti-Hawk armoured armaments manufactured against Hawk, there has been a significant increase in armoured defence capabilities, resilience, and the outbreak of recent warfare, which can be directed against Hawk in anger, but only against relatively meat sandbags.

Not ten seconds.

Tony’s anti-Hawk armor is all over the body, and helmets and the whole right arm are almost smashed.

“That’s tough. Father, how did he conquer Hawk with his body?”

Outside the 10 meters, Tony climbed from the ground, picked up his left hand, and sent a rough circle of energy lights than conventional armaments when they were released, thereby slowing down Hooke’s chase.

With this brief gap, Tony in anti-Hooke armor, quick voice instructions, “Veronica, help.”

Veronica. He developed together with Dr. Banner an independent system and armoured garage, during which Hawk was even involved in field tests. It is usually deployed in Earth near outer space and, if necessary, may be rapidly redeployed.

Anti-Hawk armor was also urgently redeployed from Veronica.

Veronica, like a four-party weapons depot, landed at 100 meters high in New York City and immediately released a whole bunch of new parts after receiving Tony’s instructions. These parts are self-piloting and positioning navigation, taking the initiative to fly towards steel warriors on the ground and updating the replacement of damaged parts.

In three seconds, Tony managed anti-Hawk armor recovery as early as it was.

That’s the main reason why the armor is capable of unifying Hawk in theory!

Tony, who is resurrected, continues to fight Hawk, both from the streets to the end of the street, from the surface to the sky and from the square to the ground. Some of the buildings covered by the fighting were either crushed into ruins or crushed by hundreds of holes.

Tony’s anti-Hawk armor has been repaired for several rounds, but the Vietnamese war is getting angry, and it’s hard to win for a while.

Tony looked at the Bureau of War destroying the city, and it was dark and urgent, and suddenly stretched his hand with the Hawk neck, and the engine of the Kanby rocket erupted at the bottom of his foot, with Hooke flying over the sky.

When he arrived at several hundred meters, Tony picked up an unmanned engineering building, crumbling down like a meteor.

“hong long long…”

An engineering building crashed into ruins, dust floating, Hawk was a little dizzy, looking for Tony’s place. It is at this time that a mechanical fist blows into the back of its head, and at a time when the human hands of a third party come out of hand, and under a shadow of rays of light, suddenly inserts a battle between the two, easing one fist of anti-Hawk armor armor.

“en?” Tony was surprised to stare.

Hooke reacted, boxing to the rear, but was similarly easily blocked by the hands with a fancy light.

“I said.”

Between Tony and Hawk, there was a lot more fantastic young silhouette, “who left New York for two or three days, and what kind of new flowers? And fight directly in the city, civil war?”

Tony looks like the slower relaxed, “Father, you can count back.”

The green giant in anger, with a very strong attack on any creature, is difficult to face, but it seems to remember the painful lessons of the past.

“Tell me what’s going on here.”

Kyle’s eyes under the twin shape are pushing people, silver is burning up, the whole body is flowing around the zi energy stream, and left right hand has pinned several fingers of anti-Hawk armor and Hawk in order to control the power of the hierarchy, and forcibly will stop the fighting.

“It’s hard to say.”

The helmets of anti-Hawk armor opened and showed Tony’s face, and he sighed, “Orange, betrayed me, joined the twin, trying to eliminate the Avengers. Now, besides me, the Avengers are all beaten down.”

One night, New York has changed.

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