I Am In Marvel

Chapter 560.

“Who are you?”

The Reese face is full of vigilance, and with its own body blocked Charles behind.


angel hasn’t spoken yet, and the rest are complexion greatly changed, and he says, “The angel, he’s an angel!”

Knowing the extremely dangerous nature of the enlightenment, Nightcrawler suddenly grabbed Rachel’s hand, Assazo put his hand on Charles’s shoulder, and both wanted to flee with the most important people on the scene.

There is no movement in the Book, no two eyes, no white light. Next moment, Nightcrawler and Asszo have abandoned their capacity to perform.

It was a slow shot, and space was blocked by the sky, and one of his abilities was to overcome the flow of instant movement.

“To protect the professor’s safety!”

Knowing that there is no way back, Logan stretched his hands out of steel sharp claw, Reese picked up his knees, Hank turned into a blue hair wild beast, and Alex pulled a trunk of his chest.

“A bunch of people who don’t know what they call mortals.”

The uninteresting shake, the left hand, Logan and Rigan were taken off by mysterious forces, the left hand, Hank and Alex were uprooted, and four men killed as the main battlefield officer X.

“Take the professor away!”

Nightcrawler and Asszo bite their teeth, pull their wheelchairs back, just go back to the platform on the helmet, and there’s no way back there.

“He’s mine now.”

The invisible opening of the left hand, the Charles flying up on the wheelchair, headed towards him fast, and the neck was just caught in the hands of five fingers.

Charles’s hands grabbed an enlightened hand, and his lapsed legs fell, and he had no resistance to the existence of immune mentality control.

“That’s it. You’re the key to countless years, depriving you of mutant ability, and I have the power to defeat that man.”

The others on the invisible spot, leaving with Charles, should have a purple portal in front of him, one foot straight into it.

“Professor!” Alex, who wrestled down on the ground, crawled at the fastest speed, and kneeled on the ground, will open the chest to the back of the sky.


Hank rushed to stop, but it was a late step, and Alex’s chest blew out a scarlet energy, burned the air, and the disease hit the sky.

When the angel sees this, walks with Charles into the portal, the portal disappears, scarlet energy falls out, bombs the burglary door in the basement of the X-ray police and falls in the storage of energy supplies in the basement.


Strong explosions were sufficient to destroy the entire school building and erupted near the basement. Looking forward to the burning light that blew in front of your eyes, the colors of despair are exposed in the eyes of the people in the basement.

One second later.

The entire school site was blown down by underground explosions, with fire raging and rolling smoke rising.

On the grasslands outside the school, Logan, Alex, Hank, Richmond, Nightcrawler, and Asszo, six people look at each other and don’t know what just happened.

Behind them, the screams of unhappiness came out: “This time I’m faster! I saved four people! You’re only two!”

“Yes, yes. You hurry, you’re the fastest.”

Caesar looks arrogantly fast, and I’m sorry to say that he was rushing from 50 kilometres away.

Logan looks forward to two people, relax, “Caesar, quick silver, good time for you to come.”

Just one second away from death, if not Caesar and Fast Silver, I wonder who else can save them.

“It is not timely or late.” Caesar looks at schools that have become ruins, and here is his precious memory.

“We’re useless.” Hank’s face shows the color of death, “Caesar Teacher. Professor Charles, he was taken by the sky.”

“I already know.”

Caesar Nodded, comforted: “Charles should be fine for the time being, and the inspiration is to deprive him of his capacity, a process that requires some preparation and time.”

“The question is, where should we find the inspiration?” Rachel is worried.


Caesar shoots a ring, calmly said: “I left a special energy mark on those four Knight, wherever I can feel it. And they will come together with the angels, and it will be his death.”

Caesar’s words are lighter, but with incredible persuasion. People on the scene, the anxious heart has stabilized.


Caesar suddenly, complexion greatly changed, as if something was more serious than the end of the world, which allowed people to mention their voices again.

“I’m leaving! The piano’s still waiting for me to make dinner! You’re busy. I’m leaving!”

Caesar just fell, leaving a wave of balloons in the land, like moving towards the night of the rocket. Not for a while, he turned into a meteor disappearing in the sky, leaving a crowd full of black lines on the grass.

A crow that is quite spectacular overflew the sky and shouted.

Nightcrawler’s inconceivable say with a bitter smile: “So, making dinner is more important than the end of the world?”

“Caesar Teacher, he’s not going to sleep with children and save the world by the way?” Hank’s gone.

“Very likely.” The future Logan won’t be good enough to turn on a white eye.

Asszazo, shrugged, said, “Just get used to it, that’s Young Master.”

It’s over the ocean.

Caesar quickly crossed the land and the Sea Territory tablet and returned to the island, just yet to fall, approaching the 100 meters of the island, and a mysterious force slightly disrupted his flight.

“Is this it?”

Caesar’s sceptical landing on the beach of the island and attempting to take a step towards the small wood house, the mysterious force continued to brush baptism’s body and heart and resist rejecting his proximity.

“This is the field, the philosophy.”

Caesar, this is really stuck. In the area, it refers to the extreme realization of a particular capacity.

For example, the rainfall, where she has a shape in the spiritual field, escapes her perception and observation.

For example, quick silver, he has an area of extreme speed, and everything, and even time, becomes odd in his area.

Even Caesar has an area in which Superman can use his or her own supermanpower. As if he were to carry the mountains alone, it would often lead to the collapse of the mountain at the end of the mountain, but he could spread his strength to every place beneath the mountain and carry the mountains to high altitudes without damage.

The area is to put some capacity at the top of the limit to the realm!

At this juncture, there are people on this island who are active in the field of mindset, and all nearby creatures are being destroyed.

“It’s a piano. I didn’t expect her to take this step so quickly.”

Caesar’s face is also a source of concern, ignoring the super exclusion in that area of mindset and moving towards the small wood house, which is at the core of the field.

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