I Am In Marvel

Chapter 489


The cursed warrior bowed his body, spilled blood, and flew straight back. He collapsed the art sculptures and street lamps in the central square, plowed a trench with a length of five ten meters on the road, and finally stunned his head in the ruins. By the wall.

A space of ripples quietly passed, the curse of the soldiers suddenly disappeared from the original, and I do not know where to be randomly sent.

“Resolve one first.”

Kyle is indifferent, peacefully retracting his right fist, and can strike the elite of the Dark Elf’s elite – cursed warrior, which is within his expectation.

After all, after the battle with Sol, the curse warrior has lost almost all of his physical strength, plus the early accumulation of double-star energy. No matter who is unable to control it, the energy impact of the same level as the infinite gems can not be overwhelmed.

“Wait. Malkes and Sol, where are the two of them going?”

Kyle looked up slightly and looked at the sky, and the pupil shrank in the next moment.

It was London’s original cloud-filled sky. At this time, there was a shocking tornado storm. The giant wind eye could see several strange World Caves. There were not many just eight, eight holes and wormholes stacked together.

“This is the real collection of celestial bodies.”

Kyle’s dignified eyes narrowed, and the golden urns swayed through the eyes of the wind, revealing the star-studded sacred gods, the wind and the dark world covered by the mist, the world of ice and snow, the glowing red Flame World. And Death World and so on without any signs of life.

The territorial region ruled by the domain of the gods is divided into nine circles. Each sector can be regarded as an independent world. There is a boundary wall. Normally, they do not invade each other.

Both Earth and the Galaxy Alliance belong to Human World, and it is also the most prosperous and civilized region in the Nine Realms.

For thousands of years, the domain has been dedicated to maintaining the balance of the nine worlds, and expelling ancient forces such as the Frost Giant and the Dark Elves, which intend to cross-border intrusion, from the territory of Human World.

It’s a pity that the nine worlds will be separated for a long time.

Thinking about this is far away, but from the speed of celestial convergence, Kyle got a very bad news.

The influence of the domain of the gods on the nine worlds is infinitely weakened, and the power of the gods is strong and weak, and it is still traced back to the origin of Odin.

“Father of the gods, Odin… Can’t you die?”

Kyle whispered to himself, the sky suddenly slammed the thunder, hong long long’s deafening, thunder and lightning straight into the sky.

Just say this sentence, the world is like a shudder!

On the other side, Dark World.

Sol suddenly emerged from the air, fell under the sand dunes, and continued to roll down the slope. He opened the right hand, constantly summoning the God of Thunder hammer, but also the God of Thunder hammer in Earth London, wanting to shuttle from one boundary to another, obviously still needs a certain delay time.

Sol rolled all the way to the bottom of the hill, and it finally stopped. He spit out the sand in his mouth and looked around all around, trying to find the silhouette of the cursed warrior.


A ripple stroking the side from the side, followed by a silhouette emerged from it, sharp horns, white skeleton armor, burly figure – not a curse warrior and who?

Sol sharply widened his eyes, clenched his hands into fists, and was preparing to face the battle. He saw the cursed warrior turn over and lie flat on the sand five meters away in a big character.

“Pretend to die?”

Sol raised his brows with doubts. When he stepped forward, he saw the cursed warrior blowing blood in his mouth and nose. The tenacious body of the upper body was covered with cracks, the chest was severely collapsed, and there was a small fist in the middle. Printed.

Seeing this scene, Sol’s doubts turned into a bitter smile. In a few seconds, he could fight the opponents that he could not solve in dozens of rounds, and he was put into this state of serious injury and half-depletion. Can’t find out how many.

“Kyle, how can I kill my opponent…”

Sol irritated his hair, and at this moment, he was flying over the hillside in front of him, a form fell from the ripple, and the roar came to the top of the sand dunes, and instantly lit up the gravel dust.


Sol quickly licked his mouth and nose, and after the dust had passed, he looked back at the hills.

It can be seen that Mallekes stood on the top of the mountain, wrapped around the etheric energy, and looked down on him with the cold look of Sen.

“Right, my opponent, you! Marekes!!”

Sol hit a shivered, letting the anger raging in the chest, the right hand slammed backwards, the five fingers just opened, and the God of Thunder hammer that didn’t know how far it was, finally flew back from the distance, the hammer The appearance is also slightly hot.

“It’s ridiculous, why can you beat me in the current state?”

Malekas sneered, raised his hands, and the scarlet of the scarlet drove the dust and formed an energy storm around him.

“Why? With this hammer I can afford, with my within the body flowing thunder!”

Sol’s electric eye is pressing, and he is determined to move forward. Under the grip of the God of Thunder hammer, the zi zi slamming the lightning bolt and the hammer, let others hammer… No, the human and electricity are one.

“Today, we only have one person to live here!”

The red cloak hunts and moves, like the supreme king, Sol is extremely domineering.

London, a messy central square.

Kyle hadn’t waited for Malkees to send it back. The sound of the engine came from behind the sky. Looking back, I saw the familiar iron man flying to the side at supersonic speed, leaving a trail of air waves behind the tail, and finally jingling. Landed on his side.

Kyle looked at each other, smiled and said: “Tony.”


The Iron Man opened the steel mask to reveal Tony’s scum-faced face. He looked around all around and asked inexplicably: “What is going on? I just flew into the suburbs of London and then inexplicably appeared in the London Underground. From the subway, it was transferred to London near Iron Pagoda, and it took a few places to come to you.”

“It’s hard to say a word. But you haven’t been sent to other Worlds, it’s good luck.”

Kyle shrugged and gestured to the top of his head. When Tony looked up and saw the strange scene of the celestial body gathering, he couldn’t help suck in a breath of cold air.

“The hole… won’t it be Loki again?” Tony first thought of Loki.

Kyle shook his head and said, “No. The nine worlds are connected together, even the Tesseract in the universe of his hands can’t do it.”

Tony swears: “So how do we block it?”

“There is only one way to wait – wait, wait for it to disappear.”

The words that Kyle responded to were very simple. The collection of celestial bodies, like the eclipse, is a mysterious scene of the formation of natural laws, and does not exist in the President period.

“So, let’s just be here!”

Tony has been looking at the hole in the space, but suddenly saw a mechanical spaceship like a donut, from one of the boundaries, to the end of the London London breakthrough.

Tony thought that he had read it wrong the first time. After blinking his eyes, he determined that things were not hallucinations and illusions.

Tony looked at the interstellar spaceship from the bottom of the hole, his face pale and pale, and the voice trembled: “The godfather, not wrong, is the spaceship of this style! And the last attack on us, take away Geluola and Luo Na is the same alien force!”

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