I Am In Marvel

Chapter 463

The Starry Quay entire group was handed over to Fury to arrange temporary accommodation and identity issues. Tony returned with a father to the Stark Industries villa, and Kyle returned to Lucy, Rogan and the others to return to the Carl family in New York. Ministry, the unnatural office headquarters building.

Things inside and outside of Earth have come to an end, and now it is time to choose to go back to each family.

Kyle and the others did not intend to close the return message. They all took the vehicles provided by the SHIELD agents and formed a fleet of cars, leaving the SHIELD headquarters.

SHIELD Director Fury is even more eager to use the return of Kyle and Tony as a grand peace propaganda to eliminate the shadows and worries of the people in the New York war.


Almost Kyle entire group just returned to Earth, only half an hour later, in the current multimedia explosion of information explosion, almost all people in New York know, peace symbol Kyle, and the return of super popular hero Iron Man.

Then, the whole city is sensational!

this day.

The companies that settled in New York have not been connected in series. After just knowing the return of Kyle, all the companies will agree to announce the temporary holiday today, in order to celebrate the return of the symbol of peace.

New York’s Central Broadcasting and advertising media in various streets, playing the commemorative songs of the roaring commando, the exaggerated tunes and notes, flowing in every corner of the streets of New York, the statue of peace symbolizing the sword standing everywhere in the street, as if The general momentum of life is compelling.

In such a pleasant atmosphere as a major holiday, from the 80-year-old to the eight-year-old, people wearing the demon card T-shirts related to Kyle, marched into the streets with great enthusiasm cheer:

“Welcome the peace symbol to go home!”

Perhaps even SHIELD far underestimated Kyle’s influence and the meaning of his existence.

The constant accumulation and deification of personality charm has made Kyle out of the framework of superheroes. He is more like a timeless Guardian God. The belief of the people in the hearts of the general public, this aura has never been achieved in the past. the height of

The lively atmosphere of the streets in New York City is no less than Christmas. The media personnel from all over the country flew to New York on the same day and blocked the entrance of the non-natural office. I wanted to get even a glimpse of Kyle’s own interview. opportunity.

The rain was prepared early, and it was announced in advance that the non-natural office was suspended for three days, prohibiting people outside the Carl family from entering the building. And also sent the non-natural office, the only news leader, that is, the Dark Lord Eddie, on behalf of the non-natural office and the major media to deal with.

Eddie apparently had a big head. Standing alone at the door, the camera and the voice around him, long spear pointed at him like a short gun, and the avid media reporter was like a flood of water, to drown him completely.

In this day.

For the first time, Eddie, a media professional, felt resentful to media reporters.

Non-natural office building, top floor meeting room.

The rain in a black long skirt and Lucy in a white long skirt, both of them have beautiful and exquisite appearances, and the styles of the East and the West are far apart. At this time, the relatives are holding hands and sitting together, whispering It’s up.

At the end of the Second World War, Yu Yu was still a small loli that had not grown up. Lucy was already the mother of the Steward family. And half a century later, Yu Yu seems to be a charming and sexy beauty, Lucy still retains the innocence and purity of the original girl, it is like the role of the exchange.

before this.

Kyle was still a little embarrassed. For the gathering of Yu Yu and Lucy, I didn’t expect their relationship to be very harmonious, like a sister who was very brotherly.

“The Carl family has worked hard for you. At the beginning, I did a shopkeeper and pushed all the work that I should have done to you.”

Lucy held the hand of Yu Yu lightly, full of apologies.

“I didn’t feel tired.” Rain faintly smiled, lips lightly, said: “If there is no work of the Carl family, I am afraid I will follow you on the road, go out to find the boss.”

“Yeah. But no matter what, our family is finally reunited.” Lucy was happy.

Kyle was lightly nodded, looking at the hall, Lucy, Yu Yu, and Rogan.

Isn’t this the size of the Carl family when it was first established? Not more than one person, not bad one, everything is just right, just worse than 70 years!

“Everything, finally returned to the original.” Kyle whispered.

“Right, boss.” Rain seems to think of something, beautiful eyes looking at Kyle, the beautiful face is slightly dignified, said: “About Caesar, and the last New York war, I must first tell you.”

“Well, let’s listen.”

Kyle promised that he had just returned to Earth, including Fury and Steve, and many people have already mentioned the New York war. He also wants to know what Marvel World will be affected by his own, what will happen to the current version of the New York War.

In the next ten minutes.

Yu Yu took the Tesseract from the evil god Loki to New York City, used the spiritual scepter to control Hawkeye, and finally the Avengers defeated the alien Legion, and Loki fled Earth with the cosmic the Tesseract, and the whole process was thoroughly described.

“After that battle, there were many strange things happening.”

Yu Yu said here, the faint silver light of Blink, obviously not yet clear, is accompanied by a series of things caused by the New York war.

“Oh, what a strange thing?”

Kyle was slightly curious, which also caused the curiosity of Lucy and Rogan.

Yu Yu dipped: “When members of the Avengers and SHIELD came to the lobby on the first floor with Loki and the Tesseract of the universe, when the handover was transferred, there was a sudden riot in the lobby on the first floor, and there was an unidentified man disguised as a SHIELD agent. The chaos wants to take away the Tesseract of the universe, causing the Tesseract to fall to Loki’s feet. It is for this reason that Loki can successfully escape Earth with the Tesseract.”

Kyle was surprised to ask: “Unknown men? At SHIELD headquarters, there are monitoring records. Didn’t you find him?”

You know, that’s the SHIELD building, and there were a lot of Avengers on the field!

Under the eyes of the major heroes?

Yu Yan shook his head and said: “No, after the man fled the headquarters, the mystery disappeared completely. Don’t say SHIELD, even our Carl family can’t find it.”

“What else?” Kyle was interested.

The rain continued: “The second strange thing. Steve Captain was in the ruins near the headquarters building, and met a person who was exactly the same as him. At first, Steve Captain thought that the man was a lost Loki. Changed, so the two also played one.”

“There is such a thing?” Rogan exclaimed.

Rainy nodded: “The boss’s avatar Caesar, after being stunned by Steve Captain, disappeared from New York with the person disguised as Captain. The world evaporates and can’t find any trace.”

Kyle is silent and thinking.

It’s no coincidence that the strange things are connected one after another.

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