I Am In Marvel

Chapter 494

London’s mirrored World, suburban junction.

Along with the rimple of the diamond-shaped glass, a bald woman wearing a yellow robe stepped out and landed on the top of one of the buildings.

Behind the bald woman, wearing a gray mage uniform, the young man, followed by the roof of the building mirroring World.

Looking at the bald woman, looking at the bald woman, looking around the mirror space of the inanimate and flexible object, I was a little surprised: “The…Ancient One mage, I just felt the existence of mana, and they are following the Modu Master. Spells. How come you suddenly bring me to Mirror World?”

Mirroring World is a spell that the wizard must learn. As a novice mage, he still understands it, but it is not enough to open the portal to here.

“Stance Lance, look over there.”

The supreme Master, Ancient One, stood on the edge of the roof and reached for a finger. Stance Lance followed the prompt, and the pupil shrank slightly due to horror.

It can be seen that inside the five hundred meters, a gold-red painted iron man flies from the ground, one hand Blink electric light keeps the scrapped fall, and the other hand keeps moving toward the street below.

Carpet bombings broke out one after another, a female alien holding a black lance rushed out of the blast, she kicked the exterior wall of the building, the body was light and flexible, quickly avoiding the shelling, and the backhand lanced quickly Throwing, almost the iron man in the air came to a cool heart.

Looking at the fierce life and death, Ster Lance opened his mouth and wondered: “That is… Iron Man? Who else is there?”

Because of the isolation of Kama Taj, the inner mage is also mainly based on cultivation. Therefore, in addition to the mage who guards the darts of all things, few mages pay close attention to what happened outside World.

Ancient One mage indifferently said: “Half an hour ago. Similar to the last time in New York, a hole in the city of London broke through, multi-bounded celestial bodies gathered, and other alien aliens from World came to Earth.”

“It turned out to be the case.”

Lance daggers, touches his chin, and has new doubts. “Why are they in the mirror space? Are you pulling them in?”

Master One Master was silent and did not respond.

When Lance was surprised, he felt the whole building… No, it should be that the entire London city, mirroring World, was shaking in the earthquake.

“what is that?”

Lance quickly looked at the source of the earthquake, that is, six hundred meters. The building was like a chess piece, manipulated by invisible big hands, and the central city of London was arbitrarily changed.

A skyscraper is like a domino, following some rules, dumping down hong long long. Then it is like meat grinder, constantly flipping on the ground.


The generals of the dead blade clasped the sickle with both hands, and the body twisted at a rapid speed to form a small tornado, which broke out from the bottom of the building with the body wall and raised countless gravel dust.

The generals of the dead blade have not yet found the position of Kyle in the high place. Another building, such as a bulldozer, crushes it toward it, making the generals of the dead blade vomiting blood, but they have always been on the cotton ball.

Several hundred meters above the sky.

Kyle stood on the floating platform of the French-printed decoration, looking down coldly and down, and the palms of the palms did not stop moving up and down, manipulating and changing the architectural space of the central city of London.

The building is a chessboard, and the heavens and the earth are all chessboards.

It must be said that the Master’s long-range combat mode is inexplicable, and that Kyle, who is good at melee, is like opening a new World gate.

“Is anyone coming in?”

Kyle manipulated the mirror space to the enemies of the enemy, and seemed to be stunned. His eyes swept over the distance of the hundred meters and fell to the Ancient One and Lance standing on the roof of the distant building.

“I don’t participate in the war, but instead bring a newcomer to the show… Ster Lance, I want to fight early.”

Kyle shook his head and regained his gaze.

“That is Mr. Kyle, is Mr. Kyle right?”

Lance looked towards Ancient One. After Nocient Nod, he thought thoughtfully: “Mr. Kyle actually has the magic of our Karma Taj. No wonder, last time he was in the hospital, he would ask that strange. Question. But why didn’t I listen to Modu, they mentioned Mr. Kyle, he is my Senior? Is the Senior Brother still a teacher?”

“No. Ster Lance, you are wrong.”

Master Ancient One looked at the silhouette of Kyle in the distance and gently shook his head: “General Kyle, he has not entered Kama Taj, and I have never taught him a spell.”

Stance Lance was surprised by the open mouth. “Then why he is a spell, so skilled.”

“Speaking of this, I have to say back to 70 years ago.”

Master Ancient One calmed down and fell into memories. “At the time, Mr. Kyle was a young general who was in the limelight. You have a Senior Brother who is sitting in the New York Temple. You want to test the power of General Kyle, so alone. Pull him into the mirror space.”

“And then?” Ster Lance asked curiously.

Ancient One Master said: “After half an hour, General Kyle took the sling from your Senior Brother and opened the portal of the mirror space and returned to the real world. Before that, General Kyle did not know that Earth had our guardian. The presence.”

“real or fake?!”

Lance was shocked. You know, he barely opened the portal and spent a full week, which is considered to be the best type of Kama Taj.

And from Mr. Kyle’s entry to the use of the portal, free access to the mirror space, only half an hour?

Who is the letter?

“Maybe it doesn’t take half an hour. After all, your Senior Brother also played with General Kyle.”

Master Ancient One said that it is not a heartfelt feeling, “Lance. You and I have to believe that World has a top genius. They are not only born, but as long as they have a look, they will be subtle and The rules are clear to the heart.”

“I have spent hundreds of years, continuously cultivated, and manipulate the realm of the mirror space, and it is no better than the current General Kyle.”

The ancient One Master has always had a calm face, and there is a faint expression of praise. This World can make her admire, probably only Kyle.

“This is the talent of top talent.”

Lance smiled bitterly, holding the fists tightly, and the only remaining arrogance was shattered. It felt that the genius himself and the clown were no different.

“I still have problems.”

Lance took a deep breath and said: “Ancient One Master, since Mr. Kyle is so talented, why not pull him into Kama Taj. If he is a guardian, he can…”

Before Lance’s words were finished, the Master One Master interrupted his words. “Impossible. General Kyle missed Kama Taj, and even if I give him an invitation, he will not join.”

“Ancient One Master.”

Lance looked at Ancient One and said: “Are you afraid? For hundreds of years, it has finally emerged. The only person who is beyond your knowledge. People often choose to escape from things that cannot be controlled and understood. “”

Master Ancient One trembled and his eyes ripple, no more to say.

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