I Am In Marvel

Chapter 466

Lance is a neurosurgeon who saves the wounded.

Yes, save the dead and help, even he himself thinks so.

Although he is only in his thirties, the doctor has only had a decade of inauguration. He can talk about neurosurgery alone. Stance Lance can confidently say that if he is only second in New York, there is no surgeon who dares to call New York first.

Lance is undoubtedly a superior and conceited genius. Ten years ago, he not only used the neurosurgical technique to become famous in the medical field, but also got a lot of shares in the surgical hospital. He became a young and talented surgeon. Shareholders.

Now, Lance doesn’t care about the cost of medical care. He only cares about the next patient who is suffering from the disease. Is there any surgical incurable disease that other doctors can’t break, and then challenge the patient with extraordinary neuro-healing techniques? .

This morning.

Lance drove one of his cars, the Chevrolet A8, and drove past the main road to the private surgical hospital in downtown New York to prepare the surgeon’s daily work.

Just at the main entrance of the surgical hospital, Ster Lance accidentally found that the front of the hospital was full of media personnel, so many local police came to maintain the order with the hospital’s guards and stopped wanting to enter the hospital. Media reporter in the building.

“In addition to the patients living in the hospital, or the Guan Family, and the hospital nurses, the rest of the staff are not allowed to enter the hospital building!” The guard, Captain, wiped the sweat on his face, holding a loudspeaker in his hand, moved towards The crowd shouted loudly.

A group of media personnel glimpsed, and then shouted more hard:

“I am a patient! Let me go to the emergency department!”

“I am sick! I am sick too!”

Stance Lance drilled into the crowd, and the guard, Captain, recognized him and hurriedly pulled Stance from the crowd.

“Philip Captain, these media, what is the matter?” Stance Lance asked.

“Mr. Lance, you know when you go in.” The guard, Captain, smirked at Lance, and then continued to work hard against the media reporters, so as not to let them go to disturb the rest of the sick.

Lance can only go to the hospital building with his doubts, and then he came to the reception hall on the first floor. His female colleague, Dr. Kristen Palmer, stepped forward, d拽ng dēng dēng Walking his arm toward the elevator, “Come with me, the dean and the chairman are waiting for you!”

Stance Lance followed the run and couldn’t help but ask: “What happened to the doctor inside the hospital, wouldn’t it be a major medical problem? So anxious, it’s not like you.”

“Our hospital was acquired! Can you not worry?” Christine was not angry.

“What are you talking about?” Ster Lance stunned.

In the employee-only elevator that rises to the high-level conference hall.

Lance’s face is tight, calm thinking, whispered: “No! Even if the hospital is acquired, according to the treaty, it should also convene a general meeting of shareholders, and gradually make a voting decision. After all, this is a major event.”

Christine shrugged and said: “Because of the identity of the acquirer, and the price given, the major shareholder did not reject the truth, so he agreed to make his own claim. Now the other person, the dean, the shareholders, I am signing a contract in the conference room. The dean asks me to wait for you downstairs. When you arrive, you will be taken directly to the conference hall.”

“How do we say that our hospital can also be ranked in the top three in New York City, and it is only one after another private surgical hospital! Actually so sloppy… What is the other party?” How can Lance calmly think about it? There is no complete answer.

“I just said that I am not calm enough. You don’t know when you go to the conference hall.” Christine sold a pass and said with a sigh of relief: “If you let me describe it, the other party is… the ceiling.”

ceiling? What is this adjective?

Lance’s own genius is arrogant, so that he can not help but think of the other side.

When Christine rushed to the conference hall corridor with Lance, the door of the conference hall suddenly opened, the old hospital president walked in the forefront, and there were more than a dozen shareholder directors, all of whom were bent and bent. Stars and moons surround a man and a woman.

“Christine, what the other person you said, is it…”

Lance paused and stopped, and opened his mouth. Even if there were no people surrounded by the foil, the man and the woman were equally eye-catching. The young and handsome man, the elegant woman, the two could not move their eyes when they walked together.

Peace symbol Kyle Karl, chairman of the non-natural office, Yuki Kar.

Is this not the ceiling?

A ceiling that represents all industries, achievements, money, and rights, etc.!

The hospital dean apparently saw Stance Lance, and quickly stepped forward and pulled him whispered: “Scott Lance, you are too slow, the contract has been signed, and you can make up a signature.” ”

Not responding to Stance Lance, the old dean took Lance and turned to Kyle and Yu Yan, introduced: “Mr. Kyle, Miss Yu Yu, this is the most outstanding neurosurgeon in our hospital – Stevens Lance is also one of the hospital’s shareholders.”


Kyle faintly smiled, wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt on his upper body and a pair of slacks on his lower body. The tall and strong perfect body, gentle and calm domineering temperament, let the shareholders who are on the side of the beer belly consciously maintain a certain distance.

To know.

The symbol of peace, Kyle, is a demon killing in World War II. The status is now high and outrageous. Even if his own performance is easygoing, no one dares to really follow it.

Just what the people on the field didn’t expect was that Kyle suddenly stepped forward, and Lance took the left hand. “St. Lance is it? Hello.”

Not only did the others stunned, but Lance also stunned. Fortunately, Christine pushed him, and Lance was flattered and held up with Kyle.

In the face of the living legends of New York, what genius, what conceit, all are gone.

Because the other party is the most genius.

“Stance Lance, you are a surgeon.”

Kyle looked at Lance calmly, didn’t let go, but whispered softly: “Do you believe in ghosts, or is it the soul?”

Lance did not expect the peace symbol to take the initiative to shake hands, but did not expect that he would suddenly ask such a question.

Lance was not silent for a moment, and finally determined his inner thoughts, took a deep breath, and shook his head: “I am a materialist, only believe in science, and knowledge. How can the so-called spells and souls save those serious problems? patient?”

“Stance Lance!” The old dean was in a hurry, for fear that Ster Lance accidentally hit Kyle.

Kyle didn’t have any dissatisfaction, his mouth was gently raised, his hand patted Lance’s shoulder, said with a slight smile: “Excessively believe in science, why not superstition? Dr. Lance, I hope we will meet you next time. I can say the same answer.”

Finish this sentence.

Kyle didn’t stop again, leaving the rain with the secretary’s dress, leaving Stance Lance standing still.

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