I Am In Marvel

Chapter 478

Large-scale wars are on the verge of exploding.

The black battleship was inexhaustible from the Rainbow Bridge portal, and the protection system of the Imamtal Palace of the Divine Realm was launched, and the bombardment of each other resounded in every corner of the Asgard territory.

The bombarded black battleship in the sky turned into an ash, and the day of the morning star was smudged into gray, and the wreck of the battleship fell into the residential area below, attracting countless Asgard inhabitants. Escape everywhere.

The Dark Elves are not ordinary combat races. They have cutting-edge technology, good personal evolution, and experience with the Asgard Protoss for many years. So this time, not afraid of the sudden raid, almost instantaneous swords Immortal Palace as the domain of the gods.


Some Asgard residents looked up in horror and saw a T-shaped black battleship, which was flexible and avoided the bombardment of the gods. It was interspersed in the magnificent gold building and quickly broke through to the Immortal Palace area. .

Black battleship Just entered the front area of ​​Immortal Palace, at this moment, a dazzling silhouette flies from below, like a small sun rising from the horizon, rays of light, strong pressure, moved Towards that black battleship accelerates to fly.

“what is that?”

Not only did the Dark Elves hold on, but even the native Asgard residents were equally stunned.


The speed is too fast, even if it is faster than the light cannon!

Only in the blink of an eye, this time the black battleship did not have time to do evasion or defense, the silhouette of the silhouette of the silhouette has formed a light arrow, just from the bottom of the battleship, from the top of the battleship, the battleship layer The thick metal protective casing is as fragile as tofu paper.

In half a second, the battleship turned into a smoky Fireball, roaring into the lake beside the Immortal Palace in the gods, and screaming in the sky.


The golden cockroach with cold light lifted up, and Kyle smashed two powerful light cannons with his fists. In the next moment, the sky above his head seemed to be penetrated by the light cannon. The empty area showed the outline of the battleship, and the uncontrollable downhill forced down, but the two black battleships in stealth lurking mode.

have to say.

The Dark Elves’ super battleship has been able to cross the Rainbow Bridge portal and smash the partial protection system of the Divine.

Pity. No matter how invisible camouflage the battleship is, when it passes over its head, the resulting flow of airflow is too obvious for the double-star form of Kyle.

Kyle turned into a colorful streamer. With a comet-like tail flame, it shuttles back and forth in the area in front of the Immortal Palace. His simple ordinary punch is a light cannon that condenses space energy. The battleship, which is enough to dominate the starry sky, is as weak as a toy in his hands.

“That is the guardian of the gods, good, strong!”

“He is really human? This is too outrageous.”

Many Asgard residents were stunned and looked at the sky, and they hovered over the sky for more than three rounds. One person’s power surpassed the thousands of holy human Kyle.

before this.

Although Odin personally enrolled Kyle as the guardian, many Asgard residents still questioned Kyle. After all, in the old concept of consciousness, human beings are uncultivated and low-class civilized races.

After today’s battle, I believe that the gods up and down, no one will question the strength of Kyle!

Because compared to the invincible Kyle, they are undoubtedly more like mortals.

The flames are burning and rising on the surface. Kyle is suspended at a height of 100 meters. He does not know how many black battleships are destroyed. However, the enemy fighters not only have no signs of sharp decline, but more and more.

Kyle’s cold look towards the direction of the Rainbow Bridge, the black battleship group, the bee-like hustle and bustle, still mad at the movie towards Immortal Palace.

The civilized forces he had encountered before.

The new star knows how to talk about peace and civilization. The Kerry star knows how to fear and retreat. The current dark elf is like a group of mad dogs. It has a crazy terrifying obsession, as if even the whole family clansman and civilization are used as cannon fodder, but also unscrupulous. mission complete.

The effect is undoubtedly remarkable.

Even if the Immortal Palace is fully protected, Kyle is strongly blocked, and many black fighters enter the Immortal Palace area. The Dark Elves have been fighting with the Protoss guards in the palace, smoke, shouting, and slaughter over the Immortal Palace.

“If you can’t stop them, you must re-close the Rainbow Bridge portal and isolate their reinforcements and back roads. As for the enemy forces inside, they can only be handed over to the gods clansman for cleaning-“

Kyle thought of this, without hesitation, directly speeding up the flight, against the opposite direction of the black battleship, moving away to the Rainbow Bridge portal.

All the way up.

The black battleship that Kyle encountered on the way, as long as it is no more than a hundred meters away from him, under the baptism of the boxing light cannon, all the explosions one after another, like a fierce fireworks in full bloom in the last days.

‘tread! ‘

Kyle landed on the undamaged Rainbow Bridge, looking around, when he saw no one in the building, he couldn’t help but sing: “Heimdall, are you there?”


“Yes, here!”

When Kyle shouted the second sound, the hands of a long sword stood out in the rough waters of the Rainbow Bridge, followed by Heimdall’s dark head.

Kyle fished Heimdall.

Heimdall was wet, holding the holy sword in his hands and half-squatting on the Rainbow Bridge. He was covered with bloodshot eyes, looking at the black battleship group that was plunging into the gods from the cliffs at the end of the Rainbow Bridge. “Kyle, guardian, I have to restart the Rainbow Bridge portal to close the passage into and out of the gods.”

“What do I need to do?” Kyle asked.

“First think of ways to stop the battleship group.”

Heimdall spit out this sentence, carrying the holy sword, and ran to the end of the Rainbow Bridge.

“This is simple.”

Kyle took a deep breath, and the five fingers clenched into a fist, and the double-star energy surged. Under the cover of the flame, the gap of the cliff of the gods rushed away.

It is difficult to block the gaps of the cliffs with a length and width of several tens of kilometers.

Kyle waved his left hand, but he pulled out a bio card. “The venom, hasn’t come out for a long time?”

“Long wait, my master.”

After the biocard summon is formed into a solid body, a group of linear viscous organisms can’t wait to stick to the Kyle body surface and fail to enter the body.

After the venom symbiosis, Kyle’s breath changed dramatically, and the body muscles did not bloated. The original divine colorful star energy turned into an evil black flame.

In the form of Vulcan, the venom of fear of fire cannot coexist with it, and the form of double star is different. The energy is more polarized and the space system should be able to make the venom temporarily symbiotic with it…

Within a few seconds of this symbiosis.

Kyle inexplicably raised his palm, and he felt his strength, or energy, at this moment, unprecedentedly powerful!

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