I Am In Marvel

Chapter 570.

Washington, D.C., above the ruins of the White House site.

A mass of officials with the highest powers and military strength of the United States Empire, collectively bowing down to pay tribute to mutant, such as Charles, is not only a shock to the visionary armed soldiers, but must also be an enrichment that history cannot erase.

The current President raised his head and faced with shame, said solemnly: “I have no idea. One day, the greatest threat came from the weapons that we created, while saving our lives, was the mutant who had been cruelty.”

The outpost producer, Traska, remained bowed, and he was proud of being a weapon of a threat to the world and was now rescued not only by mutant, who was originally hostile, but also by mutant, who had no reason to renew the whistle plan.


current President looked at him and continued to say to Caesar and the others: “I cannot declare, in my capacity as President, that mutant was endorsed, after all, between mutant and ordinary man, in order to achieve a true peaceful coexistence, free of mustard and a long way to go.”

“But I am willing to do everything I can to build a bridge of friendship between mutant and ordinary man.”

He paused, seriously, “From today on. I will strictly prohibit the development of weapons against mutant, including whistles, and the military and certain underground sites, arrest, abuse, discrimination, etc., and treat mutant in society differently.”

“I think. Trask, you should be okay?” The current president asked.



X-ray police and the others collectively aspired to Logan among them, who knows that Logan came with a mission to save the future of the world, and that he was present at this moment.

Even as Logan insists, at this moment, the body will not be shaken by a little bit, breathing out of the chest and fuzzing itself: “Waiter, is this nightmare finally over?”

“Logan.” Caesar walked over and shot his shoulder to comfort.

The current President continues to say, “I will also meet with parliamentarians later, hoping that the relevant laws will be enacted to protect mutant interests and enable them to stand under the same blue sky with ordinary people and to give them the opportunity and platform to exercise their talent. I am afraid that everything will be done with Perfection, but you fought for us, and we should fight for you once.”

“That’s great.”

Hank and the others are moving, and it’s hard to hide their excitement. How many mutant in the world, waiting for this day to come. In the light of the sun, dignified is showing true self, not in the darkness, wearing false masks to hide their true manners.

After the current President handed over his will, he departed with a large number of parliamentarians, and the troops around him continued to evacuate, temporarily granting them the land of the White House ruin.

“The time is over.”

The members of the X-ray police were relieved, of which Logan suddenly planted into the ground, shrinked into a continuum, intimidating Hank and Rachel and the others, to help him.

“Logan, what’s wrong with you?” Charles used his mind to comfort Logan with brain disorder, nervous questions.

“I’m fine. The naughty side can’t support it, and I’ve done my job, and I’m sending it back to this body’s consciousness — back to my future space.”

Logan’s face has been distorted by severe pain, tightened with fists, and steel sharp claw has not come out of its own direction. He suddenly remembered a very important message, and his eyes were eager to turn to Caesar’s piano next to him, to eat and spit out an interrupted word, “Yes, yes, Caesar, remember.”

“Be careful…”

Half, Logan looks like he can’t bear the bruises of his brain, his eyes are dizzy and soft in the wombs of the veterized Hank, although breathing is no major obstacle, the breath on his body has reversed.


Caesar wrinkles, I don’t know what’s in mind, but there’s no loose little hand. The piano has a low eye, and it has no idea what it is thinking, but it has a few fingers to hold.

“Logan, he went back.” Charles sat on a wheelchair of rocks, staring at the others’ eyes: “We should go back.”

“Where? Professor, the school has been destroyed. I didn’t mean to ruin it.” Alex was so sorry.

Charles said with a smile: “It’s okay, Academy is gone, it can be built again. As long as you’re here, everything is home.”

“Professor.” A few youths, Hank, Alex, Nightcrawler, are strong, touching little bit slightly.

Ri puchi laughed and warned, “Did you not hear his intentions? Charles, this is what makes us hard, and the costs of building the Academy are saved.”

“Yes. Last time, I built the basement of the classroom, not by myself.” Hank’s smiling company, banging fast silver, Alex and the others, “OK, this time there’s plenty of help.”

“Just keep up with my rhythm.” Quickly, the silver sweep in the mood and drag on the path.


Assazo came to Caesar and looked at the weather behind him and wanted to stop saying, “Young Master. I…”

Caesar laughed, said, “I understand. You go with them, you don’t have to follow me anymore, Teacher is still very appropriate.”

“Well, thank you. Young Master.” Nodded of Assazzo’s power, turning around to the X-ray police and the others, and he found a sense of belonging that he had never had before. Together with the enlightenment around Caesar, it’s no longer necessary to keep up with him.

“Let’s go.” Caesar looked at the light, the sky opened, and sent purple to the door.

That’s when the piano suddenly pulled his little hand out of Caesar’s hand.

“The piano?” Caesar’s desperate aspiration to the piano, to the old, unprovoked little Laurie, who wrote his mind at this moment.

“Caesar Teacher.” The piano refers to the X-ray police and the others, biting lips: “I want to go with them, they’ll build schools, and there will be lots of mutant.”

The X-ray police and the others hearing that’s not stuck, they’re not familiar with the piano, but they don’t look like Caesar’s little class, and they don’t have a reason to choose to follow them.

Let her make this difficult choice. It’s…

Caesar didn’t talk, looked deep at the piano, and suddenly pulled her into her arms, touched her head, said with a smile: “Wings are hard, right? Let go. Follow me, and it’s not good to be homeless all night.”

“Then we’ll see you later, folks.

After Caesar relaxed, he turned around decisively and walked with the angels towards purple.

Until his tall silhouette disappears in the portal, tears, that’s why it’s slipping from the violin’s little face.

I’ll see you later, Teacher.

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