I Am In Marvel

Chapter 475

Divine, Immortal Palace hall.

The glorious main hall of the golden building was silent, only Odin on the throne of the throne, and Kyle in the hall, the two men talked peacefully.

“So, what is the second thing you are referring to?” Kyle asked.

“The second thing…”

Odin’s expression is complex, recalling: “This matter has to be said a thousand years ago. The universe was a thousand years ago. There was an evil race called ‘Dark Elves’. They fell into our universe. Endless darkness, so I tried to control an ancient weapon that would destroy everything.”

“Ancient weapon? What is that?”

Kyle immediately became curious, and as of now, Marvel World has personally experienced it.

The weapons that have strong power in rumors are nothing more than Divine Artifacts that have been handed down from ancient races, such as the God of Thunder hammer, the Fire of Eternal, etc., and the well-known infinite gems.

As if to verify Kyle’s guess, Odin said slowly: “The ancient weapon… is called ‘Ether Particles’.”

Ether particles?

That’s right!

Kyle’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and the six infinite gems containing the power of the universe have the only gems that are not in the form of gems.

Ether particles, also known as ‘realistic gems’.

The legend has a powerful gem that turns all fantasy into reality and turns reality into nothingness.

In a very peaceful tone, Odin spoke of the mythological history of those years. “Before the most brutal dark elf, Malkes, before the use of the etheric particles, I destroyed the plan with the Holy Land Holy Army. It was a The fierce battle of the two sides suffer, the final dark elf Legion retreats, we took the etheric particles in a tragic victory, and kept the light and peace of the nine worlds.”

“What about the ether particles?” Kyle caught the point.

Odin raised his head slightly, pondered then said: “I originally wanted to destroy the etheric particles, lest it continue to harm the universe, but unfortunately it has too much energy, even if I can’t destroy it. So I can only bury the ether too deeply. At the bottom of the earth, I hope it will not appear in the universe again.”

Kyle’s face became more and more confused. He looked at Odin and said: “Since you don’t want the etheric particles to appear, why are you mentioning it now, and specifically telling me? This thing, the less people should know, the better. ?”

“Yeah. But everything can’t be as I wish, even if I am a god.”

Odin said with a sigh, “I was aware of the side leakage of the underground seal a few days ago. I am afraid that the ether particles will reappear. As for telling you, it is because the place where the ether particles appear, it is yours.” Where is Earth.”

Ether particles, appeared in Earth?

Kyle’s heart trembled and his heart was calm, and he couldn’t help but get excited.

There are already three infinite gems in his hand. The more gems he has, the more powerful his capital and foundation. If you can collect six infinite gems in advance, why bother with Thanos?

Previously, Kyle had been worried that there was no clue to the two gems except the time gems in Ancient One.

Unexpectedly, the real gem will be born, and the door-to-door will appear at Earth.

“I understand.”

Kyle suddenly realized and looked at Odin: “You want me to solve the problem of etheric particles.”

Odin nodded, “Yes, you are the guardian of the domain and the guardian of Earth. It is the best thing for you to do.”

“No.” Kyle narrowed his eyes and touched his chin, questioning: “There is one person who should be better suited than me – why don’t you give priority to Sol?”

Auding silent for a moment, explained: “Saul, he is about to enshrine in the gods, not suitable for running to Earth. And, Sol is flowing with the god king bloodline, and the mortal woman called ‘Jane’… …”

“The last sentence is the main reason why you don’t let Sol go.”

Kyle smiled lightly, but he was not interested in the family affairs of the Shenming family. He did not want to interfere too much. He skipped the topic: “The problem of the ether particle is handed over to me, but I have a condition!”


Step out from the Immortal Palace hall.

Kyle’s mouth rose slightly. This time he came to the Immortal Palace in the Divine, not only got the whereabouts of the real gem, but Odin also promised to choose Divine Artifact forging materials including World Tree Branch and Ulu Metal after he completed the task. It can be said that it is a double arrow in the true sense.

But Odin also has conditions, that is, do not want Sol to know about it.


Kyle whispered softly, clenching his hands into fists. With the dazzling flow of the double-star form energy, he turned into a stream of light and left the Immortal Palace to return to the Rainbow Bridge building at the portal of the gods.

Less than a second.

Kyle crossed the distance of a few kilometers to the Rainbow Bridge where Heimdall was on duty.

Heimdall stood on the central platform, holding the silver sacred sword as the key to the Rainbow Bridge, and opened the glittering scorpion looked towards Kyle, “Guardian.”

“Send me back.” Kyle fast track.

“it is good.”

Heimdall held the silver scepter in both hands and inserted it into the groove of the Rainbow Bridge platform. When he was about to open the Rainbow Portal to Earth, he suddenly frowned. “Someone is coming back from the battlefield.”

In accordance with his words, Heimdall started the Rainbow Bridge, and under the rotation of a rainbow rays of light, a tall and burly silhouette emerged in the hall.

Frenzy blonde and arrogant, rough and handsome face, wearing a mighty silver-red cloak, holding a God of Thunder hammer with Thunder power, the person who appears in front of him is not God of Thunder .

“Odin, still can’t get away…”

In the original place, Kyle was helpless, and when he returned to the domain of Sol, he saw Kyle, and he was very surprised to catch up. Laughed heartily opened his hands. “Kyle! My friend, long time no see!”

“Yes, I haven’t seen you for a few years, and you are strong.”

Kyle also smiled and responded with his bear.

After chilling each other.

Solla looked at Kyle in confusion and said: “You are back to Earth, how come you go to the gods, and let Heimdall not let me know.”

Kyle didn’t respond at all, and Heimdall said, “It’s your Majesty’s deliberate summoning of the Guardian of the Divine.”


Sol raised his brow and didn’t think much. Naturally, he put on Kyle’s shoulder and suggested: “You come just right, don’t go back so soon, and join the celebration party tonight! I invite you to taste the wine of our domain!”

Kyle decisively refused: “Good is good, but there is something at home, you need to go back and deal with it. Waiting for the next time, I will come to the domain to find you.”

“Well, I will keep it for you, good wine.” Sol was heartily.


Kyle was sighing, and Heimdall on the high platform suddenly said: “Saul, the human woman you looked after, disappeared on Earth.”

Sol Pupils shrank, moving his hand away from Kyle’s shoulder, anxiously asked: “Jane, what happened?”

Heimdall shook his head, said solemnly: “I don’t know too well. She was originally in the London city of Earth and suddenly got out of my sight.”


Sol hesitated, still determined: “Open the door, Heimdall, I am going to London in Earth!”

“Yes!” Heimdall daggered his head and moved to Kyle. “The guardian is not going back to Earth, just.”

“Yeah, just.”

Kyle smiled and didn’t know what to say.

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