I Am In Marvel

Chapter 517: New article

Chapter 517, a new chapter opens

The half of the fire element is still stuck under the ground, condensing into the body of the lava, but the head-to-toe collapse, the melting sizzling spread of the yard, become a group of hot lava standing in place.

"This is solved? What happened inside?" Peter scratched his head inexplicably, thought it was a fierce battle, and did not expect the end of the tiger's head.

"Should it be? You ask me, who I am asking." Scott is also amazed.

‘Hey! ’

Suddenly, the lava on one side was separated on both sides, and Eddie, the toxin form, emerged from it, and the magma was still contaminated on his dark body.

If the flowers on the ground have been melted by high temperature corrosion, Peter really thought that the melt was only an illusion.

Eddie shakes off the melt on his body and looks at Peter and Scott.

Scott just wanted to say hello to him. He didn't expect Eddie to jump in the same place. With a wave of anger, he jumped up to tens of meters and landed on the high-rise wall next to it. The quick climb quickly disappeared between the tall buildings that were covered in the night.


Scott's hand was stiff in the air, and he took it back. "What happened to the guy?"

Peter spread his hand to him and looked around at the unmanned street that was blocked. He suggested: "Let's get out of here soon."

"Yes, it’s important to run." Scott remembered that he was still escaping the criminal, and nodded quickly, pressed the suit controller and turned into an ant size to escape.

"It’s really tossing tonight, I hope I will have the energy to get up in bed tomorrow..."

Turning the sore arm to the left and right, Peter looked at the Pimu Technology Company, which burned the soil. He jumped up and down, spewed spider silk in the air, and shuttled between the high-rise buildings. Like Eddie, he disappeared into the night sky.

In the Divine Palace above the Jiujie.

"Sure enough, a mortal in the district, even if given the original stone energy, still can not rely on the stinky fish rotten shrimp!"

With the spell disguised as O'Donnell's Loki, his face was gloomy, sitting on the glory and quiet hall, the golden scepter sulking on the floor.

However, he had expected this. Earth, after all, is a place of super heroes, not so easy to intervene.

The mysterious guest Quentin is only a strong cannon fodder, a tool for detecting the forces of the earth.

"I want to deal with them... I can only rely on superior people with special talents."

Rocky was slightly indulged, his right hand extended and flipped, and the universe cubes emerged, opening a small cloud of space.

Through the small holes in the wormhole, you can see that there is a basement space on the other side, and two humans, one man and one woman, are being held inside.

Both of them are in their early twenties. The male is very strong and silver-haired, handsome and handsome, and the woman's long red hair is **** and beautiful. They also vaguely carry the strange energy associated with the infinite rough.

"It's you guys." Rocky reveals a special evil smile.

at the same time.

On this evening, Stark Industrial Headquarters, Tony's personal studio.

Tony Stark did not know how many Peters involved in the fight outside the street. Jarvis, who is now working with full computing power, is busy in the studio.

"Call. Jarvis, test it again!"

Tony, wearing a vest, wiped his forehead sweat and looked at it in front of him, looking at the complex parts, a large-scale composite machine with a sense of craftsmanship.

"Yes, sir!"

Jarvis responded quickly, manipulating the laser scan and scanning large machines from top to bottom.

"The test is correct and all parameters are normal."

"In theory, as long as there is sufficient material and energy, it can create a brand-new driving armor within three minutes. It is automatically operated by the second intelligent derivative system, and it can be put into an emergency battle to defend the earth in five minutes. ”

"Finally... is it finished?" Tony looked at the making machine, and the tired body fell softly down on the ground.

Jarvis continued: "Sir, please give the second intelligent derivative system a name to create a new data database."

Tony thought for a moment and decided: "That is called 'Ao Chuang'! Next, the Earth World will enter the Age of Ultron and have a real battle with the alien forces!"

The future world will usher in change at this moment.

Non-natural office, in the top floor office.

There was a ray of glass in the indoor air, and then Kyle and Yu Yu walked out of it, returning to the real world from the mirror space.

Rainy red lips lightly open, whispered: "Boss. So, the few people you choose are still very talented. As long as you continue to cultivate and hone, they will definitely shoulder the responsibility of protecting the earth."

"That's all right."

Kyle shrugged, which of course he wanted to see. Only when the earth is strong enough can he leave the earth at will and do what he wants without burden.

If it is not too many concerns in the heart, I am afraid that he will have already killed the tyrant base, and will take Lorna directly back.

"This is really not like me..."

Kyle shook his head. Of course, in the previous account, he remembers that it is clearer than anyone else. Whoever owes it, whoever provokes it, will come back ten times and then come back!

It’s not that you don’t care, it’s just not the time!

"Rain, Tony..."

Kyle just wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped, his body trembled, his eyes flicked a touch of bright light.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Seeing Kyle's anomaly, Yu Yu stepped forward and gently held his arm.

Kyle said: "The contact that has been broken - just a short moment, suddenly connected."

"Contact, what do you mean?" Yu Yu almost knows the second, and the beauty is splendid.

"Yes, it is the avatar."

Kyle breathed a little and his fists were tight. "It would never be wrong. In the moment, I perceive his existence. He also perceives me. It is just a very far distance, than the earth and the gods. The distance is farther! It seems like a big world!"

"The other one, where did I go?" Kyle was surprised, the body and the body, this is one.

The soul is the same, but the body is different, the thinking is similar, only the two are different.

Kyle's ontology has experienced the brutal World War II, the Starry Sky Arena, the Battle of the Galaxy Alliance, and the Great War of the Divine, killing the Dragon and the Dragon. It can be said that his existence is the ultimate war machine, killing is commonplace, so it is indifferent, majestic, and arrogant, with a sense of oppression that is difficult to hide.

Superman avatars, because of the experience of too few battles, in the original world is also treated as a lesser master and children, will be slightly biased to ease, funny, sunny, softer, more like an ordinary human.

Kyle narrowed his eyes and said: "No matter where he is, he must get him back. Another me, maybe it is the key point to reverse the future!"

Superman is separated from Caesar, plus the double-star form, who can live in the doubles?

(End of this chapter)

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