I Am In Marvel

Chapter 483

In the future, Captain America will be in a hurry and leave in a hurry. Although he has a lot of time to stay in the present time and space, he has no feelings and a sense of belonging to it.

This World, as long as there is a Captain America is enough.

With the concept of Caesar, the former Superman, Captain America used Pym particles to leave the current time and space before the dawn of the Divine, leaving Kyle with unlimited imagination and crisis.

First, I lost the etheric particles that I should have succeeded, that is, the real gems, and I learned the historical facts that the Avengers were defeated in the future, which allowed Kyle to continue the safe vacation.

“It seems that the things in the domain must be resolved as soon as possible, back to Earth, and there are many plans that need further implementation.”

In the palace of the Divine Realm assigned to himself, Kyle has not thought about it yet, and the door of the room is ringed by people outside.

“Who?” Despite feeling familiar, Kyle still moved to the door.

“Kyle, it’s me!” God of Thunder’s voice was a little anxious, as if looking for Kyle was in a hurry.

“come in.”

Kyle swinged his hand toward the door, and the gravitational pull immediately opened the door lock. The door just opened, and the door outside the hallway and the armor wearing the armor quickly walked in, not forgetting to close the door to violence.

“To say that you are Master, I am a guest. But still ask for a drink in the bar and calm down.”

Kyle’s fingers lifted gently, the bottle flew up automatically, filled the cup with wine, and then the cup was filled with foam and moved towards Sol.

Sol was also welcome, grabbed the glass, gu lu sipped a bite, and directly slammed on the table, the force was so great that even the glass of the glass was almost broken.

Kyle looked up at Sol and calmly said: “Let’s talk. One big morning, so anxious to find me, what’s the matter?”

Saul’s face was a bit ugly, saying: “Last night, the mother’s funeral was over, and the father sent the guard to catch Jane and held it in the mansion room deep in the Immortal Palace. The father said Jane with the body There are etheric particles, and the dark elves are directed at the etheric particles.”

“He thinks that he is right, at least, the ether particles can’t fall into the hands of the dark elves.”

Kyle gently daggers, Odinsol they still don’t know, at this time Jane’s with the body already has no ether particles, but it falls into the hands of Loki, the god of traitors.

In this regard, Kyle is naturally not clear.

Saul said: “I originally wanted you to take out the ether with the body, but the father did not agree. I asked for a proactive attack and attacked the dark elves, but the father refused without hesitation.”

“Saul, if you are old, you may make such a decision.”

Kyle smiles lightly, whether it is a person or a protoss, the older he is, the easier it is to lose his fighting spirit, lest he lose what he still has, and he will live more and more pedantic.

The king of the gods, Odin, is no exception.

If it was a thousand years ago, even a hundred years ago. Kyle believes that Odin will definitely bring all the holy forces, put aside all concerns, and directly into the heart of the dark elf’s planet, even if it is once again welcome to the bone suffer, but also to promote Asgard’s supreme reputation.

But now. Odin is old, heroic is no longer, the blood is getting cold, the fighting power is not there, and the power is gone.

Therefore, even if the dark elf was killed in the domain of the gods, even the queen was poisoned. Odin was thinking about the overall situation of the gods, but he did not dare to take the initiative.

Odin is right, he is just what Sol is like after he is old.

“No, even if I am old, I will never become a Messy Old Man like him!”

Sol coldly snorted, slightly raised his head, blonde hair, like an angry and mighty lion.

“Since King Odin is not willing to promise you, then you are coming to me now, what do you want to do?”

Kyle looked at Sol with a look at everything, a meaningful way.

Sol took a deep breath, and the words were not astonishing and straightforward: “I want to leave Jane with Jane. Not only that, but I also go to the Dark Elf Territory to avenge the dead mother!”

This sentence, on behalf of Sol, is going to violate Odin’s orders and madly test on the edge of the defiant domain.

But Sol’s bold thoughts coincided with what Kyle thought.

In the unilateral defense of the domain, waiting for the dark elves to come to the door, this is a waste of time.

Instead of defending, it is better to take the initiative to attack and kill the dark elves. This is the simplest and most rude solution.

“It’s not enough to rely on the strength of me alone, so I need your help, Kyle!”

Sol looked at Kyle with a sincere look, and waited for his reply with a slight sigh. Without the power of Kyle, I am afraid that he will carry Jane, and even the door of the gods will not go out.

“Saul, you are risking me to betray the domain!” Kyle smiled.

“Yes, I know.” Sol clenched his fists and promised: “As long as you help me this time, what happened in the future, even though, God of Thunder Sol will definitely do it for you!”

“This is what you said.” Kyle’s eyes are slightly bright.

“Yes, I said Sol!”

Looking at the swearing Sol, Kyle sighed and shrugged: “Well, that’s okay. Anyway, I didn’t have any loyalty to God, nor betrayed. Now tell me about your plan.”

“That’s great!”

Sol was overjoyed and coughed and began to talk about his own plan. “I am ready…”

After half an hour.

The main hall of Immortal Palace.

Odin is turning the scepter to the hall. He hasn’t been on the throne yet. There is a guard outside the main hall. He rushes into the hall with an anxious face. The loud voice of the mouth is reported:

“Country, King! God of Thunder Solang broke into the depths of Immortal Palace, forcibly took away the human woman, fled with the dark elf spaceship we collected, and fled towards Rainbow Bridge!”


Odin brows frowned, the left hand forcedly grasped the scepter, did not think too much, the face with an angry command said: “Fast! Go to inform the guardian Kyle, let him stop Sol’s spaceship! Do not let him leave the gods half a step !”

“King.” The guard almost cried and continued, “The guardian, he is also on the spaceship!”

“What do you say?!” Odin couldn’t help anymore. The scepter slammed on the floor, making a dull and loud noise, and scared the guards who came to report.

Gold outside the Immortal Palace.

A T-shaped black spaceship is flying away, inside the spaceship, Wisdom is connected to the cockpit for unmanned driving.

Sol and Jane held their hands and sat in the back row. Kyle, sitting in the front row, turned back and moved towards Sol. He asked: “What is your plan… is this?”

“Not bad.” Sol did not have a self-knowledge about his plan.

This is a sub-plan, and it will be all the way to the end.

Kyle shook his head, and at this moment, the battleship spaceship trembled fiercely, and the words of Wiss came urgently. “Master. The defensive system of the gods started, and wanted to shoot down the spaceship!”

“The father is angry.”

Sol muttered to himself, holding his soft hand in his left hand, and the right hand clung to the God of Thunder hammer that Steve sneaked back in the future, but his eyes became more and more firm. “There is no turning back!”

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