I Am In Marvel

Chapter 515.

Quentin’s smile is shaking in the ear, Scott’s astonishing appearance in front of the fire, which, like the first three elements, creates a monster body with a specific element.

But the fire element is strange and has a distinct character from the other elements.

The fire factor was not immediately launched against Scott after its creation, but rather burned the equipment, parts of the building that swallowed the basement, and even the iron shelves and steel concrete were melted into plasmas.

The molten syrup strengthens the flame elephant, and it looks like it continues to swallow the alien, thus achieving its purpose of self-growth.

Less than ten seconds short, the flame monster has turned from the body of three metres tall to the molten giant of six metres tall. Its head melts through the floor ceiling, sweats are crowded in half of the basement, high temperature lets Scott sweat and consciousness back a few steps.

“Perfect, that’s the perfect war monster. It’s real, not the fantasy of the second wave of projection.”

Quentin furans, face fanatics, looking at the flame elements are obsessed with idiots.

The flame elements swallowed out of the growth of the alien, did not stop the trend, were experiencing faster swallowing, the fire and high temperatures covered the entire basement, and even the glass helmets in Quentin were filled with fog.

“What the hell did you do?” Scott’s face is getting more pale, and now this flame is weird, and it makes him feel so bad.

If the previous top-heavy element is just a tough enemy, then the flame is like the existence of the El incarnation. If it cannot be stopped here, it may have very terrifying consequences.

Quentin took off the glass helmet, facing red and excited interpretations under the light of the fire: “In the simulation data of the two bodies, the flame is the most powerful fighting creature. In order to create its entity, I’ve exhausted the energy that the big man gave me!”

The excess energy available to fire elements, which is the sum of the other three elements, has finally given rise to the particular innate talent.

Eat, evolve!

Firearms can burn any objects, thereby increasing their bodies and constantly growing up until the planet of life is completely destroyed.

“As long as it is available, I’m afraid of what the symbol of peace, the steel warrior flows, even if they arrive now, it’s too late.”

Quentin’s mouth can’t stand up, take a step, pass by Scott, and go to the fire.

Firearms detect something, like, stopping burning, looking down to the front cunt, and no emotional fluctuations can be found in the lava frames without eyes.

“Fire element, I’m your master, Quentin! Let’s come together and create an era that belongs to us.”

“The obstacles to our way forward will be boldly blocked, and the entire incineration will be null and void.”

Quentin opened his arms, passionate loudly said.

Fire elements seem to understand the ignorance of light.

Quentin’s exciting turn, fingers to Scott, giving instructions: “So now, it’s time to kill that little ant. Only if you kill him, Hank Pim, that old man will surrender.”

The fire elements will continue to sweep, slow up the lava left hand, shoot the front hand and fly out of Quentin, standing in front of it.

Quentin turned a couple of circles in the air, knocked on the wall in the basement, and slowed down.

With that mask in the body of mankind, Quentin was spitting blood, burning more than externally, and his lungs were struck by shock, and it was almost impossible to live.

It’s a dramatic scene, one of the tight Scotts, and the dying Quentin on the ground is open.

“Why, why, why…”

Quentin wanted to yell, but his throat was burned by molten pulse and could not send the exact tone.

At the last moment of the lifespan, Quentin suddenly learned – for the elements of the fire, the biggest obstacle to the way forward is not anyone else, and contact is a useless creator.

“So no one can stop you.”

As soon as Quentin thinks of it, Earth will be destroyed by fire elements, and it will be quiet to close its eyes.

“Did you kill those who created themselves and burn themselves?”

Skotne’s heart provoked a wave of horror, and his body was tight, and he looked at the bodies of Quentin on the ground and looked forward to the flames.

The flame was killed in Quentin, and the empty molten eye was headed towards Scott, as if it was laughing at the top of the two sides, and a melting rock giant was raised again.

Not good! ”

Scott Complexion Change, turn around and run, and he’s not going to the next basement door, but to the inside bathroom. His eyes targeted the drainage hole and had already placed the thumb on the canine’s clothing control button, and the companion had suddenly fallen.

Pim Science and Technology Company, first floor hall.

Eddie just stretched Peter out of the ground, and his hair was wet, and was trying to say something, and the wrinkle was desperate to the ground, while feeling the most unknown and destructive breath.

Toxin low-tone warning: “Eddie, be careful. There’s an incredible guy underground.”

Eddie’s solemn nodded, the body is reintroduced into the dark corner, entering the form of fighting with the community.

Peter also has a slight bow, sweating hair, a shivered chipmunk around his head.

“This is…”

In the mirror space, Kyle has always been quiet on his face, finally spreading some surprising expressions.


A crack spreads from the floor of the lobby, and then spreads, branches, cracks swiftly, like spiders, and there’s a strong energy flow from the bottom to the ground.

At this juncture, Eddie and Peter reacted very quickly, about one, and moved to both sides to avoid it.

Almost as far away from the centre of the hall, the floor is blown out of the downward collapse, burning out the melting of the extreme red, spreading the ten meters high, like a catastrophic landscape in small volcanoes.

Under Eddie and Peter’s uncertain vision, first was a melting hand, and then a melting giant head.

Come on. The whole body of the fire climbed out of the ground, covered by melting, began to burn and become part of its body.

“No, there’s another one?” Peter was terrified of a big mouth.

“Different! It’s completely different! This head, no match to those just now!”

Eddie opens a narrow white pair, like the darkness of the enemy.

Come on, get out of here with me!

From ant size to size, Scott came out of nowhere, moved towards Eddie and Peter yelling.

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