I Am In Marvel

Chapter 457

Inside the Hydra military fort, outside the commander’s office.

Hung Hom Schmidt, a German officer’s costume, is standing next to the armrests on the third floor of the fortress building, overlooking the luxurious mechanical factory below, as well as the armed Hydra guards, and the corners of his mouth are not uplifted to create a confident smile.

With the Tesseract in the universe, the Hydra guards will soon be able to fully arm the infinite energy equipment. In this World War II battlefield, no army and forces can stop his attack, I believe that World will soon surrender to the foot. .

Schmidt smiled and wanted to turn and return to the command room. But at this time, outside the fortress building, there was a loud noise like a thunder, and the tremor of the fortress building was slightly shaken.


Sudden changes, so that Hung Hom Schmidt stunned the whole person, seeing the Hydra guards below began to rush outside the door, the fortress outside seems to cause a commotion, the alarm sounds whistling in all corners The sound of it.

“What happened?” Schmidt looked majestic and calm, and cast a gloomy gaze on an officer standing behind him.

The officer who served as the chief in charge of the current military fortress, at this time, his face was full of horror, his forehead was sweating, his sweat was wet and he was shaking his head, and he shook his head and said: “I don’t know, sir!”

“That’s not going out to see?!” Schmidt’s eyes were cold, and even the murderous heart was there.

“Yes, I am going to pass!”

Responsible for the military officer to fight a military ceremony, support the military cap, rushed out to run.

Hung Hom Schmidt frowned deeply, turned back to the commander’s room, and closed the iron gate. He thought about it, and opened the dark layer hidden inside the wall, and the Tesseract, which was resting on a square inside, glowed with a magical blue luster.

Fortunately, as long as the universe of the Tesseract is in hand, it doesn’t matter much if anything happens.

Schmidt extended the gloved left hand and took the Tesseract from the dark layer into a suitcase just in case. He sat in the chair of the commander’s room, opened multiple communication channels, and pulled out the pistol from his waist, waiting quietly for the soldiers to send the message outside.

The first floor of the military fortress building.

Most of the nine Viper members heard the commotion outside, and they all rushed out. Only a Hydra guard guarded and walked in the opposite direction, groping in the dark to sneak into the military fort.

“Captain, there is really a set of camouflage lurking, I learned.”

On the shoulder of the Hydra guard, there was a small man like a ant, whispered.

“After all, I just made a name for myself in that year.” The man disguised as a Hydra guard, also known as Captain America Steve, whispered.

Taking advantage of the turmoil and big claus that was triggered outside, Steve, with a narrow Scott, successfully stunned a Hydra guard and sneaked into the interior of the fortress building.

Scott curiously asked: “You said Hung Hom, is he really like a beggar?”

“Because of the super soldier’s potion injected with 5%, it has been ruined by a layer of skin, but now he should wear a pair of skins, so it is not so easy to recognize.”

Steve lowered his voice and walked on the upstairs corridor, looking around and looking for the silhouette of Hung Hom Schmidt.

“Wow, that’s really scary.”

Scott is still a tourist-like gossip, without a little sneak and camouflage consciousness, as a body-stretching ant, there is absolutely no need for this. After all, it becomes the size of an ant. Unless attention is concentrated, no one will see him even before standing in front of him.

“Tony is right, you are a bit more.”

Steve sighed helplessly. On the first floor, he didn’t see the silhouette of the red dragonfly. He walked to the second floor. It happened that at this time, it was terrible to encounter a team, the Hydra that went down the stairs from the second floor. Guard the team.

Scott didn’t dare to speak when he saw it, hiding in the gap between Steve’s hood.

The predecessor of Steve’s heart was calm, did not show the slight one’s head out of fear, but naturally went on the stairs.

The Hydra team and Steve, each other on the stairs, met each other.

“You.” The leader’s guards stopped and looked at Steve. They all looked at each other’s faces because they were wearing protective hoods. But the height of Steve’s tall stalwart is still relatively rare. Immediately caught his attention.

“It was.”

Scott, who was hiding in Steve, noticed that he was exposed to the crisis and couldn’t help sweating Steve. He was ready to fight in this encounter, only listening to Steve’s serious statement. In a word:

“Long live the Hydra!”

Steve’s tone is calm and calm, very appealing, and really like a warrior who is loyal to the Hydra. At this time, even if Hung Hom Schmidt was present, it is estimated that he is not a sneak.

“Long live the Hydra.”

The leader guard was satisfied with the dagger, and Steve docked the slogan and then took the team downstairs.

Steve sighed softly, and escaped as a rush. He walked upstairs without hesitation.

“Captain. You are amazing!”

Scott’s stunned stunned, what is acting, this is acting!


Steve smiled and felt like he was in the middle of it, always shouting the internal slogan of the Hydra.

“I can’t learn, I can’t learn this!” Scott shook his head and gave a thumb to Steve. He said, “What Oscars should give you, Captain.”

The two continued to sneak into the upper level.

At this time, outside the military fort.

Hundreds of thousands of Hydra guards are on the ground, flies like everywhere, obviously can not see the silhouette of any enemy, but a small missile but drops from the sky, one after another bombing to make the Hydra guard Unspeakable.

The military fortress is high above the kilometer.

Iron Man wearing a new type of retractable Mark armor, with a triangular rectangular light on his chest, small missiles placed on the left and right shoulders continue to carry out carpet bombing on the ground below.

This height is armed with the current guard of the Hydra, not to mention the attack, even the observation and investigation is difficult to do, it is completely the fish that they are slaughtered.

Caesar put his hands in his pockets and suspended nothing while doing nothing. 趁Tony is still trying to unfold a new round of bombing. Caesar can’t help dialing the communicator. “Steve, what’s the situation on your side?”

“I haven’t found Hung Hom Schmidt yet. I should still stay in it and don’t come out. I will trouble you to increase the strength.” Steve Hui reported.

“Do you want to increase your strength?”

Caesar looked at Iron Man, suddenly thought of something, and quickly flew to the mountains next to it.

But after a while.

Tony just smashed the loader that consumed the small missile, heard the squeaking noise behind him, looked back at the strange, and looked at the things in front of him, his exaggerated mouth wide open.

It can be seen that under the cover of the night, a small mountain humming is floating, near the height of the kilometer, and the small silhouette of the mountain below, not who is Caesar?

Tony groaned for a long time and finally spit out, “Little godfather, are you making a rock?”

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