I Am In Marvel

Chapter 498

Over the city of London.

The eight overlapping World reflections began to disillusion, the dark clouds raged, and the vision of celestial bodies finally ended.

With a horrible lightning and thunder, the raindrops of the beans have fallen, and the smoke and smoke marks in the London city have been washed away.

God of Thunder Sol held the blood-stained God of Thunder hammer, standing on the square where the rain fell, looking down at the body of Malkes on the ground, the chest was still violently gasping, “Mother, I Revenge for you…”

What can kill the enemy, and the dead will never come back.

Sol’s face was full of sorrow. He looked up at the sky, and the rain poured from his head to his feet. It was already clear whether the face was water or tears.

After standing in a daze for a long time, Sol suddenly heard behind him and heard a familiar cry, “Sol, Sol!”

Sol looked back, it was his girlfriend, Jane, who rushed to the side in the heavy rain, and finally jumped into his generous chest.

Sol rebelled against the other side, feeling deep, and the two embraced and kissed. After the passion, Sol looked down at Jane and asked curiosity: “Jane? How are you here?”


Simplifiedly speaking, he was abducted by his younger brother Loki. After spending an hour on a certain planet, Loki sent her back to Earth in London.

“Loki.” Saul frowned, remembering the ether particles, and asked: “What did he not do to you?”


Jane shook her head gently, remembering that Loki sent her back, the expression of excitement and joy, could not help but ponder: “I am not an important role for him. He seems to have achieved some purpose, so it is no longer Forced me to stay and send me back directly here.”

“I have achieved some purpose? That bastard is planning something!”

Although Sol said this, he never hates Loki, but keeps his brother-in-law who hates iron.

Sol thought about it and said to Jane: “Jane, you will stay at Earth. There is Kyle here, you will be very safe. I will go back to the gods and look back to the father.”

Jane agrees with the nodded, my heart is secretly sighed, and the two of them should be the most far-fetched, no one.

After a rainbow bridge light column drops from the sky, Sol turned to take the body of Malekas and disappeared together in the central square of London.

at the same time.

Within the mirror space.

“Go, go back and work hard to cultivate, your distance from them is not in a dimension.”

Ancient One Master’s right hand draws a circle, makes a French seal, opens the portal to the outside world, and moves away from the mirror space.

Stance Lance had a deep understanding of the dagger. He finally looked back at the alien battleship that fell into the city, and smashed into a ruined mirror of London World.

If this is not a mirror space, the degree of damage is not much better than the last New York City.

“Can I really catch up with their silhouette?” Lance muttered to himself, and didn’t think too much. He followed the Ancient One mage and both disappeared into the portal.

Mirrored space in the city of London.

Tony lay on a blackened ground and gasped with a big mouth. Under the sound of “sha sha”, a tall and straight silhouette came to the front and reached out to him.


Tony barely opened the eyes, and when he saw the one, he couldn’t help but smile and reached out and held Kyle’s hand.

Kyle pulled Tony up from the ground and patted him on the shoulder, fading with a smile: “This performance is good.”

“It’s me who almost got rid of it.”

Tony smiled and looked at the lance that was inserted into the ground. He said: “Is it strong and strong under each other?”

“The tyrant will be stronger.”

Kyle’s face is calm and meaningful. “Don’t take it lightly, try to arm yourself. This long-lasting war has just begun.”

Although Kyle and the tyrants have not yet met, they have infinite stones in their hands, or information about the infinite rough. One of the ultimate goals is to have six infinite roughs.

The previous Earth, New York, and the Milky Way, were only the small Mars that were rubbed out.

Last time, the two men in the Kyle camp were killed by the tyrants; this time, Kyle and Tony killed two generals in the demise camp.

It is temporarily tied.

The competition around the gems between Kyle and tyrants will grow bigger and bigger, and the Lord will go to the final full battle, irreconcilable until death!

“Ah, I have already smelled the smell of gunpowder, and I have already made some kind of preventive preparation…”

Tony nodded, what I was trying to say, the ringing of the ringing phone ring in my trouser pocket.

Tony subconsciously pulled out his mobile phone and saw a slightly different look at Kyle when he saw the small pepper notes on the screen. “This mirrors World, isn’t a closed World, how can a phone call come in?”

Kyle faintly smiled, said: “Someone opened the portal to the outside and the second world was temporarily connected.”

Tony didn’t have time to ask who, under the rush of the phone ringtone, still connected to the caller.

The phone immediately heard the anxious sound of the small pepper. “Tony, where have you been? How can you not get through the phone? Is it okay?”

“Of course I’m fine, things have been done. The godfather is also next to me, what can be done.”

Tony held back the pain and made it easy.

The little pepper continued: “That’s good, I said to you…”

Tony nodded and listened. After hanging up the phone, he took a breather and headed to Kyle. “Godfather. Little peppers let me and you go back to dinner tonight.”

Kyle hasn’t responded yet, and Tony quickly added a sentence. “This is my father’s invitation. He said that there is something I want to say to you by the way.”

“Oh? Howard?”

Kyle unexpectedly raised his brow. After thinking about it, since he returned to Earth from the Galaxy Alliance, he never saw Howard again. He simply promised: “Well, anyway, the matter has come to an end. Soar’s own business, I also I’m too lazy to participate too much. Let the Carl family and SHIELD people deal with the tail of London. Let’s make a celebration party and go back and have a drink.”

Tony quickly said: “No problem.”

The next thing is simple.

Kyle contacted Heimdall and asked him to search for the lost Weiss in Dark World. On the other hand, he contacted Yu Yu and asked her to send Kar family members to mirror World to clean up the battle.

As for the real world of London, it was Tony who contacted Fury and asked him to send a SHIELD agent to clean up the rear.

The afternoon of the day.

The news channels are still tracking live reports, about the peace symbol Kyle, Iron Man Tony, and God of Thunder Sol, appearing in the London city, sensational news of the fierce battle with alien invaders.

The whole world has thus caused an uproar, and the upgrade to a hot topic has sparked a heated discussion among the whole people.

That night.

Kyle and Tony have put on a swallow-tail suit, with Lucy and a small pepper, and at the invitation of Howard, come to a lakeside villa on the outskirts of New York for dinner.

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