I Am In Marvel

Chapter 563

On the sky.

Nearly 20 outposts were at 3,000 metres of high altitude, and the golden sunlight from the beginning fell on it, and the shell came out of a ghost metal globe. Like birds migrating, they were ranked into triangle formats, flying at an ultrasound speed near Washington City, leaving behind a path of white smoke orbit.

Magneto Eric is sitting on his knee on the wide back of the outpost, wearing a special helmet that was inspired to make for him, with a full uniformed battle, with grey winds flowing on his shoulders.

“Almost there.”

Magneto’s dangerous eyes, looking down the front, can see a city sitting on the ground, and countless high-building buildings like steel peaks rise up and flowing up into the clouds.

“Washington, I’m back.”

Magneto showed a silly smile, and that’s when the ear came up with a sharp noise.

The three modern Eagle warplanes, moving towards the outposts, were flying at a high rate, and several aircraft missiles had been launched when Magneto looked at the past.

“It’s not a lesson!”

Magneto was silent, nor did he see any action that he had taken to light those missiles, which immediately stopped the trend forward, fell directly in the air and, in turn, fired at Eagle warplanes.

The pilot who drove the Eagle warplanes did not predict the situation at all, and two pilots reacted in a timely manner, either manipulating the warplanes to the bottom, or pushing up, risking avoiding the return of missiles.

The other one was not so lucky that it had just been hit by two missiles and had not been avoided in a timely manner, that the plane had been killed and that the wreckage had fallen into Fireball, which had burned a bear.

“Number three!”

The surviving pilots did not agree with the same outbreak, and then again looked at the direction of the outpost, but saw Magneto sitting on the post. The pilots seem to have seen death gods in general and face blindness, and immediately feedback to the ground command centre:

“This is Air Force Eagle One, and number three has been destroyed by missiles. A wanted criminal, Magneto, is on one of those outposts! Repeat, Magneto is with the whistle, and I ask for a retreat to the base!”

“Roger, get back to base!”

Two Eagle warplanes were not hesitant to hear from the Ground Command Centre and immediately returned at high altitude.

Magneto’s ability is magneto control, and even if people around the world know this information, it can really deal with him or his nightmare. After all, modern human-induced weapons, down to guns, up to rocket missiles, are largely manufactured by metal materials and are better off than a small water gun.

“Wanna run?”

See the evacuation of two Eagle warplanes, Magneto coldly smiled, under the manipulation of his magneto field, when four outposts were flown from the team and continued to follow the Eagle warplanes.

Ten seconds later, two Eagle warplanes were surrounded by outposts and landed in the wild underground with rolling black smoke.

The outposts continued to advance tyrannize, plundering over the high air in Washington, D.C., entering the areas of the centre of the troubled cities, even captured by a number of cameras, and broadcasting directly on advertising screens, under the undisputed eyes of countless people.

Magneto came to the White House soon after all, with military forces in the White House, special cars parked near the streets, armed and well-armed soldiers leaked water around the White House, and helicopters patrolled at low altitudes.

In the White House.

The current President, as well as a large number of congressmen, are leaving in the closed third floor hall. Scientist Traska seems to have an impressive rise, and others have come with him to see Magneto floating through the window of the third floor hall, with a whistle drops from Silhouette of the sky.

“Trask. The robot outside is what you’re saying, the whistle machine created to eliminate mutant?”

The current President watched Trasks, said solemnly: “But now, those whistles are on mutant’s hands, destroying our cities, killing our soldiers and threatening our lives.”

Traska, lower your head, no word.

“I ask you, can our troops handle those outposts?” The current President has a heavy question.

“In accordance with the outpost fighting attribute, an outpost is to be eliminated and an armed fire of at least 50 personnel will be launched. And the number of dozens…” Teska desires to stop, and finally sighs: “The forces that are now deployed cannot be confronted.”

Those in the Conference Hall heard this conclusion, and their faces are not pale.

“So, now we stay in there and wait for death?” The current president is naked and handcuffed.

The helicopter, which was patrolled at a low altitude near the White House, came near Magneto and was excluded from the alarming magneto field, with uncontrolled areas of vacation.

“Here it comes!”

Armed soldiers who are guarded in front of the White House, who brush their hands with special firearms, are targeted at Magneto, who has fallen down.

“Oh? Non-metal material?”

Magneto’s eyes on the soldiers and the guns in their hands are suddenly uprooted and armed soldiers are planted like wheat.

“Even if it’s human, there’s a small amount of metal inside! Except for your body, change it to plastic.”

Magneto expressionless, boots on the ground, and if he were before, he wouldn’t do that. However, with the increase in the spontaneous gift, the magnetic field manages all metals in the region that do as one pleases.

That’s the magnetic field, close to God.

Unfortunately, even if this hypocritical super field is broken by Caesar…

One punch, just one punch.

Magneto’s eyes were bleak and reactivated soon, cleaning up the military forces outside the White House, while the last 20 outposts flown in the lower air, surrounded by surrounded construction of the White House to the corps.

“Don’t you come out yet?”

The white palace was silent, Magneto shaked his head, his hands uplifted, and the entire roof of the White House was opened up by magnetic fields and exposed to the interior of the third floor conference hall as a result of a tremendous shock.

“Well?” Magneto wrinkles up his eyebrows, but it’s an empty part of the White House, not to say the president’s officer, not even the soldier’s security.

Just now, the magnetic field has a clear feeling that there are people in there.

Magneto went back to the ground behind him beyond ten meters, accompanied by a flame, Logan, Fast Silver, Alex, in the X-ray uniforms of fighting, and Assazo.

“That’s it, Eric.”

The voices of women were transmitted from the third floor of the White House Hall, and Magneto was once again turned around, with a blue flame, with Reese, Hank and Nightcrawler in the X-ray uniforms.

One day after the X-ray team, Magneto and the outposts were surrounded.

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